💫 Chapter-25💫

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As Hoseok heard the voice he looked in that direction and saw Jungkook falling down the stairs.

He took a step back in shock as he saw Jungkook's body falling down the stairs. When his body fell on the ground, he was covered in a pool of his own blood.

Soon enough the crowd of students started gathering.

Taehyung and Jimin went in the crowd as they didn't got any answer from Hoseok. When they saw Jungkook lying down with blood coming out from his head, they both also became shocked.

Namjoon was still standing on the stairs shocked. As soon as he came back to his senses, he rushed down same with Hoseok.

They both came near him and started shaking him.

Hoseok- Hyung ...... Hyung wake up..... Hyung.....

Namjoon- Hyung...... Jungkook Hyung..... Wake up!!

Namjoon also said trying to wake him up. Hoseok looked at him and pushed him away from Jungkook.

Hoseok- Stay away from him.

He said in a cold tone. Namjoon looked at him with a confused face.

Namjoon- Hoseok.....what are you saying?

Hoseok- Stay. Away. From. My. Hyung.

Hoseok said in anger pointing each word.

Taehyung suddenly stood up and ran somewhere. Jimin saw him and he also ran behind him. He saw Taehyung going to Principals office. He also followed him.

Taehyung immediately barged inside the room making Jin who was talking with Yoongi flinch.

Jin- Tae, don't you should knock before coming in...

Jin said as he putted his one hand on his chest.

Taehyung- Hyung.... Kookie Hyung.....

Taehyung tried to say but words didn't came out from his mouth.

Yoongi- Tae, what happened to Kookie?

Taehyung- He...... he --

Jimin- He fell down from the stairs and is unconscious now. Blood is coming from his head.

Jimin said cutting off Taehyung. Jin and Yoongi widened their eyes at his words.

Jin- Why are you saying Jimin?

Jimin- I am saying the truth Hyung. Please come, we have to take him to hospital immediately.

Jimin and both Jin and Yoongi nodded their heads. Jimin and Taehyung again ran to where Jungkook fell with Jin and Yoongi following them.

As they reached their. they saw Jungkook's unconscious body.
With Hoseok and Namjoon on each side

Jin- Namjoon, Hoseok, get up from their. We have to take him to hospital.

Hoseok and Namjoon looked at him and nodded their heads. Jin came towards them and picked Jungkook up in bridal style. He took him to their car while the others except for Yoongi followed him.

Yoongi- What were you all doing here? Is this some show or what? Your teacher fell and you all were recording this on your phone's instead of helping him.

He yelled at the students who were standing there with their heads low now.

Yoongi- Ofcourse. No one will answer now.
I don't even have any hope from you guys. Just remember, if anyone of you posted any if that videos or photos online, you will suspended. And I myself will make sure that, you are suspended. Understand!!

All Students - Yes Sir.

Yoongi- Go back to your classes.  Now!!

He said and everyone went back to their classes. He went to yeh staffroom and informed the staff about all this.

Yoongi- I am also going to hospital. Take care of the school. 

Mr. Wang- Sure Mr. Kim. We will take care. Make sure to tell us about Mr. Jungkook's condition.

Yoongi- Sure.

He said and rushed to the parking lot and didn't found Jin's car. He understood that they already went. He saw Jimin and Namjoon still there. He went near them.

Yoongi- Why are you two here?

He asked. They both looked at him.

Jimin- I was waiting for you. So we can go together.

Jimin said and Yoongi nodded. He turned his face to Namjoon and said

Yoongi- And you?

Namjoon- ......

Yoongi- Joonie. Answer me.

He asked but Namjoon again didn't said anything. Jimin sighed and said

Jimin- He wanted to go with them but Hobi didn't even let him step inside the car.

Jimin said and Yoongi looked confused.

Yoongi- Why?

Jimin- Who knows? Leave it. We should go to the hospital first.

Jimin said and Yoongi nodded. All three of them sat inside Yoongi's car (Jin and Yoongi sometimes come with different cars) and drive to the hospital Jimin told them.

As they reached their, they saw Jin's car already parked their. Yoongi parked his car and rushed inside the hospital. He went near th reception and asked the receptionist.

Yoongi- Can you tell us where is Kim Jungkook? He came just few minutes ago.

Receptionist- Just a second sir. Let me check.

She said and started checking something in her computer. After a minute she looked up and said

Receptionist- Sir, they are in room 99, on 3 Rd floor.

Yoongi- Thank you.

They all went near the elevator and then went up to 3rd floor. As they reached their, they started searching for their brothers and Room
99. As they were walking, they saw Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung sitting. They went near them.

Yoongi- Hyung.

Hyung said and Jin turned back to look at him. He stood up.

Yoongi- Hyung, how is Jungkook?

Jin- The doctor is inside with him. We don't know till now.

Yoongi- Ok.

Yoongi said. He looked at Hoseok and Taehyung who were sitting there like their soul left their body. He went near them and was about to say something, but stopped when he saw the doctor coming out from the room. They all stood up and went near the doctor.

Jin- How is he?

Doctor- Well, he is fine for now. It may have been more serious if you wasted any other minute.  But....

Taehyung- But?

Doctor- He is in Coma.

The doctor said and all of them were shocked. The doctor gave them an assuring look and went away from there.

All of them were still standing there shocked, that's when Hoseok came out from his thoughts.

He went near Namjoon and ______

Hey Moon lights
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Words Count- 1111

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