Chpt. 4: Trust and Accept My Fate

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"A . . . Astrid?" A male voice said from behind me. It's clear to me that he's hesitating. I immediately turned around, only to see the same boy I see from the lagoon earlier.

Now that I saw him up close, I can tell he's really handsome. He had slightly pale skin, auburn brown hair and emerald green eyes that if you look at it, you'll be lost. He's wearing the same thing he wore when I saw him at the lagoon which is a bit strange since his outfit seems to be the same outfit of the time of vikings. Beside him are two female and male adult, who looked like a married couple.

"Who are you?" I asked in half confused and full cautious. I wouldn't know, maybe they're bad guys. I have to be alert and be ready.

"Y-you don't remember us?" The boy asked with full sadness which cause me to look at him with guilt. I'm sorry but I don't know nor remember him.

"No!" I shouted which surprised the three of them. "I ask you, who are you? Where am I? What is this place?" I asked again out of hysterical.

"We're at Dragon's edge." The female adult said. Once I heard what she said, my body immediately tensed.

"Astrid--" The male adult started but I immediately cut him off.

"My name is not Astrid. I'm Alice. Alice Henderson." I said. The boy with emerald green eyes turned to face the female adult who's starting to sob on the male adult's shoulder with a shock expression. Once again, guilt flooded my heart as I stared at them.

"Wha- what time is this?" I asked with hesitation. I can see it in the boy's eye the confusion when I asked him that kind of question.

"Astrid . . .? Don't you remember? It's the time of vikings, where we live in peace with Dragons." The boy explained. I gasped. My mind was literally blank. His words keep repeating in my mind.

The time of vikings . . .

"The-The time of vikings?" I asked in full shocked.

This can't be happening. I brought my right hand in front of me, seeing my watch still attached to my wrist, a bit wet but it's still working. I brought it back down and gave them each a look before focusing my gaze at the auburn haired boy.

"Who is your chief? And on what island?" I asked again. I can it in his eyes that his hope had vanished when I asked the question.

"Chief Stoick the Vast from the island of Berk. I'm his son H--" He started but was cut off by my gasped.

"Hiccup Haddock III . . ." I muttered to myself before gasping again.

I turned to look at him. He seemed to hear what I said because now I can see it in his eyes, his hope came back. I wish it'll never be gone again but I'm not the Astrid he's talking about. I feel sorry for him. I really am.

"H-how old are you?" I asked with slight hesitation. He gave me a quick hurtful look before answering.

"19." He said which cause me to gasp again.

"It's the year of his fight between Ryker and Viggo Grimborn . . ." I muttered again.

If this year, his fight between Viggo. One year will have to past before he will encounter Drago and meet his mother . . . I thought to myself. Oh dear, What in the world have I gone into?

"Wha-how? I thought you don't know anything? How come you know my name and my fight between Ryker and Viggo?" He asked which cause me to look at him. My body tense when he asked that. When I didn't answered, he sigh in defeat.

"Look, Astrid-" He started again but I immediately cut him of by correcting my name.

Why does he always calls me Astrid?

"It's Alice." I said with my arms crossed. He sent me a look before continuing his words.

"Okay, Alice. Look, just tell me if your okay. It worries me that you don't remember everything. Including me." The boy, Hiccup his name, said with a sad tone while frowning.

"That's because I haven't met you. I don't even know you. Even the two adult behind you." I said as I pointed my hand towards the adult couple behind Hiccup who stared at me shocked and hurt.

"Astrid," I glared at him when he called me Astrid. "These are your parents." He pointed at both of the adults behind him which cause me to gasped.

"I . . . I-I'm sorry, but I'm not Astrid." I said before running off downstairs.

"Astrid!" The three of them shouted but I ignored them.

I was about to ran into the door when a black dragon with green eyes from before blocked my way, his eyes were looking at me with happiness? And concern. He gave me his gummy smile before letting out a low growl which cause me to step back and gasp. When he saw my reaction, he sat on his hind legs and started at me in curiosity and deep concern.

"Uh. . ." I started roaming my eyes around to find another way out.

"Astrid? Are you okay?" The night fury let out a growl which I clearly understand since I've been studying dragons and vikings along with their languages.

"You-you called m-me Astrid?" I asked in pure shocked while I keep staring at the night fury who's eyes were wide in shock as well.

"You can understand me?" He asked, his voice full of happiness. He started jumping around me which scared me more.

"Please, let me go through the door." I said with pleading eyes. He stopped right in front of me with a curious eyes.

"But why? Hiccup is worried about you." He warbled in reply.

"Please, dragon. Before Hiccup can run after me." I said with tear almost streaming down my face. I clasped both my hands in a pleading way.

"You called me 'dragon'. Astrid, my name is Toothless. Don't you remember me?" He whined while slightly bowing his head. My mind was literally blank right now.

Of course, how can I forgot? He's a night fury who was trained by a boy named Hiccup Haddock who named him Toothless. Such a most feared creature, being called by a ridiculous name. I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you." I said before running away. I almost reached the door when I heard Hiccup shouted at Toothless.

"Toothless, block her path!" Toothless obliged and ran in front of me, blocking my path through the door.

"I'm sorry too. But I have to follow Hiccup on this one." He warbled with his innocent big cute eyes.

"Toothless, don't do this, please." I said but he sadly shook his head which cause me to drop down my shoulders in defeat.

"Astrid!" I suddenly heard someone squawked. I turned around only to see another species of dragon who ran up to me. I did what I only could do, I screamed then dropped into my knees. The dragon seems to be shocked at my greeting to it but I don't care.

"Astrid!" I could feel Hiccup ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my body, bringing me close to him as he carried me bridal style into the wooden bed upstairs.

"Please, just let me go." I said before I drifted of to sleep. The last thing I heard is his sigh in frustration and the sobs of my 'parents'.

-Third Person-

After Astrid fell back asleep, Astrid's parents offered to take care of Astrid for a little bit so Hiccup can rest. The boy didn't have much choice. He sigh for the nth time before walking into the clubhouse with Toothless by his side. After what happened, he immediately called the others to gather around the clubhouse.

It only took him a few minutes before reaching the clubhouse by feet-- or foot. Once he arrived, he quickly saw everyone around the clubhouse with Gothi, waiting for him patiently.

"Hiccup! Why did you call out an emergency meeting?" Fishlegs immediately asked once he saw Hiccup arrived, which earns a lot of attention from everyone.

"Is it about Astrid? How is she? I've been hearing her shouts from her hut." Heather chimed in with a concerned look.

"Guys, we've got a problem. Astrid, she don't remember us anymore." Hiccup said, slowly until it started to die down. Everyone was quiet until Heather burst out.

"What?!" She shouted in surprise and shock. And so is the others. Snotlout started laughing in sarcasm.

"You mean to say that my beautiful Astrid forgot about me?" He asked incredulously while pointing at himself.

"Yeah. She did." Hiccup deadpanned which cause Snotlout to whined but everyone ignored him.

"I don't know how it happened. Astrid's mother told me that she's been in the water for too long, and that her lungs filled with water and might die in drowning, but she's still here with us." Hiccup explained before sighing. Fishlegs was about to talk when Hiccup beat him to it.

"Guys, she's supposed to be dead right now." Once those words escaped Hiccup's mouth, everyone gasped except for Gothi who started drawing some old runes on the sand.

"Fishlegs what did she say?" Hiccup asked. Fishlegs went over at Gothi's writings and started reading, translating it for the others.

"Hiccup, she said: Everything around her is stable and working normal. The only thing that confused her is about Astrid not remembering about us all, since she only almost drown but she did not hit her head." Fishlegs said which cause Gothi to look up at Hiccup in concern while Hiccup only nodded his head.

"And-and worse of all, she's always correcting me when I call her name. She would proclaim herself to be Alice Henderson." Hiccup said with a frustrated hand running into his auburn hair.

"A Henderson? Hm." Tuffnut said as he started scratching his imaginary beard.

"If you asked me, 'Henderson' sounds more futuristic to me." Ruffnut said with a shrug.

"Since when did you became smart?" Snotlout asked which earns him a death glare by Ruffnut.

"Yeah! That is the most dumbest statement I have ever head. I hereby disowned you!" Tuffnut said with an accusing finger pointing at Ruffnut. Without hesitation, she bit her brother's finger who started screaming.

"Ahh! Let go, let go, let go. I am hurt. I am very much hurt!" Tuffnut shouted as he put his finger on his mouth to lessen the pain while Ruffnut snickered from behind.

"Actually, Ruffnut is right. 'Henderson' really sounds more futuristic than it is. It even sounds similar to 'Hofferson'." Heather said while nodding her head.

"On second thought, Welcome back to the family." Tuffnut said as he spread his arms around, acting like he wanted to hus Ruffnut. The girl twin only smirk and punched off her brother.

Everyone face palmed at their stupidity.

"Whatever this questions left behind us, I'm going to asked her. I bet she'll wake up later." Hiccup said with a determined look behind glancing down at Toothless who gave me a gummy smile.

"Alright gang, this ends here. Fishlegs please escort Gothi to her dragon so that she can leave without harm." Hiccup said. Fishlegs nodded as he led Gothi at the stables where her dragon is while the others started returning back inside their huts. Except for Heather who walked up to Hiccup.

"Hiccup, can I come with you later at Astrid's hut?" Heather asked, with a hopeful look. Hiccup thought about before nodding his head with a smile. Heather thanked him before returning back into her own temporary hut.


After I woke up again, I saw that it's almost sunset. I took a quick glance at my watch seeing that it's already 4:54 pm in the afternoon. I sighed. Earlier after I woke up, I asked a request from Sven and Ingrid or my so-called 'parents' to leave me in a minute. Of course, they agreed and left the house.

I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders then leaned my knees into my chest and hugged it tightly. Not a second later, tear started to fill my eyes until they fall down my cheeks like water fall. So many questions filled my head. Like, how did I end up here? What did I ever do that the god punished me like this? I don't know anymore.

If only I died just like what I heard Hiccup said earlier ago. I'm suppose to be dead! Why did they have to bring me back and in the wrong timeline. I'm from the future. They're in the past. Now that I'm here as Astrid, I'm sure all the history will be change because of me. I just hope that when I'll get the chance to go back home, it'll still be the same.

But I guess I just have to accept my fate.

"Why me? Of all people why me?" I asked myself then continued to cry as I buried my head on my knees and let out a few quiet sobs. I cried and cried until someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked out loud so they can hear it from outside. Now that I think of it, I didn't get the chance to look around what Hiccup said the Dragon's edge. I bet it's their headquarter.

"Hey Astrid, It's me, Hiccup." Hiccup said from outside. I took a sneak peek at the door downstairs and glared at it because Hiccup keeps calling me Astrid. But now that I'm living in their and Sven keeps saying that I'm Astrid. That my name is Astrid. I might as well just go with flow.

"Yeah? Come in." I said with a frown and went back to hugging my knees again.

I heard soft thumps of his feet and it seems like he's with someone. I can also hear their muttering but I told myself to ignore it. They walked right straight into my bed until I can feel them standing right in front of me. I can sense Hiccup sitting at the end of the bed while I can also sense a female vikings standing beside me. I can see in my peripheral vision that she seems to be hesitating on touching my shoulder.

"What? Are you just going to sit and stand there or are you going to talk?" I said with half sarcasm then slowly looked up, letting them see my red blood shot eyes and my stained cheeks. I can see Hiccup and the girl's eyes widened.

"A-are you crying?" Hiccup asked with concern. I glanced at him before rasing an eyebrow.

"No, It's just water. You see, I washed my face without even drying in off." I shot back with sarcasm making him look at me in surprise and amused while I heard the girl beside me stifled a laugh.

"She got you, Hiccup." The girl said with a chuckle.

"Yeah..." Hiccup replied with an awkward scratch behind his neck. I turned to look at the girl. I took the time that I have to examine her until I finally remember who she is.

"Heather?" I mumbled but I believe she heard it because I can see it in her eyes the happiness and hope.

"Y-you remember me?" She asked with excitement in her voice while my body tensed at her question. I don't know her but I've studied all the things I have to know about her. Even her secrets because it's part of her and everyone's history.

I shook my head as she frowned.

"But you just said my name." She said while gesturing her hand at me.

"That's your name? I-I'm sorry. The name just popped out of my head." I said with frown. I know I'm lying but half of it is true. I don't know if she's the Heather I've been studying or not. I can see it in her eyes the sadness.

"Maybe I should take it from here." Hiccup said while giving Heather a pat on her shoulder. She sigh but then smiled at me then nodded her head before sprinting down stairs. I smiled back at her before turning my attention back at Hiccup.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Hiccup asked with a small smile. I smiled back at him before frowning again.

"To be honest, Hiccup. I'm not okay." I said with a sigh.

"Did you just told me the truth?" He asked in amusement as I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. Wasn't I suppose to?" I asked in confusion. He shook his head with an amused chuckle. Gods, his laugh is so-- wait what?!

"As- uh, Alice . . ." He started but I immediately cut him off.

"It's okay. You can call me Astrid if you want. I can clearly see that your uncomfortable when you call me Alice." I said with a giggle. He just smiled at me. He cleared his throat before continuing again.

"Astrid, I know you seems to be seeing new things around here. Or maybe you just forgot, but always remember that I'm always here for you." Hiccup said with sincere and honesty in his voice. That is the most sincere words I have ever heard from someone. I smiled and nodded my head at him.

"Do you trust me?" He asked with hope in his eyes as he held out his hand for me. I have this gut feeling that I can't just spoiled out the hope that has in him. I nodded my head and reached out my hand for him.

"I trust you."


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