Between Worlds

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By the time her body reached the payment, she felt completely weightless.

There was a surreal rush of adrenaline pulsating a mile a minute through her body. The torrential downpour had soaked through her cloths, and in combination with the chilly winds outside the skyscraper, it had begun to freeze the tips of her hair and eyelashes.

The primal evidence of "Flight or Fight, " was evident in her trembling limbs and loss of voice. Her body had fought as hard as it could to rationalize what was happening to her. The eight seconds it took her body to frantically flail from the roof and to the hard, slick pavement of Central City's busy streets, was enough time for her mind to rationalize her eventual death. To briefly relive the few fleeting moments her and Jay had spent together, and to remember Barry and Cisco's faces. She couldn't put into words how much she would truly miss them.


The tips of Jay's fingers grazed her body as he reached for her, his figure soaring down the side of the building with such speed that each of the windows he crossed shattered upon passing.

She'd had dreams like this before. Of course, not exactly, but normally in the dreams where she was falling, it always ended in her being jolted awake and gasping for air. This time, surprisingly, would be no different.

One of Jays's hands managed to swing under her neck in time, just a moment before she hit the concrete. He didn't have the time or luxury to whisk her away like he would have liked, but he did have time to save her life.

Jay swung his body with a sharp twist, pulling his body under Caitlin's and letting his body take the brunt of the impact.

His body connected with the asphalt below, causing a supersonic wave of energy and noise to blow through the surrounding area. The wave blew out windows and completely fried the west side of Central City's electrical generator.

A lingering, heavy cloud of debris filled the air, and Caitlin didn't bother moving at all. She knew that Jay was hurt or dead, and that if she opened her eyes, she'd have to face what came next.


To her surprise she drifted off for a moment, not realizing that it was still raining or that she had ice beginning to form on her face and limbs. It was Jay's sputtering, spewing cough that eventually woke her.

Her body was resting against his, and the hollow, dry cough that eventually came forcefully from his lungs had startled her awake. She immediately jumped from what ever stuper she was in and felt his body begin to come back to life.

Caitlin's teeth were chattering as she tried to speak his name, the sound of her voice indicating that at any moment, she was going to break down into tears.

Jay's body moaned and coughed again, slowly he managed to sit up and take in a full breath of air.

Although he was a MetaHuman, Caitlin knew that Jay had been sick, and that an impact from that high up should have killed him.

But here he sat, as alive as ever.

Jay's body reacted to the sound of Caitlin's voice, and with another grumble, he fully pushed himself up.

They were both in a large crater that had been created the moment Jay's body met the pavement.

" You're okay? "

Jay's voice was alert and frantic, he kept his eyes closed while frequently rubbing them. Trying to access their situation.

" Y-yeah. "

Her words stumbled slightly, and her voice trembled. Her body was beginning to wind-down from the extreme adrenaline rush that the fall had given her. It left her with a bitter, freezing temperature, and a mind that still hadn't wrapped itself around almost falling to her death.

In a single forward motion, Jay reached outwards and grabbed Caitlin by one of her forearms and pulled her over to him. Her strength was almost nonexistent, and the moment her body fell into Jay's arms, she could feel how cold she really was.

He began to vibrate his body and without being able to think of a single thing to say, she stayed still in his arms.

Her limbs began to tremble much faster now. What once were small shakes, had turned into hard jerks. Her body wasn't acclimating well to any of the stress. The fall, the chill that crept up her body, or the eventual realization that her best friend had nearly, inadvertently, tried killed her. None of it sat well with her.

She hadn't noticed right away, but Barry was behind them, hovering over both of them with his mask off.

Caitlin's trembling body was tightly hugging Jay's, her face had began to become wet with tears, as she tried to speak to him through a clenched jaw, and chattering teeth.

" Leave, me.. Alone. "

Caitlin kept eye contact with Barry, her normally big, beautiful doe brown eyes were filled with an unnatural, unheard of rage. She glared at him, trying her best to keep her composure while Jay continued to bring up her temperature.

There was a lost, longing look in Barry's face, and Caitlin watched his mouth gape open slightly, trying to form some kind of sentence that would fix all of this.

But eventually he left in a flash of red, leaving Caitlin and Jay to stay close to one another, trying to figure out what was next.

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