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"Hi mom," she whispered. "I am going to see you soon.

Her voice trembled and echoed until it faltered away soon right after. Was there really any place called heaven and hell?

They say hell is for sinners and taking your own life is the biggest sin of them all since, only God has the right to take your soul.

If that was true, she might not have a chance to meet her mom at all.

"They didn't clean the rack holders," murmured Soojin as she witnessed her mom's dusty urn left there all alone.

"Whatever happens mom, don't blame yourself for this." Her mother had the trait to blame herself for others.

"It's not your fault that I'm doing this. Even if what dad says comes out true I would never hate you," she continued.

"Even if you did that, I would say it was the right decision. I never hated you for anything.

"I am sorry mom. I wish I could be a better daughter.

"I am letting you down by taking my own life but I can't ..anymore." Her voice cracked and she just stood there watching her own reflection on the glass of the rack holder. A broken girl stood in front of her and all she was murmuring was,

"I wish I could love myself."

She came out when she thought she had put back her pieces. Even though she hated becoming an emotional mess in front of others she couldn't help herself anymore when she saw the boy sitting in the wide staircase, leaning his body to the front with his shoulder slumped. She completely broke down thinking about her past and present.

Her mom died in a bus accident three years ago. 18 people including 16 passengers, the driver and a passer by died that day.

Her mom was one of the passengers. The bus had lost its break.

 Her dad was the main reason why she had never been content with her life. Outside they looked like a normal family when her dad abused her mom every day. Verbally, physically.

"Slut, two timer." Weren't the words she recognized at that time. But she could feel that they were bad words since all she saw was her mom crying every night. Her dad screaming, drinking alcohol every night.

It was too much to take for a young girl. Burying her head in the pillow at nights wouldn't help much. Still, her mom would try to smile seeing Soojin in the morning with her bruised face since there wasn't a point hiding them at all. They were all over.

Her mom didn't have a job nor did she go outside that much for the shame. It was unbearable for Soojin because she thought she was the main reason for her parent's fights.

Still, she hanged on. Sometimes going to her aunt's place or to a small diner to eat out with her mom would make her forget how hard it was at home.

Her dad didn't torture her, not until then.

She saw the monster in her dad three years ago when he slapped her for no reason. He was drunk and she was just in his way, sitting on the ground of their living room doing her school's art project.

Next morning it was decided that her parents would separate. Her mom would take Soojin's custody and her dad didn't resist. She and her mom would stay at her aunt's place until her mom gets a job.

The news of her parents divorcing was surprising and terrifying to Soojin. No other kids in her school had their parents separated like this. Yet she felt happy for her mom.

Then it happened. Her mom was visiting her aunt's place right before the divorce. On her way back she got into the accident. Her dad cried, even though Soojin thought he wouldn't react much. She cried too.

But he went back to his self soon enough and this time he only got worst. He wouldn't pay for Soojin's school, he wouldn't buy her necessities. All he did was getting drunk, getting fired from every single job he got, cursing her mom and Soojin all day.

He started abusing her. He was the sole reason she got to school with bruises every day. She had to start working part time jobs and she had to lie about her age to get them.

After she got home he would be there. Getting angry over nothing he would start slapping, kicking her until she would fall down.

Last night he told Soojin to get out.

And he wasn't drunk this time.

He said she wasn't his child and her mom got pregnant before their marriage.  

He said her mom was a slut.

Soojin didn't cry and left.

She came right at the place where she thought she would die. She killed herself in her mind a million times before.

Then why was she crying? Before she realized she had told the boy everything about her past. And he just listened watching her.

There was no expression written on his face but she knew he was listening.

She kept crying silently and frequently she wiped her cheeks which only got soaked again with fresh tears.

"Your aunt, where is she now?" He asked slowly in his deep voice. That was the first time he had spoken after listening to all her story.

"I don't know," she replied. "She didn't keep in contact with us after mom died."

He only hummed in response and it felt like he was thinking of something.

"Can I ask something?" She wiped her tears once again.

He nodded. "What's your name?" She asked after a moment.

"Jeon Jungkook."

His name sounded somehow familiar to her. But only a little. Like the dusty wind that hits you in dry winter but you vaguely remember it in a rainy day.

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