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Stephanie's Point of View:
I opened my eyes yawning like a little kitten and heated stuff being messed with.

I sat up turning on my light and put on my glasses seeing Ferno messing with my books.

I giggled making him look at me.

"What's so fuckin funny?" He asked raising a brow(?) at me.

"Easy." I said getting out of my bed and grabbing my clothes and shoes for the day.

"You've NEVER seen books like ours before." I said with a light smile.

He rolled his eyes(?).

"Ya ya laugh that up." He said.

I giggled then went to my closet to change clothes.

I came out and was in a red sequence crop top, black high waisted short shorts, Super Man high tops, and a ruby and blank pearl chocker.

Ferno was still messing with my books, now reading them.

I cleared my throat.

He looked at me then stiffened..

I smiled. I then did a twirl.

"How do I look?" I asked.

He swallowed(?).

"Y-you look v-very l-lovely." He said.

I smiled brightly.

"Why thank you." I said with a bow.

I grabbed my phone. And put it in my back pocket.

"I gotta pick up Aurora for a sleepover we're having here." I told him as I grabbed my backpack.

"Are you sure that's a good idea with me here?" He asked.

I smiled lightly.

"Don't worry. She's good at keeping secrets. And there's a chance that Stormer might be here too thanks to her." I said.

He said.

"Alright." He said.

I smiled.

"I'll be back." I said.

"Be a good boy while I'm gone." I said with a slight smirk on my face.

He stiffened at that.

I walked out sashaying my hips as I dis so.

I can't believe I said AND did that.

Ferno's Point of View:

I can't believe Steph just called me that.

And I was lying she looked lovely.....

She looked sexy as fuck......

Aurora's Point of View:

I opened my eyes yawning as I woke up.

I saw I was still laying in Stormer's lap making me blush pink.

I carefully got out of his lap to make sure he didn't wake up.

I went to my room to change clothes.

I pulled out some clothes and shoes from my closet and went to my bathroom to change into them. I came out in a fresh pair of clothes.

I wore a white blouse, bleached ripped skinny jeans, Frozen fandom Hightops, an Elsa braid, and my locket.

I sighed as I walked back to the living room seeing that Stormer was looking through one of my books as he was standing up.

It was a photo album of me and Kin.

I sighed shakily remembering my brother.

Stormer looked at me hearing me sigh, I walked up to him noticing that he's actually taller than me which sucks.

"Who's this boy your with?" He asked me.

I sighed on the verge of tears "My older brother Kin. He died last year in a car wreck. It still hurts me to even talk about him..." I said cracking at the end as I started to cry.

Stormer sighed and put the book down and did the unthinkable.


Is there something wrong with him?

I started feeling myself calming down, he actually felt warm surprisingly for a bot.

I was completely calm and Stormer lifted my head up making me look into his crystal blue 'eyes'.

He started leaning in which I did to surprisingly, we were about to kiss until.......

"AURORA IM HERE TO HANG- HOLLY HECK YOU TOO?!?!!!!!!" We heard Stephanie's voice as she entered the apartment.

We looked at her shocked, "Steph. Haven't you heard of knocking before entering and what do you mean by 'you too'?" I asked her as I got out of Stormer's grasp.

She rubbed the back of her red head as she laughed nervously "Welllllllll.......... ImayormaynothaveFernoatmyhouse!" She yelled as she closed the door behind her talking fast.

My silver eyes widen as I understood what she said clearly "HOW DO YOU HAVE FERNO AT YOUR APARTMENT STEPHANIE FIRESTORM?!?!?!!!!!" I yelled/asked her.

I felt Stormer look at me shocked.

"How did you even understand her?" He asked me.

"It's a female thing." I said not even looking at him.

"How did your figure even come to life?" I asked her.

she took a big breath since this was gonna be long.

"Well you know how my parents are alway on business trips and missing out on big events. Well they told me they were going on another business trip but this one they weren't gonna be back till next Christmas. I started crying and told them that they never loved me and ran to my room locking myself inside, I looked my Ferno figure seeing he was looking at me with his head tilted, I looked out my window and saw a shooting star. I grabbed my Ferno figure and held him in my chest and wished that everything would change. And when I woke up the next morning of my parents being gone I saw my figure gone but I heard stuff moving in my room, I turned on my bedside light and saw him messing with my music box. So here I am with him living with me in my house." She said then started trying to regain breath.

My eyes were widened with shock and I'm pretty sure Stormer's were too.

"Steph. The same thing happened to me when I made a wish on my birthday candles. I made the same exact wish and I had Stormer when he was still a figure in my chest." I told her.

As if she suddenly regained her breath she looked at me with shock.

"Woah...... Bill Cipher crap is happening." She said.

I just glared at her.

"Stop making that pun just cause he looks like the Illuminati." I told her.

She just smiled innocently.

Damnit she watches to much Gravity Falls.

She gasped as she thought of something "Aurora! Let's bring Stormer over for the sleepover I was planning! He and Ferno can be able to talk to each other." She told us her idea.

I smiled "Good idea Steph. I'll go pack my stuff." I told her and ran off to my room to go pack my stuff, but before I went to my room I went into Kin's room and got the figure of Breez's and went to my room with her with me.

And by HER, I mean the Breez figure.

I started packing my stuff of clothes, toothpaste, toothbrushe, hairbrush, and my dvd of the episodes of LEGO Hero Factory.

I heard someone open my bedroom door making me look up to see Stormer leaning against the doorway.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked me.

"Of course it is. Besides, we might be able to figure out how to get the others like you guys or get you guys back to your world." I told him as I went back to packing.

I heard him sigh "Alright." He said, he started helping me pack.

Our hands brushed together a few times making me blush darken each time.

I zipped up my bag and swung it on my back and hand Breez in my hand.

Me and Stormer walked back to the living room seeing that Steph was on her phone.

She looked up seeing us and smiled brightly.

"Let's go!" She said then started walking to the door.

"Wait Steph!" I said getting her to stop.

"How are we supposed to get Stormer to your house without him getting noticed by others, cause if people see him they WILL send him to a government lab to be experimented on." I told her.

She hummed thinking for a moment, she then grabbed her bag off her back and pulled out a trench coat, sunglasses, and a fedora.

I smiled "Nice." I said and took them from her. I put the trench coat on Stormer along with the hat and sunglasses then started buttoning up the trench coat.

I finished and smiled as I stood back looking at him.

Steph put her backpack back on her back as she smiled.

"Ok, were good." She said.

we went outside into the hallway and I closed the door and locked it behind me.

We went outside of the apartment building and started walking to Steph's house which was more like a mansion.

Sure she was rich but she never over used the fact that she was, she always been kind to others and never wanted to be a popular kid.

We made it to her mansion and went inside, it still looked the same as when I was here last time. Steph's parents never liked me since I was poor.

We made it to her room where she told us to wait outside, Stormer took off the hat, sunglasses, and trench coat.

We waited for Steph and Ferno to be ready.

Stephanie's Point of View:

I entered my room after telling Aurora and Stormer to wait outside.

I saw Ferno reading my diary making me blush a VERY dark crimson since I talk about him a LOT in there.

I cleared my throat getting his attention making him look at me.

"U-uhhhhh Steph.... I-I w-wasn't r-reading y-your d-d-diary......" He lied as he stuttered.

I walked up to him "Sure you weren't." I said as I snatched my diary back, I placed it on my desk on top of my Laptop.

"Note to self, find a new place to hide my diary." I muttered to myself.

I looked back him after I calmed down my blush,

"Ferno, you remember I told you about my best friend Aurora. Right?" I asked him.

He nodded "The platinum blonde girl who lives by herself after her family died and likes Stormer." He said.

I nodded "Yep. Well she's here now and she has Stormer with her." I told him.

His yellow eyes(?) widened with shock.

"H-h-he's here?" He asked me shocked which I nodded.

"How?" He asked me.

"Well remember when I told you you became real when I made a wish. Same thing that happened to her. But it was on her birthday with her birthday candles, same wish and she had the figure version of Stormer in her chest." I told him.

He stayed silent for a while, then I remembered when I saw Aurora and Stormer about to kiss when I walked in on them. I smiled as I'm gonna tell him.

"And I think Stormer has a thing for her." I said.

He looked up at me confused.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked me.

"Stormer has a thing for Aurora cause when I walked inside her apartment I saw them about to kiss." I said.

His jaw dropped while I kept smiling, his expression went to shocked into a smirk.

He crossed his arms across his chest, "Well that's a first. He wasn't even interested in Candace but he's interested in a human. That's impressive." He said.

"That's because Aurora isn't gonna use him for fame but she's actually in love with him for realze. She's loved him ever since she first watched the show. It was like true love at first sight." I said as I pushed up my glasses up my nose as they were sliding.

He smiled a bit "Well he deserves it. Especially what he's done for everyone." He told me making me smile.

I smiled more as I thought of an idea "I think we should try to set them up." I told him.

He started smirking again "Great minds think alike Stephanie." He said as he was still smirking, we highfived as the plan was set.

Aurora's Point of View:

Me and Stormer talked as Steph and Ferno were out of the room.

My mind kept going to where we almost kissed, why did he want to even kiss me?

I mean I'm human and he's a bot, how can he even love me?

I mentally sighed as nothing was making sense.

"SURPRISE ATTACK!!!!!!!" I heard Steph yell and felt myself being pushed which ended up with me and Stormer.......

On the floor with me on top of him.

We were staring each other as we were on the floor.

I'm gonna muder Stephanie for this.

Stephanie's Point of View:

Me and Ferno watched from the cracked doorway at the scene I created.

I silently closed the door and we started walking the long hallway of my house/mansion.

I mentally giggled 'That was awesome! It's good I get to hang out with Ferno. He's so perfect..... Steph stop thinking that, you don't even know if he likes you back or if he's already crushing on someone!' I thought to myself.

"I know Aurora's gonna murder for this." I told Ferno.

He chuckled, he then pulled his blaster out and put it on his chest "I. William Ferno shall protect you." He said playfully making me giggle at him.

He put his blaster away.

"Hey Steph?" He said.

I looked at him "Ya?" I asked.

"Do you like me? Since you talk about me in your diary." He asked making me blush a VERY dark crimson.

"What. Psh. That was just my little imagination of my autism kicking in as I write in it." I lied.

He looked at me Deadpanning.

I pushed up my glasses up my nose and scurried downstairs to get popcorn for me and Aurora for watching Full House.

Ferno's Point of View:

I watched as Stephanie scurried away.

I sighed looking down at my feet as she was gone.

Maybe she was telling the truth.

If only she knew that I was already in love with her when I first saw her.......

Aurora's Point of View:

It was night time as the full moon was out, Steph, Ferno, and Stormer were asleep.

I was looking out the window at the beautiful full moon as it lit the outside like it was day time.

I heard the sound of footsteps behind me making me turn my head to see Stormer awake and waking towards me making me smile a bit.

He sat next to me.

We both look outside at the full moon.

"Looks beautiful, doesn't it?" I asked him.

"You should see the full moons in Makohero City. With all the city lights it looks like there's more stars then there's supposed to be." He said making me giggle lightly.

"I wish I could." I said.

I sighed.

"I always wanted to visit there and meet and befriend you guys with Stephanie so we wouldn't be lonely anymore since her family isn't there for her and I don't have mine anymore." I said.

I felt Stormer hug me making me blush rose. I sighed as I gave into the hug.

"Well were here now so you guys don't have to be lonely anymore." He said as he started stroking my platinum blonde hair.

I smiled a small bit. After about 5 minutes I started to get tired.

I lightly yawed and snuggled my face in Stormer's chest and fell into dreamless sleep.

Stormer's Point of View:

I looked down after feeling Aurora snuggle her face in my chest and saw she was asleep.

I smiled a bit and laid back more on the sofa.

I wrapped my other arm around Aurora and let sleep take over me......

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