Mr.Sleepy (Extra Story)

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(Request from my beloved follower, user36243467)

       TVman-204 POV:

As I wandered around the base, I noticed something strange. One of the cameramen was sleeping in the alliance chair, while everyone else was busy working. I found it quite odd that he was sleeping while everyone else was putting in their share of the work. As I got closer, I realized that he was actually snoring loudly and was quite comfortable in his sleep. I wondered if I should wake him or let him continue to sleep. I decided to let him sleep for now and see what he does when he wakes up.

As I looked a bit more closely at the sleepy cameraman, I noticed that he was quite popular among his fellow crewmates. He often carried a pillow with him and was known for sneaking off to take naps. Despite his messy appearance, his clothing was always immaculate and his sleeping position was very gentle. He looked so peaceful as he slept, it was almost like he was hiding something beneath his facade of carelessness. It made me wonder why he was sleeping when everyone else was working.

I gently tapped the shoulder of the sleepy cameraman, not wanting to scare him.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked quietly, not wanting to startle him.

The sleepy cameraman awoke and looked up at me with half-closed eyes.

"Oh, don't worry about it, buddy. I've already finished all of it," he explained.

"You finished all the work one day in the morning?" I was surprised at his response. It was quite impressive that he had managed to finish all the work in such a short time.

"If you've got nothing else to say, I'll go back to my precious sleep," the sleepy cameraman said dismissively.

"But it's still early in the morning, you can't sleep at this time?" I protested.

"I'm tired okay? Just let me sleep, TVman," he snapped back.

I didn't have much choice but to allow him to continue sleeping. I decided to watch him for a while, curious to see what this mysterious cameraman was really up to.

"But don't you think this place is kinda... uncomfortable?" I questioned, confused by his decision to sleep in the middle of the Alliance base.

"Nah, this place is okay," The sleepy cameraman responded with a yawn. "And when I need to work, I'll quickly be on my position."

I was a bit taken aback by his nonchalant attitude, but I wasn't about to argue with him.

As I watched the sleepy cameraman sleeping, another cameraman approached and hit his head.

"Your job here," the other cameraman said, handing some paperwork to the sleepy cameraman.

Surprisingly, as the sleepy cameraman received his job, he didn't look sleepy anymore, but rather worked very efficiently and hard. He finished all his work in only 10 minutes and immediately went back to sleep. I found his ability to switch between modes so quickly quite impressive.

"Wow, you're different from what I thought," I marveled.

"Lol, everyone says that," the sleepy cameraman chuckled. "But they need to change that thought."

"So you're not the fighting kind Cameraman, right?" I inquired. "Yea," he responded, "I normally stay in the base."

"You're the TV man that's gonna review the battlefield, right?"

"Yep, that's me." I displayed a happy emoji on my TV screen as I confirmed.

The sleepy cameraman gave me a thumb's up.

"You're different from the other TV man," he remarked. "You're kind of joyful and cute if I have to say."

"Awe, thanks," I replied with delight and added a 'UwU' emoji on my TV screen.

"I thought that you usually go out for your missions," the sleepy cameraman said. "What makes you stay here at the moment?"

"Well, to be honest, I kind of got injured----"(Base on the time TVman-204 got hit) I responded, but was cut off.

"YOU GOT INJURED?!" The sleepy Cameraman shouted, his eyes widening as he reacted to the news.

"Uh....Yeah?" I say, confirming I was injured.

"How did this happen? Aren't you capable of teleportation?" The sleepy Cameraman asks.

"Well, I know I'm a TV man, and I'm very reliable with teleportation, being quick and sensitive. That time I tried to fight with a bunch of Large Skibidi---" I begin to explain but am cut off again.

"You can't fight, TV man-204! Your job is only to review the battlefield below! What if you're gone? The Alliance will lose an important member!" The sleepy Cameraman scream to me with concern.

"Wait....I'm important?" I ask.

"YES! Everyone is important!" he says angrily.

"Okay, okay, I get it," I replied, trying to keep the peace. "I made a mistake, but let's not get too hung up on it. What matters now is what I do moving forward. From now on, I'll stick to my role and not get involved in the fights."

The sleepy Cameraman crossed his arms and frowned, but didn't say anything more. I hoped that he would listen to my explanation and give me a second chance.

"Hey, can we be friends?" I ask.

"Hmm... Sure, I see no problem in that," the sleepy Cameraman replies.

I smiled and added a 'shake hands' emoji in my TV screen.

He laughed and gave my TV head a pat, still sitting on the chair and looking drowsy.

"Let me know when you want to go on your next mission," he says, closing his eyes and lying down on his chair. "I still feel tired."

I sit next to the sleepy Cameraman and watch as he slowly falls asleep again. I can't help but be astonished by the fact that he spent all his time sleeping. It almost seemed like something wasn't right. Was he too tired? Or did he just enjoy sleeping? Either way, I decided that I would try to drag him out for some fun later. He might've been a sleepy Cameraman, but he was still one of us, and it was important to build bonds with our teammates.

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