My damn laziness

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Niver: "Excuse me, but why are you all simply idling away? It's been three days since your latest upload, and as such, there is no valid justification for this degree of laziness."

Nicehill: "I am quite bereft of any sorts of creative or inspirational thoughts these days, to the extent that I would consider myself out of idea and motivation entirely."

Costy: "Good heavens, I simply cannot fathom the extent of your idleness, you know. It's astounding, truly!"

Niver: "But what of our valuable readers and followers? Do you intend to simply abandon them without giving it even a second thought? Our original book's plot has been left unattended for weeks, and the spin-off is still in the same state of utter inactivity as before. This simply will not do, my dear colleagues."

Nicehill: "Please, give me some time to think of something, alright? The well of my creativity has unfortunately run dry as of this current moment."

Niver: "I must say, the simple and pure truth of the matter is that you're both extremely lazy."

Costy: "That is a fair assessment, although it is worth considering that there may be some personal factors to take into account, and..."

Nicehill: "Well, that's true. We are essentially lazy in the real world ourselves. It's not a particularly admirable trait to possess,, who really cares, all right?"

Niver: "Ah, wonderful to see that you've resorted to spewing out such childish, vulgar insults in response to my valid critiques of your behavior. You truly are a pair of immature, irresponsible delinquents."

Nicehill: "You know what? You're a filthy idiot and a goddamn twat."

Costy: *Still chewing on some popcorn while watching the whole debacle unfold, having not contributed a single word to the entire conversation aside from that.*

TVman-204: "Um, Creator? Shouldn't you intervene and prevent such an unsavory spat from occurring?"

Costy: "Oh, don't fret my child. I am simply recording the entire incident, and I shall allow it to continue for the sake of entertainment, as well as giving the readers something new to consume. Now, just wait and watch as this delightful little drama develops, alright?"

Nicehill: "I am the original and the superior of us both, and you should be grateful that I, as the oldest one, allowed the Creator to construct you in the first place."

Niver: "That may be the case, but I have always been better than you in every conceivable way. I have far superior capabilities and design, for one, and I also possess significantly more common sense than you do."

Nicehill: "Oh, please, I am nothing like you in that way. I am quite affable and sociable, whereas you are a pretentious, obnoxious twit with no redeemable traits to speak of."

Niver: "And just who taught you the meaning of 'affable' and 'sociable' I wonder? Oh right, me. It is quite ironic that you'd use these terms to label yourself when you are so insufferable and repulsive to everyone around you."

Harper: "I've overheard a heated verbal argument taking place here between these two individuals. Whatever could be the reason for such an intensely volatile altercation?

Costy: "Oh, don't worry about it, Harp. It's just our two protagonists, Niver and Nicehill, engaging in one of their usual arguments. You know, the typical insults and profanities that are present in every single one of their bickering sessions."

Costy: "Sigh It appears that my creator has departed for the time being, leaving me in charge of dealing with the current predicament. It seems as though it is my responsibility to separate these two unruly individuals. Oh dear, this is going to be quite a bothersome undertaking..."

Costy: "My beloved readers and followers, it pains me to say that I shall, unfortunately, have to conclude this fascinating chapter shortly, for I have an extremely pressing matter to handle at the present moment. However, please have no fear, for I shall undoubtedly return with another installment in due time.

However, before I depart, I must issue a stern warning to these two belligerent individuals, namely, Nicehill and Niver. Gentlemen, I shall not tolerate this continued argument any longer, so please cease the altercation now."

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