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Hoseok- H-Hyung.... Why would you slap me?

Hoseok asked. Jungkook looked at him with a cold face and scoffed. 

Jungkook- Then, what should I do? Clap for you or praise you?

Jungkook spoke in a cold tone making Hoseok and Jimin more confused than they were.

Hoseok- Hyung, why are you talking like this? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me.

Hoseok asked with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook- You really don't remember Hoseok?

Hoseok- Remember what Hyung?

Taehyung- That you blamed Namjoon for a fucking stupid reason. You didn't even know what the hell happened and then also you just blamed him?

Hoseok stood there frozen. He was shocked at how Jungkook and Taehyung got to knew about this. He looked at Namjoon who mumbled a small sorry.

He again looked at them and said

Hoseok- H-hyung, see... That day---

Jungkook- What that day? Are you gonna tell me that you are right? Can't you just accept the fact that you are wrong Hoseok? I always take your side doesn't mean this time Also I will take your side. Tae is right. I have really spoiled you. And the result is infront of me. You just do whatever comes in your mind. You didn't even tried to listen to Namjoon, and just blamed him. You even punched him? Who gave you the rights to punch him? You could have asked him but No. You did whatever came in your mind. He was trying to help me and you blamed him? I know that you don't like him, but this was way too much Hoseok.

Jungkook spatted angrily and Hoseok's eyes again filled with tears. He know he is at fault, but he doesn't like when his Hyung talk with him like this. When his Hyung's call him by his real name instead of his nickname. He was looking down the whole time.

Taehyung- Yes. Now you will cry. You will do everything except for accepting your fault. Why are you like this Hoseok? You can't be right all the time.

Hoseok- I---I didn't say that I am right--

Jungkook- But you are not accepting your fault either.

Jungkook said. Seeing Jungkook angry Namjoon decided to step in and close this matter. He came infront of him and said

Namjoon- Hyung, leave it na. He already realised his mistake.

Jungkook- How can I leave it Namjoon? And I am 100% sure, he didn't realised his mistake. He never will.

Namjoon- Hyung, Hyung calm down. I am saying na, he realised his mistake. He already apologised to me. And that too a week ago.

Namjoon said and Jungkook looked at him with frowned eyebrows.

Jungkook- Namjoon, if you are trying to save hi--

Namjoon- I am not Hyung. I am telling the truth. He apologised to me.

Jungkook- Ok, but that doesn't mean he is not getting any Punishment.

Jungkook said and both except for Taehyung everyone looked at Jungkook with wide eyes.

Namjoon, Hoseok- Punishment?

Both Namjoon and Hoseok said in a utter shock shearing the word Punishment.

Jungkook- Yes Punishment. He can't escape from there every time he do mistakes. Last time, I warned him but this time he will get punishment.

Namjoon- Hyung, you can't give him any Punishment. He realised his mistake and that is enough for me.

Jungkook- But not for me. I have to make sure, he don't do the same mistake in future also.

Jungkook said. Namjoon looked back at Hoseok who was looking down. He again looked at Jungkook and said

Namjoon- Then, I give you the guarantee, He will not do any thing like this in Future. Promises.

Jungkook- See, Namjoon. Don't interfere in between us. It's between me and Him. And I would really appreciate if you will stop interfering between the matter. He may have apologised to you and you may have forgive him. But I didn't.

Jin- I think, Kookie is right Joonie. Don't interfer--

Namjoon- Not you too Jin Hyung. I am not letting any one of you punish him.

Namjoon said. Right now, he was trying his very hard to not loose his patience. His patience level was already high. And he could lose it any time. So, he was trying very hard to be calm right now. Cause he know, if he lose it, he himself will not be able to control himself.

Namjoon- Jungkook Hyung, you don't have rights to punish him.

Jungkook- Huh? What bullshit. I have all the rights, Namjoon.

Namjoon- No Hyung. You don't.

Taehyung- Namjoon, this all is going nowhere. Let Hyung do whatever he wants. Even Hoseok don't have any problem with it then why are you having it?

He said. Namjoon again looked at Hoseok. This time Hoseok looked at him and said

Hoseok- Namjoon... Hyung is right.  I surely deserve some Punishment.

Namjoon- No, you don't.

Hoseok- Namjoon...... Don't---

Namjoon didn't listened to him and again turned to Jungkook and said

Namjoon- and Hyung, as I said you don't have rights on him. And not more than me.

Jungkook- Ofcourse I have.

Namjoon- I have more than you.

Taehyung- How so, Namjoon?

Hey Moonlights
Was it boring?
Sorry for that.
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By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 950

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