December Nine

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Best Friend Goals

A "Healing My Broken Amber" Short Story/A Somewhat Two-Part Story


"You seem extra happy today," Griffin commented as he watched his best friend, Amber, skip happily.

They were currently walking towards Lara's house for the Christmas party. The night was cold as snow fell from the sky. Nevertheless, the sky was filled with bright, twinkling stars that Griffin would gladly stay at the park just to watch these stars.

"No duh," Amber replied, "It's Christmas! I get to be with my friends."

"You mean, you get to be with Jason," Griffin teased and she blushes slightly.

"Partly the reason but really, I love you all," Amber said.

"By partly do you mean 50% only for Jason and the other 50% for everyone else?" Griffin went on but let out a laugh as Amber glared at him.

She didn't reply which made Griffin conclude that he was correct. Well, she was in luck on this particular night. He had been planning a secret surprise with Lara whenever they were at school in real life. Consider Amber lucky that Griffin had a gift for her in store.

They finally reached Lara's house and stepped inside.

- - -

"You know the plan?" Lara was asking Jen over the phone.

"Of course I do," Jen replied then quickly added when she saw Jenifer, her best friend, walking towards her car, "She's here. Gotta go."

"We're counting on you to get her here," Lara told her.

"And we're counting on you to make sure Jason's there," Jen shot back, trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice, "I know what to do."

As soon as she hanged up, Jenny had entered the car. Jen tried to act as if she wasn't just on the phone but Jennifer must've sensed something for she looked at her questioningly.

Jen only grinned at her and said, "Come on. We have some last minute Christmas shopping to attend to!"

Jennifer groaned, "Are you serious? Why didn't you do that two weeks ago? Even better, three?"

"Because shopping for Christmas gifts two or three weeks early makes you seem too excited," Jen shrugged as if it was no big deal, "I got all the time in the world."

"Yeah and now we're about to be late," Jennifer muttered, glaring at her.

Jen secretly grinned once again as she started to drive towards the mall, "All part of the plan, my friend. All part of the plan."

Jennifer muttered something under her breath but what she didn't know was what the plan actually was.

You are in for a big surprise.

- - -

"Great, we're late!" Jennifer exclaimed, "We are so late!"

By Jen's last minute Christmas shopping, she actually meant a three-hour shopping for the next books of her favorite series.

"Chill," Jen told her calmly, "The party started only like one minute ago."

"And it's a ten minute drive all the way to the party, making as eleven minutes late-" Jennifer kept on yelling in anger.

"Someone's been studying for their math test," Jen muttered as she went on.

"-And it's all because of spending three whole hours looking for a stupid book!" Jennifer finished, glaring at her for the hundredth time.

"You are no book lover if you call a book stupid," Jen growled at her.

"That is beside the point-"

"You have just insulted the books and everyone else who loves reading," Jen went on, ignoring her, "We will never forgive you. The books, the papers, the authors, the readers, even the trees-"

"Okay, I take it back. Books are the best things in the world!" Jennifer interrupted, "but we've wasted three hours and because of that, we're late!"

"Only for eleven minutes," Jen said, calming down a bit, "Just relax. I get why you want to be early. It's because of the 50% part reason of seeing Jason."

Jennifer then blushed, remembering Amber and Griffin's conversation from last night when they were playing 'Evermere.'

"And I shall take your silence as the answer," Jen grinned as they kept on driving.

As they finally reached the Christmas party, Lara hadn't been too mad but really, she was trying to stay calm at Jen. Amber, of course, so her boyfriend and Jen smiled softly as she watched her run towards Jason.

Jen sighed, liking the single life. As long as her best friend's happy, she was happy as well. She didn't need a knight and shining armor just yet.

Just like she said, "Live freely while you're young before getting a boy to take your heart."

In fact, i'm actually going to keep that quote and claim it as mine.

- - -


Dedicated to RiceItsSelf just to remind you not to forget about your best friend if you get a boyfriend.


I shall make a great comeback!

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