💫 Chapter-2 💫

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Present Time

~ Yah, stop right their. Today I will kill you. How dare you throw water on me?

A boy shouted running after another boy who was giggling. Well, many may think, they are young kids but...........this is not the case. They both are in their 20s.

Anyways, they both ran into their older brother's room where is was arranging his papers.

The youngest went to him and hide behind him.

~ Tae Tae Hyung......you will never catch me.

Said the youngest. Taehyung took deep breath because of running in the whole house.

Taehyung- You!!.......Hyung see he again threw water at me.

Taehyung said as he sat on the bed. Jungkook chuckled seeing him. He turned back to face the younger.

Jungkook- Hobi.....you did that again?

Hoseok- Yup. It was fun. Tae Tae Hyung looked so scared.

Hoseok said giggling.

Taehyung- See, Hyung. First he make me mad and now he is laughing like he did a very good work for which he should be praised.

Hoseok- Good Idea. Kookie Hyung praise me

Jungkook laughed and ruffled the hair of the younger who giggled at the affection.

Taehyung- Seriously, Hobi. You will be 20 in a few days, and you are still behaving like a 5 year old kid.

Hoseok- I know right. I will be 20. I am happy. I will do more fun things.

Taehyung- What do you mean when you say more fun things? Cause what you do is not less compared to that.

Jungkook- Tae, leave it. He is just a kid. Let him do what he likes.

Hoseok- See. I know Kookie Hyung will support me.

Taehyung- Yah Yah. I know.

They were taking just when Dasom came in.

Dasom- Hey guys. Hii Hobiiii.

Jungkook, Taehyung- Hey Dasom Mom.

Hoseok- Dasom Mom Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.

(They still call her as Dasom Mom cause Dasom don't want them to call her only "Mom". That words only belongs to Mi Sun according to her.)

Taehyung- Look he is again behaving like a small kid.

Hoseok pouted and went to Dasom. He stood beside her and said

Hoseok- Dasom Mom, Tae Hyung is angry at Hobii....

Dasom- Wae? Did our Hobi again pranked him?

Hoseok- Yup, I did. I threw water at him. He was looking like a wet cat.

Taehyung- Yah, I am not a cat.

Hoseok- Maybe a wet bear then.....

Taehyung- You little piece of sh__

Dasom, Jungkook- Taehyung!

Thy said and Taehyung immediately covered his mouth with his hands. Actually Jungkook and Dasom don't allow anyone to say any bad words infront of him and he also don't even know any words like that.

Taehyung- Sorry.

Hoseok- What were you about to say Hyung?

Taehyung- Nothing.

Hoseok- Ohh. I get it. You wanted to say a bad word. Hmm. You are a bad guy.

He said with a very cute face. Taehyung dramatically putted his hand on his heart and said

Taehyung- Oh god. I will see myself out otherwise I will really explode because of his cuteness.

He said and the other three laughed.

Dasom- Anyway, now Can we be serious for a moment?

She said as she sat on the couch. The brothers also sat beside her.

Jungkook- What do you wanna tell us Dasom Mom?

Dasom- So, we are shifting to Korea.

All three of them widened their eyes. Taehyung and Jungkook beacuse they know, they have some concetion from Korea while Hoseok widened his eyes because he always wanted to go their. He knew he was Korean, but never went their.

Hoseok- Really? For how long?

Dasom- Forever.

Jungkook- Forever? Why?

Dasom- Well.....you can say your Dasom Mom finally found someone for herself.

Taehyung- Really? Finally you found someone for you? How?

Dasom- Well, He was here for a month, and we both started liking each other. Then we talked with each through phone and now, he wants to marry me. I accepted it. So, we have to move to Korea as he lives in Korea only.

Hoseok- OMG. I am so happy for you Dasom Mom. Finally, you will have someone in your single life.

Dasom- Don't say like that Hobi. Anyways, you guys don't have any problem right?

Jungkook- Ofcourse not. Why will we have? Infact we are more happy for you. Right guys?

Taehyung, Hoseok- Yes Hyung.

Jungkook- See...

Dasom- Thank you so much guys. And ya, Jungkook, I talked with my boyfriend and he told me if you want to continue as a teacher, he can get you the job immediately. And that too in the same school with Tae and our little troublemaker.

Hoseok- I--

Jungkook- That would be great Dasom Mom. When will we be going?

Dasom- After 2 days. But you all should start packing.

All 3- Ok Dasom Mom.

Dasom- Ok, I will see you guys later. By

All 3- By By.

Kim Mansion

~ You're are so lovely, I am so lovely, we are so lovely... lovely lovely lovely.

A boy sang in his house. Well, everyone know who he is. His younger brother came downstairs and looked at him.

~ Yah Jimin Hyung....what are you doing here? Sitting and singing (?)

Jimin stopped his lovely song and looked infront to face his younger brother.

Jimin- Can't You see Joon, I am singing a song.

Namjoon- I know. But.....you know that Jin Hyung called us. He said Dad wanted to tell us something?

Jimin stood up and sighed.

Jimin- Now what does he wants to say?

Namjoon- How will I know Hyung.

Jimin- Oh God. You know what, let's just go, before you burn my head.

Namjoon- I was saying the same thing. And I didn't burned you head ok?

Jimin- Whatever. Let's go. Hyung's will be waiting.....wait wehre are they?

Namjoon- Meeting Room Hyung.

He said and started walking. Jimin also walked behind him. They reached the meeting room and after knocking they went inside. They saw Jin, Yoongi and Mr. Kim already sitting their. Mr. Kim signalled them to sit. They sat near Jin and Yoongi.

Jin- Now, tell us what is the thing you wanted to tell all of us?

Mr. Kim- I am having a girlfriend........

Mr. Kim said and looked at his sons to give some expressions.

Yoongi- Ok and what about it? What should we do with it?

Mr. Kim- I am going to marry her at the end of this month.

Namjoon, Jimin- What!!

Mr. Kim- Yes. Just before Namjoon's 20th birthday, you will have a Mom and Siblings.

Jimin- What do you mean by siblings?

Mr. Kim- My girlfriend have three sons. So, they will be your brothers.

Jin- Step brothers....

Yoongi- Yes. And I don't fucking care, do whatever you want to do. You want to marry someone, then go ahead. Just tell the new people to not Mendel in any of our business.

Dad- They will not. They are nice---

Yoongi- Did we asked? No, then no need to tell.

Jin- Is their any other, thing you want us to tell or do? Or shall we go?

Dad- Their is. They will be coming after 2 days and will be saying with us only. But that's not what I want from you. It's just the youngest is still in School, middle is in university while the eldest is a teacher. So you know, can they like--

Jin- Study and get a job in our school?

Dad- Yes

Jin- It will be done. I will need their documents and I will do the rest. Anything else?

Dad- No.

Jin- Hm..

He and Yoongi stood up and left the room. Jimin and Namjoon also stood up and after giving a last glance to Mr. Kim, they also left.

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Words Count- 1315

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