Runaway Love

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The fleeting moment of quiet romance that Caitlin and Jay had enjoyed was abruptly halted with the appearance of The Flash. Barry had not only interrupted their few minutes left on Earth One, he had decided to start a full on brawl with Jay. Something he would shortly regret.

Jay was slammed into and was sent flying across the roof, nearly falling off as Barry skidded to a halt next to her.

" Your not leaving with him Caitlin, I can't let you go with that murderer. "

Barry's voice was angry and rude, prompting Caitlin to want to tell him off, but Jay was on his feet within seconds of Barry coming into contact with her.

The two collided in a furry offshore hot electricity, causing the thin air of the high altitude to feel prickly and uncomfortable. She was a doctor, and a scientist, not a meteorologist. But, with the high elevation of the building they were on, and the amount of energy both Jay and Barry were releasing, she knew that soon something unprecedented was going to happen.

Both speedsters flew across the roof, sending swirls of energy and wind to hit and slide across the roof without warning. She was in heels and a tight cocktail dress, she wasn't dressed to b intervein in a brawl with two meta humans.

Thick, thunderous storm clouds began to form around the top of the skyscraper that all three of them were on, and without warning, they began to release a hard rain.

Barry and Jay had paused, both at opposing ends of the roof. She just wished that they would listen. Jay didn't need to try and hurt Barry, if Barry would just listen to her. Her opinion had become out of the equation, and she was sure that Barry was not thinking clearly. He was too consumed with the the idea of losing one of his best friends, that he could see how happy she was.

Jay and Barry were unfazed by the rain but Caitlin knew the warning signs that might lead up to a thunderstorm. She tried to scream at them, to warn them, but they were too engrossed with what as happening to them.

The swirl of energy from them circling one another was becoming too much. The strong wing current from the two speedsters fighting, was causing a cyclone to form. Caitlin knew, without a doubt, what Barry was going to try and do next.

Jay had become overwhelmed at some point, causing Barry to get the upper hand, and to jump to his finishing move, which entailed circling the opponent and hurling lightning at them.

Caitlin tried to scream again, but her voice was lost through the torrential downpour of rain. She knew, if Barry managed to cause enough frictions to make lightning, it would be a cause and effect. There was a good chance that it would set off a chain reaction lightning storm.

But, her human will wasn't enough, and the moment Barry tried to use his trademark move on Jay, it caused the sky to erupt in a massive white light.

She cowered for a moment, truly believing that the first strike of lightning from the sky was the last. It was as her crouched posture relaxed and she straightened her back that she realized she was in danger. The sky was still raining heavily, and to avoid getting trampled, she'd unknowingly made her way to the outside of the roof.  Without notice, the large lightning storm that Barry had started, seemed to be brewing again.

The air in front of her face felt prickly and uncomfortable. With another step back, she felt her high heel catch air, instead of concrete. Luckily she caught herself in time, her ankles nearly giving out as the slick surface of the roof became harder and harder to tred on. Frightened and a little frazzled she abruptly threw her shoes off and let her bare feet touch the grainy, wet texture of the roof.

Another large, unsuspecting bolt of lightning shot from the sky unexpectedly, striking the top of Caitlin's head and sinking deep into her bones.  The lightning caused her muscles to seize up, and all it took was a heavy wind to topple her over the top of the skyscraper.


The sensation of moving at an extraordinary speed was something her body had gotten used too. Between Jay and Barry, she'd learned to get her speed legs pretty quickly, and was proud that it no longer made her dizzy or disoriented. However, the feeling of being dropped from the highest skyscraper in Central City, it was the most terrifying thing her body had yet to go through.

Her body fell nearly 35 feet per second, and although her muscles had been temporarily stunned, that didn't take away from her very alert and very frightened, conscious mind and body.

It was as though she was on a rollar coaster, sort of.

That intense rush of adrenaline, followed by complete weightlessness, was something every adrenaline junky looked for when on a high-thrill-seeking ride. Caitlin's mind immediately tried to rationalize what was happening. She knew as a doctor, that the weightless feeling as her body defying gravity for a few moments. With humans being predominantly water, her weight was far different that just moments ago, and soon, she'd hit the sidewalk with enough force to total a tractor trailer.

Her heart fluttered out of her chest as she felt fear completely consume her, watching her own body falling further and further from the top of the sky scrapper knowing that soon, it wouldn't matter what she wanted to say to Jay or Barry, because soon she'd be dead.


Jay didn't immediately notice that Caitlin was gone. Her absence however, sparked something primal and protective. It was the complete feeling of fury and fear that allowed him to push himself from Barry's wind cyclone and rush over the edge and past the scarlet speedster. Caitlin was nearly at the ground by the time he reached the ledge of the roof.


Author's note.

So unfortunately I'm going to end the story here. Basically Jay doesn't save Caitlin and she dies which prompts him to keep being a baddie.


No-no I'm just kidding, lol!  I'm sorry I just had to.  No one is dying, or are they?

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