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( I also don't know what I worte. I was hearing a song "Living Hell" and worte the chapter. Ignore or tell me my mistakes.)

Hoseok came near Namjoon and punched him on his face. The punch was so hard that Namjoon fell on the ground. Hearing the voice all the rest brothers turned towards them. They all were confused on why Namjoon was on the ground while Namjoon was shocked.

He stood up and faced Hoseok

Namjoon- Why would you do that?

Hoseok didn't said anything. He grabbed Namjoon's wrist and started going somewhere dragging Namjoon along with him.

Jin- What happened?

Jin asked the rest. They all have him a "We also don't know Look"

On the other hand, Hoseok came to the garden which was behind the hospital. He stood there with Namjoon infront of him. Namjoon yanked his hand.

Namjoon- What the hell do you think you are doing? And why did you punched me?

Hoseok- First tell me why would you do that?

Hoseok asked and Namjoon frowned in confusion.

Namjoon- Do what?

Hoseok- Why did pushed My Hyung?

Namjoon widened his eyes.

Namjoon- What!! Why would I do that?

Hoseok- That's why I am asking. You had problem with me why did you involved My Hyung in that?

Namjoon- Hoseok, it's true that I had problem with you in starting but, not now.  That's why I have been trying hard to have a bond with you from the past week. So, why will do this? And even if I still hates you, I would never involve someone other than you in between.

Hoseok-Really? But you did. You pushed My Hyung.

Namjoon- For god's sake Hoseok. I didn't pushed him. He is my brother too. Why will I push him? I won't even think something like this, doing it.... Is impossible.

Hoseok- Firstly, he is not your Brother and I myself you with my own eyes. You pushed him from the stairs.  

Namjoon- I said I didn't pushed him. Believe me or not. He slipped from the stairs.

Hoseok- Believe and You. I maybe a little immature but not a stupid whom you can easily fool.

Namjoon- You know, you actually are a fool. Stupid. I am saying I didn't pushed him. What will I get after pushing my own brother?

Hoseok- He is not your brother.

Namjoon- You agree or not. He is my brother and you are too. And I don't want to fight with you specially right now. Let's just go.

Namjoon said and started going but Hoseok stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He again came infront of Namjoon and said

Hoseok- If anything happens to My Hyung, I will kill you.

He said in a cold tone and left from there.

Namjoon- W-hat? He really think I would do that? He don't know but I do. I know they all are my brothers. Why would I push my own Hyung. He is insane.

Namjoon said and he also started going to the hospital again. As he reached their he saw all of them going inside the room. He also went to them and they all went inside the room.

Their they saw Jungkook lying unconscious on the bed with tubes and all connected to his body. Bandages was wrapped around his head.

Hoseok and Taehyung immediately ran towards his bed while the rest just walked.

Hoseok- Hyung....... Hyungie ....... Hyungie wake up please.

Hoseok said as he took Jungkook's one hand in his own hand. His tears started coming out from his eyes.

Taehyung- Hyung, see Hobi is crying. You don't like when he cry. Right? Please wake up.

He said as tears came out from his eyes too.

Taehyung- Hyung. Please wake up.  Jin Hyung, please tell him to wake up.

Taehyung said looking at Jin. Jin came near and hugged him.

Jin- Tae, he is alright. He will wake up soon. Not now, but maybe tomorrow.

Hoseok- And what if he also don't wake up like Misun Mom. Will he also leave me, leave us like Misun Mom?

Hoseok said looking at Jungkook with teary eyes.

Yoongi- That will not happen Hobi. He will never leave us, Leave you. He lives you so much. Don't think negative.

Jimin- You know Hobi, the doctor said he will wake up soon. He is not that serious.

Hoseok- Really? When he said?

Jimin- When you went out with Joonie to talk.

Jimin said and Hoseok glared at Namjoon.

*Knock Knock

They all look at the door and saw the doctor. He came in and they all stood up, Taehyung still side hugging Jin.

Doctor- Well, I am here to tell you that, we will keep him under observation for 3 days and after that if you want you can take him home.

Jin- Ok. Anything else?

Doctor- No. You can stay here but at night only 2 people can stay.

Yoongi- Ok. Thank you.

The doctor nodded and left from the room.

Jin- So, who will stay here at night?

Hoseok, Namjoon- Me.

They both said at the same time and looked at each other. (Hoseok glared)

Yoongi- Ok. If you both want you can.

Hoseok- He will not stay here. Tae Tae Hyung will stay here with me.

Hoseok said and Jin looked at Tae who was still in his arms.

Jin- I don't think, Tae should stay here. His condition is not so good either. And Hobi, Namjoon don't have any problem staying with you.

Hoseok- But I have.  He will not stay here.

Namjoon- I will and you are no one to tell me what to do and what not.

Hoseok- I am. He is my brother and I don't want you near him.

Namjoon- I told you, I didn--

Namjoon was about to say but was cut-off by Yoongi.

Yoongi- Stop it guys.  There is no need to argue atleast not on this.
Hobi, you and Namjoon will stay here at night and that is finale. No more argument.

Hoseok- Fine. But tell him not to even touch my Hyung. 

Jimin- Did something happened between you both? You were fine till morning?

Hoseok, Namjoon- Nothing.

Jimin- Ok, I guess.


Hey Moon lights
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I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1100

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