Completely Heartless

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[ Thank you for reading my story! This is a mini-series I'm doing on the side of my other projects, but that doesn't mean that it isn't super important to me! I'm excited to start this off, and just a heads up, the chapters are going to be short! ]


It was less than an hour ago that she had agreed to Jays terms. If she went with him to Earth 2, he agreed to leave the Earth that both her, and her friends, called home.  Although she did put up quite a fight with Barry and the others, she knew, deep down, that she couldn't stay even if she wanted too.

" You can't give into his demands Caitlin! "

Barry increased the volume of his voice, trying to convey how upset he was, but she wouldn't be fooled. She was in complete control of what was going on. Jay had made sure she knew that if she didn't want to travel with him, that he wouldn't make her. The stipulation was more of a bonus.

" You're speaking to a wall Barry.  "

Cisco's voice wasn't rude, although his tone did sound a bit snide. He didn't agree with her decision, but had ended up understanding where she was coming from. After all, normally she was the even headed one of the group.


The decision had been made before Jay had even mentioned the deal, just the day before when he had kidnapped her, she realized in-some-kind-of-fucked-up-way, that she was so in love with him; and that honestly, she'd follow him anywhere.

She was tied up and pinned against a desk as CCPD. She had an ugly, smug expression on her face, and almost immediately Jay had noticed that Catlin wasn't crying or in distress, but instead, she was alert and angry.

Being the daughter of two different doctors, both of them being top of their field, and being one herself, she had noticed something about Jays behavior. Every time he spoke to her, regardless of how much of a rush he was in, or how dire his plans were, he would stop and speak to her, but he always would take off his mask. He was unable to speak to her with Zoom's menacing voice, and spoke to her as him, as Jay.

Most of all she was ashamed with herself. Jays presence brought up some dormant sexual frustration that was just deciding to bubble to the surface. Jay had done the unthinkable, and cleared out CCPD, deciding to keep her there as hostage, until he could further his plans. Any time he touched her, spoke to her or his face came close to hers, she could feel her body want to pull towards him and kiss him. She was upset that her sexually arousal peaked when ever this murderous meta human came into contact with her.

" I'll do it. "

Caitlin's voice was quiet and soft. Anyone in the room with her would of had trouble hearing her whispering tone, but Jay was quick to answer.

He flew into the room with such force, she was sure he was going to burn out and fly through a wall. He immediately took off his mask, and she noticed how his blonde, golden hair always seemed to fluff up right after he revealed himself.

" You-you, what? "

Jay's voice was in distress. After kidnapping her, bringing her to Earth two and then back to Earth one, it seemed unlikely that she would agree to anything he wanted. But to her surprise, and his, she agreed to leave with him.

Almost instantaneously her ties were free, and finally she could begin to feel her wrists. She knew Jay wasn't 100% sure what she had said, but regardless, he knew that she may have agreed to go with him and start a new life.

Caitlin remained on CCPD's chilly, flat tile floor, rubbing her wrists and flexing her hands, trying to get some sort of circulation to her pale, frail looking fingers.

" I'll do it Jay, I'll go with you. "

Caitlin made direct eye contact with him while she agreed to the terms, showing that she was more in control than maybe he had ever given her credit for.

Jay kneeled to the floor next to her, extending a black gloved hand down to her level, in an attempt to help her up.


The voice of three CCPD officers boomed through the empty, dark room, and Caitlin's face twisted in fear, knowing what was about to happen.

" NO-NO-NO! "

Caitlin's voice was frantic and loud, but was lost as the officer's opened fire on both her and Zoom. The officers had likely not seen her body shaded behind the desk in CCPD, and when she jolted from her sitting position, she was accidentally hit with a stray bullet.

This is what led to her extended stay at STAR Labs, and the hours of questioning there after. Thankfully her friends were too concerned with patching up her wound, rather than asking about how many police officers Jay had killed.

The answer? All of them. All three officers that had shot at her, and especially the one who had shot the bullet through her, had suffered a terrible death. Jay killed two of them before realizing Caitlin was hurt, it was just a few moments after that he snapped the neck of the only living officer, that rushed her away from CCPD.

She wasn't sure why he hadn't brought her to a hospital, and why he had neglected to stick around himself, but asking too many questions would only raise more, so for the moment she was content with being at STAR Labs with her friends.

The wound was a through and through. A little more to the left and the bullet would have struck her heart, and a little more to the right, and she would have bled out from nicking an artery. The wound wasn't a big deal, but the 'what ifs' were much scarier. Jay loved to dwell on circumstantials rather than what had happened, and she was sure that he would try to hold someone accountable.

The situation between her and Jay, it wasn't something she could explain to any of them.Not rationally, at least. After losing so many things in her life; her father, Ronnie, and becoming estranged from her own mother, she had a sullen, transparent darkness within her. Something she knew that she'd only be able to share with Jay, as he was the only person who understood it. She wanted to see his darkness, just as much as she was sure, he wanted to see hers.

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