Broken Screen (Extra Story)

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I started my day with a peaceful stroll, accompanied by TV Woman as we conversed about numerous topics, ranging from matters associated with the alliance to bits of gossip and information regarding the members of the alliance. As we prattled on, 'UwU' icons appeared on our TV screens, signifying the joy we felt while discussing these topics together.

I strolled forward with TV Woman, engaging in a casual conversation as we moved along, discussing our various thoughts and feelings towards the current state of the alliance.

However, our conversation was cut short when I tripped over a small rock and fell to the ground, causing damage to my TV head. In response, TV Woman expressed shock and surprise on her TV head by displaying a wide-eyed 'O-O' expression on her screen.

While attempting to regain my composure from the fall I had previously taken, I noticed a glaring flaw in my television screen: a small crack at the center. Moreover, black liquid was dribbling down and spilling out of the crack, filling the air with a grim sight I had never before witnessed.

TV Woman was understandably befuddled when she saw the screen and what had become of it. She froze in shock, staring at the spillage of black liquid that dripped from the wound in my television screen.

My panic quickly grew in intensity as I pondered the consequences of my fragile display being damaged. It was integral to my role in the battlefield to maintain a working screen, and a broken screen could render me useless in the field, potentially causing a number of other issues as well. The notion of being confined to the medical room yet again filled me with a foreboding feeling that I hoped to never experience once more.

When TV Woman saw how severe my wound was, she swiftly moved next to me and teleported the both of us to the base of the Alliance.

Once we had arrived at the base, she hurriedly escorted me to the Medical Room, where nurses and doctors quickly began to assess my wound and determine the appropriate procedure to follow.

I felt an all-encompassing drowsiness slowly encase me as the damaged TV screen caused a sudden shutdown of my power. I eventually succumbed to the fatigue, passing out and entering into a state of unconsciousness.

Upon awakening, I was startled to find that my TV screen was bandaged for roughly half the surface area. The bandages were applied neatly, but their appearance was a bit comical in nature, to be honest. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, bemused by the sight and wondering how long I would be forced to roam around looking like this.

Suddenly the door burst open, and a figure rushed towards me with an expression of worry on their face.

"Are you ok?!" The figure inquired.

When I got a good look at the individual, I recognized them to be Brown Camera Man, a person who was always present in times of crisis and difficulty, much like a good friend does. The gesture was appreciated and touching, the sight of his warmth and concern bringing my mood out of the funk induced by my wound.

"Yeah...I suppose I am just slightly injured..." I replied nonchalantly, displaying a '^-^' on my TV screen as I brushed him off.

Brown Camera Man expressed skepticism towards my response, pointing at my bandaged TV screen. He then proceeded to raise his voice in response, stating;

"Little?! Look at you!"

I was taken aback by his retort, both in its tone and content. I had been hoping to present myself as unafraid and confident. Instead, I was reduced to being described as having suffered a "little" injury.

I attempted to quell his worries with a gentle response, imploring him not to take the matter too seriously. In my defense, while my wound did appear rather devastating in nature, I did have faith that it would eventually heal over time.

"Hey....Don't take it too serious...It's just a screen."

"The most important thing of a TVman..." He responded in an exasperated but fearful tone, demonstrating the worry that he had for me and my health.

"Don't make it too deep. It will heal in no time." I affirmed confidently.

"Just don't do anything out of your control anymore." Brown Camera Man stated, his tone full of concern.

"Ok. Promise." I responded with a happy tone, displaying a '👌🏿' on my TV screen in order to reinforce the credibility of my words.

He offered a sigh of relief and satisfaction, delighted at the realization that I was still alright.

"Wait...How did you got hurt again?" Brown Camera Man inquired, a tone of confusion in his voice.

"I tripped over a random rock and fell down." I responded in a nonchalant manner, causing him to express a befuddled reaction.

"What?!" He responded in disbelief. "That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard!" He exclaimed in a baffled tone. My explanation only seemed to deepen the confusion in his mind.

"Haha. That is stupid, I know." I stated with a laugh, displaying ':p' to express my humor towards the situation.

"You're more reckless then I thought.." He sighed, shaking his head slightly while smiling in an amused manner. I couldn't help but agree, as it was rather careless of me to suffer such an injury over something so trivial.

For what seemed like many hours, Brown Camera Man and I engaged in a meaningful conversation, discussing topics that were on our mind or occurred in the world. As we spoke, I gradually began to think that maybe the injury wasn't that bad, as I was able to enjoy spending time with a close ally. While the damage done to my screen was unfortunate, it wasn't the end of the world, and I was quite content to be able to bond with Brown Camera Man.

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