Chpt. 5: Alice as Astrid (Part 2)

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"Hey, um, I've been meaning to asked you. . . What is that thing around your wrist? Where did you get it?" I asked, out of nowhere, breaking our long awkward moment. I heard her sigh in relief before smiling at me.

You see, after the 'trusting each other' part, me and Astrid started to catch up things that she forgot but since she keeps proclaiming that she doesn't know what I'm saying, she would only listen and nod her head in understanding. I even invite her to go to the clubhouse to meet the gang which she gratefully agreed with.

And now, were walking through the bridges between our huts to reach the clubhouse. And now, while walking, you can say that were both awkward at each other. I often notice Astrid keeps glancing on the thing that wraps around her right wrist.

"Curious aren't we?" She asked with a smirk which cause me to blush in embarrassment while rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah . . ." I replied faintly with a sly smile. She smiled back at me before bringing her wrist in front of her face.

"I got this from someone. Um . . . You might not know about this invention, but I call this thing a watch." Astrid explained while pointing at the 'watch' on her wrist.

"A wat-what?" I asked confused. Okay, now I'm curious. What is a watch? She laughed at me before pointing down her 'watch'. I watch intently, knowing she would explain what a watch is.

"This thing is called a watch because it can tell the time." She stated while giving me a quick glance, seeing my bewildered expression. She laughed again then continued talking.

"You see, there are three categories of time: the hour, the minute and the seconds." Astrid said while counting on her finger. She look too serious and when she told me this, she's counting it on her fingers.

"You see this big and long arrow?" She asked while I nodded. "This big arrow tells the hour. And now, do you see this small arrow?" She asked again as I nodded my head in amusement.

"That arrow tells the minute." She said while amazed me more. That invention is too advance for us to know. It's too futuristic for our knowledge!

"And now, you see this small thin arrow that's been rotating every few seconds?" She asked again as I nodded my head at her once more.

"Let me guess, that arrow tells the seconds." I said with half sarcastic. She chuckled whilst nodding her head.

"Precisely! I know your smart enough to understand this things, Hiccup." She added with a smile which cause me to blush slightly at the compliment.

"Should I take that as a compliment?" I asked with a sly smirk. She pretended to think about it before smirking back.

"Depends." She said before continuing her walk while chuckling. I then heard Toothless warbled beside me. I smiled at him and gave him a pat which earns a purr of delight from him.

"Yeah, I know, bud. She's something else now." I said before catching up with her.

When I reached the clubhouse, I found Astrid standing on the door frame, her body was so tense when she saw the gang. Well, that's what I thought before I followed her gazed, she's practically staring at the dragons at the corner of the clubhouse. And I can see it in her eyes that she's scared of them which saddens me.

"Hey, It's okay. The dragons won't hurt you." I reassured her while putting a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and smile at me.

"Hey guys! It's Astrid and Hiccup!" Fishlegs exclaimed in excitement as he pointed his finger at us. They ran up to us which cause Astrid to yelp and immediately hid herself behind me while shivering, slightly muttering 'I wanna go home' over and over again, which confused me.

"Guys, not right now. She's still recovering from what happened." I said with as much calm voice as I can. They all stop on their tracks, realizing what happened to us and frown.

"Astrid, dear. Thank goodness your alright. For a moment, I thought you'd be shouting on your hut." Mrs. Hofferson said as she caress' Astrid's cheek. At first she recoiled a bit but relaxed and leaned herself on the gesture then smile.

"Ing- I mean, mom, I'm alright. Hiccup talked to me so you have to stop worrying about me." Astrid said in barely a whisper but we still heard it. I can see both adults frowned at her.

"We can't stop worrying. Your our daughter and we're your parents. That's just how it is." Mr. Hofferson said while giving Astrid a hand on her shoulder. And the next happened shocked us all. Astrid immediately hugged her parents and started crying on their shoulders.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Hofferson were looking worried and more confused but alas they still hugged their daughter in comfort.

"Uh, what happened to her?" I heard Tuffnut asked in a whisper. I turned to look at them only to see Ruffnut rolling her eyes on her twin brother.

"Your so dumb! Clearly she's crying. Why can't you see that?" Ruffnut asked while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wait! I can see?" Tuffnut asked then started roaming around.

"Woah!" He exclaimed. Ruffnut shoved him on the ground while the other three, and that means Snotlout, Fishlegs and Heather face palmed for ruining the moment.

I immediately turned around seeing Astrid started to pull apart from their hug with a slight sniff then violently wipe her stained cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I cried in front of you." Astrid said in a husky voice before looking at her parents who only smiled at her.

"It's okay dear." Mrs. Hofferson said. I then heard Toothless warble in concern and confusion which cause Astrid to look at him then slightly pat his head.

"I'm okay, Toothless." Astrid replied to his warble which shocked everyone of us. She just said Toothless' name, and she's not scared of him. She's scared to all dragons even Stormfly but not Toothless.

"You-you remember Toothless' name. . ." I said as my mouth went jaw drop. She laughed then shook her head.

"Did your memory came back?" Heather and Fishlegs asked in excitement.

"I don't 'remember' his name, I 'already' know his name." Astrid said while emphasizing on the word 'remember' and 'already'.

"Okay, this is confusing." Snotlout started, as she walked up to Astrid who took a step back. "You said that you don't remember Toothless' name and that you already know it, but that's just like remembering it."

"What? I don't get it." Ruffnut said with a dazed look. Everyone ignored her.

"Wh-what are talking about?" Astrid asked, a bit frightened which is new because when we met she was known as Astrid 'fearless' Hofferson. And now she's scared of Snotlout?

"You lost your memory! How can you already know Toothless' name?!" Snotlout practically exclaimed which scared Astrid even more and for me to face palm myself for his stupidity.

Astrid was taken aback on Snotlout's statement. "I lost my memory?" She asked. She gave me a questioning look. I was about to answer when Heather beat me to it.

"You did, Astrid. Your suppose to be . . . . something different. And your not suppose to be scared on the dragons or even Snotlout. Usually you would punch him but you didn't. You even forgot about us." Heather explained with a frown which also cause everyone to frown, even me.

"I-I. . . I-I'm sorry. But I really don't know or even remember you. I haven't met you in my life. This is all so strange and new to me, but I'm trying to recover." Astrid's response saddens us even more.

"Okay, um. . . I'm sorry to interrupt but why don't we talk about this later. Right now, we have a dinner to eat." Mr. Hofferson said. We all nodded and took a chair to sit around the table at the center. Astrid sat beside me and beside her, on the right is Heather.


After dinner, Heather and Ruffnut was left to wash the dishes, the boys went straight into their huts while me, Hiccup and Toothless escort my parents at the stables to get their dragons. They'll be riding it on their way to Berk. It still feared me knowing they'll be riding a dragons while I'm still getting used to calling them 'Mom and Dad' since I don't really know them . . . They're Astrid's viking parents which is my parents now.

I'm still getting used to them, to the gang and the dragons since it's not what I'm told of. It's not what I learned about dragons. But, what if the government lied to us? To my parents? They are a traitor! Well, I can't say that. Yet. But I'm going to find out what's the truth. I might have to borrow the book of dragons. But how?

". . . Trid? Astrid?" I was suddenly brought back in reality when I heard Hiccup's voice while he's waving his hands in front of me.

"Huh? What?" I asked in complete daze. I heard him sigh before smiling at me.

"You parents is about to go back to Berk. Are you going to say goodbye to them?" Hiccup asked while motioning to my parents who's standing beside a dragon which I remembered is the Deadly Nadder, covered in purple and yellow. One of the dragon species who have the most hottest flames.

"Oh. . . Uhm, I-I hope you'll get home safely." I said, shyly while slightly tilting my head down. I suddenly felt a hand on my chin, pulling it up to meet their eyes.

"Don't worry about us. It's us who should be worried about you. Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Mom asked with hope and concern in her eyes. I shook my head before smiling.

"I'll be fine. Besides, Hiccup is here. I trust him." I said with a smile as I felt Hiccup's body froze beside me. Both my parents turned to look at Hiccup with a serious look.

"Hiccup, since our daughter trust you, We trust you that you'll take care of her in here until she recover. Is it clear?" Dad said with a stern look but I can see it in his eyes that he's somehow happy which confused me because he's staring at Hiccup with a stern look.

"Y-yes, sir. I promise." Hiccup said with a dorky smile while Toothless gurgles from behind. Both my parents smiled before giving me a tight hug and then mounted the Nadder as it immediately took off.

I watched as they took off until they're only a small dot into the night sky. I then sigh and brought down my head as I took a quick glance at my watch. 8:27 pm. It's still early to sleep. And I don't even have the mood to do it. This is all so new to me, I don't even know if I'll fit in. Once again, I sigh.

"Hey," Hiccup said before putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him before smiling.

"I'm sorry, this all happened to you. If only I've known--" Hiccup started but I immediately cut him off by putting my index finger on his lips to shut him up.

"It's . . . Not your fault, Hiccup. None of it is." I said before sighing. "In fact, I should be the one who should be sorry. Because of what happened, it's giving you more stress." I added then slowly wrapped my arms around my body to keep a bit warm because of the cold breeze.

"I think you should worry about your problem and I'll worry about mine." I said with a frown while staring at floor, seemingly finding it interesting.

I can feel Hiccup was hesitating but not a moment too soon, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to his. His body heat seems to give me warm and comfort that I actually needed right now. I pushed myself even closer to him as I rested my head in the cocked of his neck and shoulder, breathing in his scent. Somehow, I feel safe like I've never felt this way before from someone, even my parents but him.

"Your problem is my problem, Astrid. I know, you won't remember this but we've been friends for how many years. We've been there for each other. And now that we've found out your condition, I'm going to be by your side even if you like it or not." Hiccup said, barely whispering the last sentence. I hummed in response while frowning, making sure that he won't see it.

I've never felt something like this before. Like, someone actually care. I didn't even feel something like this towards my parents back at the future but here in the past, it's so different. But it's a good kind of different and I like it. I didn't have the words. I already know that Hiccup and Astrid became friends, even lovers in the future.

But now that I'm Astrid Hofferson in this time, what should I do? If I'll reject his affect towards me, 'Astrid', I'm sure the future will definitely change because of me. But If I'll pretend to be Astrid as I already am myself, I won't have a change to seal my feelings. I don't even know if I'll fell in love with Hiccup Haddock. That's just weird because I'm from the future and he's from the past. I . . . I-I'm a mess!

Moments later, I can hear a squawk from the distance then it was followed by a gurgle. I slightly angled my head to see from the corner of my eye, Toothless and that female blue and yellow dragon. Nadder to be exact. I can actually understand what they're saying.

"Stormfly, I'm sorry for what happened to Astrid." I heard what Toothless said, but to the others it's just a couple of growls, shrieks and gurgles.

"It's not your fault, it's mine." The Nadder said while tilting her head down with a low growl.

"I wish I was there when that incident happened. I feel so useless." The Nadder added with a whine and low gurgles of sadness and hurt which cause me to frown. I've never think that dragons would be thinking like that. I didn't even thought that they have feelings. I guess I was wrong.

I can see that Toothless was looking at her in sympathy before giving her an affectionate nudge which cause the Nadder to squawk a little. I gave out a slight laugh.

After that, I suddenly felt Hiccup broke the hug then stared at me in confusion while raising an eyebrow while I just gave him an innocent look.

"What are you laughing at?" Hiccup asked in confusion.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that Toothless is being a sweet dragon, comforting that Nadder." I said with a smile as I pointed my finger at the two dragons. I see that Hiccup also smiled then turned back his attention at me.

"Do you remember Stormfly?" He asked which slightly confused me before I gave the Nadder a quick glance. I think I heard Toothless called her Stormfly. Seems familiar though.

"Is that the Nadder's name?" I asked while gesturing towards the Nadder. Hiccup nodded his head with a reassuring smile before dragging me towards the two dragons.

"Hiccup, wait!" I retorted but I was too late because both me and him were already in front of the two dragons. I can see that the Nadder seems happy again when she saw me. And I just realized it now that she's a beautiful dragon, while Toothless just gave us a gummy smile.

"Since you can't remember her, I'll introduce you to each other. Astrid. Stormfly." Hiccup said as he gestured his hands at me before gesturing it at the Nadder who's name is Stormfly.

"Your dragon."

"Oh, my drag-- w-wait, what?!" I exclaimed in shocked. I have a dragon? A Deadly Nadder, no less. And the fact that it's so beautiful. Oh, wait! She's Astrid's dragon.

"She's your dragon, Astrid." Hiccup said with an amuse look whilst I gave him a confused look, but on the inside, I'm starting to understand it. I'm not that dumb, you know.

"I'll explain tomorrow. Right now it's time to go sleep." He said before slightly pushing me towards my hut.

"But it's like 8:46 pm. That's too early." I whined, stepping aside to avoid another slight push from Hiccup who gave me a deadpanned look while crossing his arms.

"Look, Astrid. You know what happened to you. You lost your memory, your exhausted. You have to sleep so you can have a rest." He said with a slight stern look.

"And so should you. You need to rest too." I retorted while crossing my arms.

"Astrid, If your parents found out that I'm not taking care of their daughter, I'll be meeting Odin in Valhalla very soon." Hiccup explained with a dramatic gestures which I think is cute when he do it. I laughed.

"Fine. Only because I can't let my parents kill you. You have too many adventures ahead of you." I said before running off towards my hut, leaving him dumb founded while Stormfly followed closely behind. I can still hear him say something along my lines.

"Too many adventures ahead of me?" He asked in confusion.


Once I reach my hut, I immediately threw myself on the wooden bed while Stormfly slept down stairs, totally understanding my situation on the fact that I still don't know her, but I know there will be time that we'll know each other. Again, If I say so.

"It's nice meeting you, Stormfly." I said with a yawn as I perk my head, staring down at her. He chirp in happiness.

"Goodnight, Astrid." She said while curling herself in a ball, comfortably.

"Goodnight to you too, Stormfly." I said before I closed my eyes, sleeping into a dreamless sleep. The last thing I heard from Stormfly was her surprise chirp before all I heard was now silent.

-To Be Continued-

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