Opinions [1]

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*Everyone's opinions on TVman-204!*

(In the original Au)

Normal Cameraman: "He is fine."

Normal Speakerman: "No idea."

Normal TVman: "Allies?"

POV Cameraman: "He is very nice to me and help me multiple of time. He seem very good at his job."

Large Cameraman: "He is usually quiet around me. I wonder if I done anything wrong."

Large Speakerman: "He is only one can stand me blast into his with a loud music in a few hours."

Large TVman: "He is my lovely brother, but he always tells me not to swearing that much. Like...When the f*ck did I swearing much huh?"

TVwoman: "A good friend to hang out with."

Speakerwoman: "He is the most cheerful TVman that I ever seen. Yeppi, I love when I get to meet him."

Camerawoman: "He is very nice to be honest."

Dark Speakerman: "I don't like him very much but I'm not hating him."

Plunger Cameraman: "He is a fun guy to talk with during break."

Brown Cameraman: ".....He is the best person in the whole world! I love him so much! With full of my heart! He is so caring and nice! *Insert many many praise here*!" (Bro...I know you're simp but don't be this much.)

Scientist Cameraman: "I usually met him when he carried the wounded soldiers to the Medical and Fixing Room. He is the of person never leave someone die in front his eyes so he did save a lots of life."

Scientist TVman: "He is alright, I love his personality. But I wonder why I couldn't meet him that much. Maybe because he is alway busy with his job." (Go ask Slash and Brown Cam and you'll understand)


(Multiverse Au. So this is the TVman-204 from this Au not Og one)

Clockman: "He is very rude but clearly focus on his job. So I have a high praise to him."

Large Clockman: "He like to play chess with Speakerman. But he alway lose by somehow. If I don't count his cold personality, he is a nice person."

Clockwoman: "My best friend's boyfriend?!"

Drillman: "He is something confused because of my sign language tho, but I'm also confused by his emoticon so that would be fair....even when he alway forgot who I am...bruh..."

Large Drillman: "Never met."

Drillwoman: "My lovely lover. I love him very much."



Titan Cameraman: "He si nice to talk with, I guess? His abilities is very fit with his job. And he is a very nice person, no wonder why Titan TVman likes him so much."

Titan Speakerman: "I barely met him but he a quite chaotic TV person, that's what I like." (The one also chaotic)

Titan TVman: "My cool son---I MEAN! Crew member, a good Alliance member. A person who alway tries his best on his job. Isn't he precious?"

Titan Clockman: "He is alway swear which I didn't like but I just have to get used to it. I mean, he still do his job right."

Titan Drillman: "He made me want to murder but I'm just realized that I finished all Skibidi in the area because of him."

(TVman-204 from both Og and Multi so the opinions is different for TClockM and TDM)

[This based on Alice_d3mon's old chapter]

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