An invisible man (15-03-2012)

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There is an invisible man.

He doesn't know who he is. He asks people around him but they cannot give him the answer he wants to hear.

To find out the answer he is searching for, he goes on a journey. He meets many people and asks many questions, but he hasn't received the answer he wants.

Then, he starts to imitate people.

At first, he tries wearing hat and gloves like people around him. People start noticing him but they do nothing. They are indifferent to him.

He decides to put on a shirt and a pair of trousers. People start looking at him, some admire him, some are jealous with him, some are staring at him, some are talking behind his back. No matter what, people start to recognize his being.

He starts to wear what people wear, he starts to buy what people buy, he starts to think like people think.

"Those clothes are nice. I want them!"

"Hey there, where did you get it?"

He continues to buy more and more expensive clothes. He has a collection of shoes and hats. He even has a golden chariot, and a very big mansion.

People recognize him and admire him because of his property. He is famous, indeed.

Still, he doesn't know who he is, but he thinks he knows.

One day, he suddenly remembers the question he asked when he was young.

"Sir, do you know who I am?"

"Yes I know. You are the person with golden chariot."

"How could I not know you? You are the person who has a very big mansion. It's gorgeous. I'm jealous with you."

"Why did you ask me that question? You are the person who always has your shoes clean and shine"

He looks at the mirror. He sees a shirt, a pair of trousers, a pair of shining shoes, an expensive hat, a pair of gloves. He can see anything.

But he cannot see his face.

He doesn't know whether he is fat or thin, he is tall or short, he has long or short hair. He is invisible.

He is invisible from the start.

Clothes can hide his deform parts, clothes can emphasize his nice figure, but clothes cannot show him exactly who he is.

Slowly, he throws away his gloves, his shoes, and his clothes.

He is totally naked.

He looks at himself in the mirror, this time, he sees his true self.

Because he is invisible, he can see his heart.

His heart is shining.

It's shining like a crystal, glittering like a diamond, yet its light is warm and gentle.

The light outside is too strong, he cannot notice the light come from his heart. He has forgotten it.

He fears that people will know his weaknesses.

He fears that people will laugh at his tiny light.

His fear plagues his heart with its dark cloud.

He himself hides his heart under those thick clothes.

What will he be from now on?

No one knows, people won't notice him anyway. They only notice his clothes and property he has left behind.

But with his own light being uncover, I'm sure he will be shining.


Let your heart be in its pure form.

All you have to do is to look at it.

It will shine, no matter what you do.

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