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"What's your age?" She asked with curiosity ringing in her tone.

"I thought it was only one question?"

Soft giggles erupted as they were walking down an empty wide road with trees shadowing their path. A lone place, middle of nowhere. He walked in front of her and she was following his slow steps from a distance.

"Between 17 to 20. Now take your guess." Soojin couldn't see his face from the back so she couldn't grasp if he was joking or not.

He looked like he could be of her age but then again he had an unexplainable maturity in his gestures. Yet, when he laughed which he only did for a few times made the sun glow brighter and the autumn wind warmer like he was an unborn child.

She stayed silent since it was clear that the boy wasn't that eager to talk.

"Do you have any other wishes before you die?" He asked suddenly startling her.

What's with all these wishes? People would always say things like they want to this or that before they die. Most of those wishes would be outrageous but in her case, it wasn't like that.

She never even thought about it but still, she answered, "Cherry blossoms. I wish I could see those again"

The boy turned his face around making a laughing sound. "Are you an idiot? It's only late autumn."

Embarrassed, she looked away. She should've been more practical since they bloom at spring. But it was her choice, she could wish whatever. People's wishes vary from bungy jumping to robbing a bank before they die.

"Your name sounded familiar." She piped changing the topic. She had his back facing her again.

"Maybe you saw me on TV." He said in an amused voice.

"Yeah right." She replied chuckling silently. The boy had a sense of humor.

A light breeze rushed past and something hit Soojin's face. She immediately closed her eyes but opened them right after.

She touched her cheek and found a flower petal.

Cherry blossom.

Wide eyed she looked up ahead and they were falling like the first snow, pink, shy and beautiful.

She spun around and beside the road there was only one big cherry blossom tree among all the other trees. It was big and its large branches shadowed over the road. Purple pink among the greens. The road was getting filled with the petals.

She felt breathless seeing the heavenly beauty. She held out her hand to touch the flower petals. And her eyes caught the boy who was doing the same.

He had both of his hand held ahead and they were getting filled with the petals. As she watched from a distance, the scene felt like it wasn't from earth but from a far away heavenly place.

He faced her with a large grin on his face. There, he was smiling like that again.

"Seems like the nature doesn't want you to die!" He said in a surprised voice and a little too loudly for her to hear.

"She's hearing your wishes. She doesn't want you to die!"

Soojin laughed seeing his innocence. Her hand got filled with petal leaves too so she held them close to her heart watching them curiously.

"Or maybe she's giving me a proper farewell."

4:05 PM

They were heading back again. Her mind took photos of the cherry blossom tree and she captured them in her heart. It was a good warm feeling and she wanted to keep the memory alive until she died, which was going to happen merely in a few hours.

Somehow it felt like miracles could happen. A tree blooming at its best before the right time was a miracle. The tree was old and alone. She looked tired yet she did her best blooming.

It felt like she would die soon.

Maybe she wanted to bloom again before that and for the girl who was just like her.

Alone and deserted. Left to die.

Soojin sighed and leaned her head against the seat. It was her last journey. When she would arrive at Seoul it would be nearly 7 pm. She would do it right this time.

But what would happen to him? Would he stay there to witness everything? The mysterious aura around Jungkook surely made Soojin curious.

Leaning her head back she faced him. His tall firm body was sitting uptight in his seat. He wasn't relaxed like her and just the sight made her feel anxiously tired.

"Can't you relax a little?" She muttered watching him. He looked at her with questioning eyes.

"Sleep or something. It will take long to get there."

He shrugged and leaned a little crossing his arms over his chest. He still looked tensed as if he couldn't find any comfort. He shifted in his seat and his long sleeves rolled up a bit. That was when she noticed it.

A long old cut in the back of his wrist and it almost reached the front.

Before he could hide it she grabbed his arm and a gasp left her mouth.

The back of his arm was filled with old scars.

He avoided her eyes looking down. His fist was made into a ball and the blue veins over his arm showing.

"I tried before. That's why I'm saying, you'll regret it." 

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