💫 Chapter-3💫

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Kim Mansion

Namjoon- Jin Hyung, will you accept the new comers?

Namjoon asked as he laid his head on Suga's lap. Suga started playing with his hairs.

Jin- No, Namjoon. Getting close to people, hurts more. Cause everyone leave us one day. And I have experienced it. I don't wanna feel the same pain again after I get close to them and they leave me at end.

Hearing this Namjoon sat straight and looked at Jin confused.

Namjoon- Whom are you talking about Hyung? Who left you?

Jin- Someone, very close to me. She left me alone when I needed her the most. She left me beacause of the person who don't care for her.

Namjoon- Who is she Hyung?

Yoongi- Mom......

Namjoon widened his eyes. This was the first time , he ever heard the word Mom coming out from his brothers mouth. During his childhood he used to ask about his Mom but everyone just said that she died. And no one talk about her. So, listening this word is pretty shocking for Namjoon.

Namjoon- M-Mom Hyung?

Jimin- Yup. And all that I remember is she didn't left alone. She left with someone who was close with me. Till childhood, I even Remembered the name but I guess, I don't remember it now.

Namjoon- Really? She left us all?

Jin- Yes Joonie. She didn't died. She left us.

Namjoon- Why she left us Hyung?

Yoongi- Dad lied to her. He didn't told her that he was Mafia. They started fighting. After just one day when you were born, she left us. And gave divorce to him. But I also don't remember anything else than this.

Namjoon- Ohh....is that why we don't have good relationship with Dad?

Jin- One of many reasons. Other reasons you will know when you will grow up.

Namjoon- Ok Hyung...... Um....Hyung's, I am going in my room to study. By

Jin, Yoongi, Jimin- By By.

Namjoon stood up and left from their.

Yoongi- Anyways Hyung, Joonie's 20th birthday is coming. We will suprise him like we do every year right?

Jin- Yup, we will.

Jimin- I will buy amazing gifts for him this year also.

Yoongi- Me too.

Jin- You both will spoil him.

Yoongi, Jimin- You don't have the right to say this after all this year's.

Jin- Right......


Hoseok- Tae Tae Hyunggggggggg.......

Hoseok shouted from downstairs. Taehyung sighed. He was trying to pack his things but the youngest was calling him after every 5-10 minutes. He went outisde and from the railing said

Taehyung- Now, what Hobi?

Hoseok- Hyung......Hobi is hungry.....

Hoseok said with a pout. Just then Jungkook came out from his room and looked at Hoseok standing with an adorable pout on his face while Taehyung standing with a "Are you serious look". He laughed seeing them.

Jungkook- Hobi, did you forgot you Tae Tae Hyung is banned from going in Kitchen.

Hoseok- Oh yes. Hobi forgot. Now, what will I do? I am so hungry.

Jungkook- Wait. I will come down and make something for all of us.

Hoseok- Okie.

Jungkook came downstairs and went inside the kitchen. He made sandwiches 🥪🥪 for all three of them and then called Taehyung ti eat too. They all were eating when Hoseok said

Hoseok- Hyungie........

Taehyung, Jungkook- Yes?

Hoseok- Will Dasom Mom's boyfriend be nice with us?

Jungkook- Ofcourse Hobi. He loves Dasom Mom and she told us that he know about us. He even offered to give me job. I guess he will be very nice.

Hoseok- Hmm......but if he is not......you both will go and break his nose. Right?

Jungkook- Right(?).

Hoseok nodded his head at JungKook's confused answer. After eating the sandwich he ran upstairs to his room. To pack his luggage.

Taehyung- Hyung?

Jungkook- Hmm....

Taehyung- Hobi's birthday is coming soon. But this year we will not be here in London. And Dasom Mom told that she will marry before his birthday, so that means we will have to celebrate his birthday with Dasom Mom's boyfriend?

Jungkook- I guess Tae. But, don't worry, just like every year, this year also we will give him surprise. At midnight. Ok?

Taehyung- Ok hyung. Then what about gifts?

Jungkook- Let's go and buy them today only. I don't know, if he will like the items of Korea. It's better we buy it here only.

Taehyung- Right. We can go in evening when he will play with Dasom Mom.

Jungkook- Tht time will be great.

Taehyung- I know......sometimes I really think, how the hell he is soon to be a 20 year old boy. He is still a little 5 year old kid.

Jungkook- And we like it. Don't we. And don't you dare to say the word hell infront of him.

Taehyung- I will not Hyung. But Hyung what if he already know this words?

Jungkook- Trust me Tae. He don't.

Taehyung- Right. You are way too protective of him.

Jungkook- Yes, cause I don't wanna lose him.

Taehyung- Lose him?

Jungkook- Yes lose him. I don't want bad to come near him and take him away from us. I just want him to stay with us forever. Like a little 5 year old kid. 

Taehyung- Don't worry Hyung. Till you, me and Dasom Mom are here no kne can take him away from us.

Jungkook- Right.

Hoseok's Room

Hoseok- Mi sun Mom, you know Dasom Mom finally found someone for herself. And she will be marrying him soon. I am finally found to my birth place, Korea. But I will miss you a lot. Are you happy their with God? Is God loving you their? I also love you so much even if you are not with me. I promise, I will be a good boy their and always obey my elders. I will try my very best to make Dasom Mom's boyfriend's Family, As Our Family.

Hoseok said putting his one hand on his heart while he was holding a photo frame in other hand. It was a photo of Him and Mi Sun.

Kim Mansion
Namjoon's Room

Namjoon- I don't know, who is my Mom or where she is, but Mom, if you listen to me I want to ask you why you left us. The mistake was done by Dad, not by us? You left us and now he found someone else for himself. He will be marrying her soon and then we will also have 3 brothers. Jin Hyung said getting close to people lead us to get hurt at end. I am 100% sure, Jin Hyung is telling the truth. I will try my best to not get close to Dad's Girlfriend or any of her son's.

Namjoon said lying on the bed looking at the celing.

Both are brothers. Both are twins. But......both have different thoughts. One wants to be close while the other wants not to get close.

What will the faith decide for them? Will they get close, like Hoseok wants or be away like Namjoon wants?

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Words Count- 1200

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