Meet one of the Leader (Extra Story)

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(The timeline where Titan Cameraman is normal and not get injured.)

[If anyone wonder why I post this now. Go back to the newest announce, I just change the write period]

          TVman-204 POV:

I was jogging around a random abandoned city when I spotted a massive figure with a camera head as well as a blue power core. This was none other than Titan Cameraman, one of the alliance members.

Titan Cameraman was a towering figure, stretching up to the height of a building. I had a sudden urge to teleport up next to him and say hello, but accidentally teleported inside his shirt pocket instead. Whoops.

However, Titan Camera Man did not seem to notice me at all and continued defeating all the Skibidi Toilets in his sights. What made him stand out from Titan Speakerman was his speed, he was gentle yet powerful. While seated in his pocket, I couldn't help but marvel at the height I found myself at in comparison to his enormous stature.

After sending all the Skibidi Toilet's to their rightful place, Titan Cameraman met up with the rest of the Alliance, accompanied by Titan Speakerman, who was nearby. Although I was not surprised to see them as I had heard about this event already, I still felt a sense of awe and anticipation as the two titans of the Alliance stood side by side in glory.

As Titan Speakerman and Titan Camera Man conversed, Titan Speakerman suddenly glanced down at Titan Camera Man's shirt and spotted something in it. My heart sank once I realized that he was looking at me, and that I was the "something" he had spotted. Oh no, I was in trouble now.

"Hey, Titan Camera. There's something...or rather someone in your pocket," Titan Speakerman proclaimed.

"Huh? Really?" Titan Cameraman inquired, his eyes widening in awe.

In my mind, I was frantically screaming as I tried my best to remain silent and motionless.

Titan Camera Man slowly touched his pocket and the realization slowly dawned on him that he wasn't alone in there. With great care, he gingerly took me out of his pocket and set me down on his massive hand.

"Oh, a TVman?" Titan Camera Man remarked, his eyebrows furrowing in curiosity.

"I believe he teleported into your pocket by mistake, as I have once experienced said situation myself." Titan Speakerman replied.

"Oh, how surprising." Titan Camera Man remarked, looking me over with new interest.

"What are you doing here?" Titan Cameraman inquires of me.

"Uhh...Well...I'm TVman-204...I was just heading to work but accidentally teleported to the wrong place," I reply nervously, my TV head displaying the words "Sorry" to show my remorse for the awkward situation I had landed myself in.

"Oh? You're 204? Titan TVMan has mentioned you." Titan Camera Man inquires, his face displaying an air of interest towards my previous interactions with Titan TVMan.

"Yes, I am 204...Titan TVMan mentioned me?" I inquired, curious to know the details of how I had somehow managed to catch his attention.

"You really are quite adept at supporting, just as Titan TVMan described." Titan Camera Man compliments me, his tone giving off a feeling of sincerity and appreciation for my efforts.

Titan Cameraman gently put me to sit on his shoulder.

"You said that you going for work, right? I think you can help me a bit before I get both of us to the Alliance base." Titan Cameraman says while walking through the abandoned city with me.

"Yes, I stated I was going to work, yet it seems I have taken a detour. Nonetheless, I would be happy to assist you in reaching the Alliance base before we both return there as well." I responded to Titan Camera Man's request, eager to see what else the day shall have in store for us.

I wished to demonstrate my worth to Titan Camera Man as well, thus deciding to make use of the flashlight featured on my TV head to scan the area. Upon completion, I detected the presence of some small Skibidi Toilet's hiding behind a building. This could prove crucial to our mission, hence I deemed it necessary to inform Titan Camera Man of this discovery.

I alerted Titan Camera Man of the small Skibidi Toilet's' presence near us, stating that i had the situation under control. As such, I decided to descend to the ground to confront the small Skibidi Toilet's, my screen displaying a ':)' to convey my confidence in my own abilities.

Without hesitation, I unleashed a devastating blast from my green flashlight, successfully melting the Skibidi Toilet's' skulls and eradicating them entirely, all without so much as a single scratch being applied to my person.

Upon my successful elimination of the Skibidi Toilet's, I showcased a '👍' on my screen to Titan Camera Man, who reciprocated the gesture with a thumbs up of his own, demonstrating his appreciation for my effort.

As I stood before Titan Camera Man and provided him with a thumbs up, I suddenly asked him if he could lift me up yet again, as I had exhausted all of my power after battling the Skibidi Toilet's. Titan Camera Man looked puzzled at my request, seemingly unaware of why I was unable to teleport.

"Can you pick me up again?" I inquired.

"I thought you had teleport?" Titan Camera Man inquired, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I just used all my power...." I replied in a melancholy tone, displaying a '🥲' on my screen.

Titan Camera Man responded to my request with a small chuckle, as if it were a simple matter. He swiftly picked me up and placed me on his shoulder, carrying me to the Alliance base where he then set me down at the entrance.

I bid Titan Camera Man adieu and greeted the two figures who had arrived behind me. Cameraman-204 inquired about the reason for my extended absence, and I informed him that I had encountered an issue of some sort.

Speakerman240th soon chimed in, inquiring about the nature of the issue I had mentioned. As I pointed out Titan Camera Man who was in the distance, Cameraman-204 noticed something that made him suspicious.

"You just changed from idol Titan TVman...TO IDOL TITAN CAMERAMAN?!" He questioned.

"lol, 😏." I responded with a smug smile.

(When I finish writing I resize I just wrote 999 words....)

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