Looks That Can Kill

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" You're lucky he didn't kill you. "

Although Cisco's voice was nearly transparent, his words were loud and to the point. She was still in STAR labs, sitting with Cisco, Dr. Wells and Barry. All of whom had decided to guilt her into having some sort of revelation about Jay.

She couldn't explain to them what she was feeling, because either they wouldn't be able to rationalize it, or they would demonize her. She had seen this dance too many times to expect a different outcome. She was a scientist, and a doctor, after all. You can't expect new outcomes from the same repetitive experiments.

Barry would tell her to just be herself, and Cisco would insist that this wasn't her, that she was acting without reason. But she was acting with reason, and his name was Jay.

She remained on the medical bed for a few more moments, trying to ignore the ugly glances that Barry and Cisco were persistent with shooting at her.

" She's going to do what she thinks is right. "

Caitlin knew where Wells stood with Zoom. Jay had captured his daughter, thinking that her leverage might be enough to control Harrison Wells, but things hadn't worked out. Hearing any, almost unheard of, words of advice involving Jay, especially from Harrison, was a shock to everyone in the room.

" You can't be serious, this is insane! "

This was the last straw to set Barry over. Caitlin was sure that Barry had convinced himself, that if enough of them rallied against her, Caitlin would give in and not go with Jay. What he had yet to understand, was that this wasn't a whim or a simple choice; it was a feeling.

A feeling she had ignored for far too long, a feeling of fear and doubt. A combination of feelings that she had been keeping down for so long, and now that she could finally put down her 'always happy' facade, and start feeling the real emotions within her. The ugly, unpolished feelings of depression, confusion and unsteadiness.

She knew he wouldn't understand, so instead of putting on this big show, giving a speech and spilling her heart, she stayed quiet. She let Barry say whatever he thought he needed to say to her. She was sure Jay would be back for her any minute, and this was one of the last times she was going to possibly see anyone. She'd be upset with herself if she unloaded all of her baggage on him, in these last few moments together.

Everyone on this Earth would be safe. That meant Barry, Iris, Cisco and everyone else she had befriended in her four years in Central City. She was doing this for her own selfish desires, but she knew that this wasn't just benefiting her.

Barry paced along the lower level of the lab within STAR Labs. Murmuring to Cisco and Wells about various plots and plans, as though she wasn't in the room to hear any of it. She couldn't leave on a bad note, and maybe a part of Barry knew that.

That maybe by pushing her to the edge, and causing her to erupt her own anger at him, that she'd be forced to stay and make amends.

But she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.


And just like that, she was gone.

Jay flew into STAR Labs without a second thought, snatching Caitlin from the medical bed within Barry's reach, and escaping with the damsel before anything could be done.

They had ended up stopping just a moment later, Jay had chosen to show her Central City one last time before the two of them left.

The Radio Tower in Central City was one of the highest buildings, with the most breath taking views. It had a large, flat roof and atop that was a small fold up table and a candle light dinner for two.

It took her a moment to catch her balance, but once she realized where she was, she began to bustle with excitement.

" Jay.."

Caitlin's voice was low and excitable, she looked around the two of them curiously, still taking in the features of the building. Her heels clicked against the solid foundation of the roof, and she looked around in awe, as the City seemed to be just at their reach.

It was almost nine-forty-five at night, and the sun had been down for almost thirty minutes. Letting the luminous lights of the city warm the midnight sky, and cast an amber glow all around them.

" One last dinner here. "

Jay's deep tone and friendly voice was music to her ears. She didn't have a witty comeback, at least not yet. For now she'd enjoy the view and try try to remember the last time she was this happy.

There was a constant stiff wind that enjoyed pushing past her thin frame, and all though she was tall and had a strong posture, it was sometimes too much. She loved seeing the city at night, and especially from this angle.

She felt so much more alive up here & It was a feeling she didn't want to ever let go of.

Jay casually walked across the rooftop and stood next to her, looking up to enjoy the same view she was, he then shifted his gaze down to her.

Caitlin could control her smiles and frowns, but what she didn't have control over, was the blood rushing to her face the longer his eyes lingered on her.

" You'll miss it here, Cait.. "

Jays voice wasn't rude or pushy, he simply stated a fact. And yes, she knew that she was going to miss this city, and her friends, terribly.

Something had been bubbling from within her chest, and in this fleeting moment of vulnerability, she couldn't help but press him.

Jay Garrick had been so forgiving of her. He'd let any mistakes she'd made go, and regardless of the fact that he, himself, was a criminal, she had always found it odd that even when he was just Jay, and not Zoom, that he never second guessed her. He never once undermined her or treated her in a condescending manor. He l always treated her like she was an equal, or-no, something more. Like she was something to be cherished, and not tarnished with insults or belittlements.

But still, she knew that if she didn't mention it now, it might never come out.

His warm shoulder brushed up against the chilled, exposed skin of her arm, and almost immediately he noticed. He wasn't in his vigilante uniform right at this moment. Right now, he looked like Jay.

He had on a pair of jeans and a clean, pressed, long sleeved, white button up shirt. His hair, as always, was impeccable, and in the whirling wind around them, seemed to catch each brush of wind perfectly.

The sensation of his arm wrapping around her body caused her skin to bump and prickle, as her adrenaline began to rise and the familiar rush of crimson returned to her pale cheeks.

He accidentally brushed the shoulder that was still mending, and Caitlin flinched, causing him to immediately adjust and look down in concern.

" I'm fine. "

" You're not. "

Jay's tone wasn't stern or serious, but with one glance at his face, she knew that he was losing track of their incredible moment atop the tower, and focusing on her gunshot wound.

Caitlin shook her head very casually, shifting her big brown eyes from him and out to the city again, the same question from earlier still weighing on her heavily.

" What if I become like her. "

Caitlin's voice was firm and direct, although she had trouble making eye contact with him as she said it. The person she was referring to was Killer Frost. Her dead doppleganer from Earth 2. Although she didn't test positive for the Meta Human genome, she knew inconsistencies happened, and that there was always a chance.

What she really meant to say, was what if she ended up not being exactly who she was now. What if she changed from her current mind set, and became less caring for humanity.

Jay didn't miss a beat, and his eyes shifted from Caitlin's face and out to the city where he took a deep breath and spoke clearly.

" Well, then I'd love you anyway. "

Jays words brought a new set of chills down her back and neck, erecting any and all of the fine hairs on her shoulders and arms as well. Her eyes watered for just a single moment, before the very edge of her mouth began to peak up into a smile. She made sure to contain herself and quieted down her excitement.

There was something so satisfying about him. The fact that she could show him the ugly pieces of her, and instead of trying to fix her, Jay insisted on loving her either way. She'd been conditioned by everyone around her for so long, from growing up with her mother and father, and even up until recently with her friends. Everyone had their opinions about her and how she should be feeling or acting.

Jay gently pulled her closer to him, and his cheek rested against the top of her head, quietly, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Caitlin closed her eyes briefly, taking all of this in. The breathless scenery in front of them, the thoughtful dinner date and most of all, his encouraging words. She knew that this wasn't right by most standards, but his presence next to her was intoxicating.

Caitlin shifted her body slowly, moving her head so Jay's lips briefly left her skin. She openly smiled up at him with nearly closed eyes, letting him bend down just a little further, and close the small distance between them with a kiss.

Jay pulled away for a moment, as Caitlin brought an open palm to his jaw. Her chilled hand startled him, and he lovingly placed one of his larger, warmer hands, over hers and kissed her once again.

Standing on her tippy toes did her little justice. She was pretty tall by most women's standards, standing 5''8, but Jay easily towered over her, and gave her a sense of satisfaction any time they kissed or got close. She felt incredibly safe when she was around him.

The soft kiss turned more passionate, as Jay's tongue lightly traced her lips and tongue, slowly deepening their embrace. The soft touch of her hand along his jaw had become more firm, playfully pulling him further down towards her, and as almost on instinct, he shifted his arms around her, in an attempt she was sure would end in some kind of sexual upheaval.

His strong arm struck her shoulder, and she involuntary shifted and pulled away.

Jay's hands flew up in response, as though he immediately knew he had hurt her, and was acting in fright, but she quickly recovered and wildly smiled at him.

Caitlin knew it was a mistake, but quickly cleared her throat before glancing behind her shoulder at the dinner Jay had prepared for them. Although the candle had burned out, she was intent on making the most of their time on Earth 1.

She didn't need to say a word, simply looking over her shoulder was enough for Jay to drop his guard and guide her quietly to the table he had set.

They had nearly cleared the distance between them and their meal when Jay was knocked into and thrown off the roof by a red blur, and the moment Caitlin felt a familiar rush of wind, she knew that they hadn't taken the news as well as she thought.

" You're not leaving with him, Caitlin. "

Barry's breathless voice echoed off the empty skyscraper in Central City, sending Caitlin into a panic.

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