💫 Chapter-35💫

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Taehyung- How so, Namjoon?

As soon as those words left from Namjoon's mouth, everybody except Hoseok and Him froze. They all looked at him with wide eyes while Hoseok looked at him with confused face.

After two minutes of silence Yoongi said

Yoongi- J-joonie.... What are you saying?

Yoongi asked trying his best not to show his nervousness.

Namjoon- Truth Hyung. I am saying the truth.

Jimin- Namjoon.... Who told you this?

Namjoon- I just know it myself.

Jin- Namjoon, it's not true--

Namjoon- Just fuck it Hyung. I already know everything. And by everything, I literally mean Everything. I heard your talk on my birthday and I know that like me and Hoseok, Jimin Hyung and Taehyung Hyung are also twins. That Jungkook Hyung is not the eldest son of Misun Mom. You are the eldest while Yoongi Hyung is second eldest.
There Misun Mom is our Mom too. She was the one who gave me birth too. And that too at the same day as Hoseok. Making both of us twins.

As Namjoon said, they all understood how he knew. But there was someone who was standing all shocked.

Jimin- Hyung, I don't think there is any use in hiding anymore. Like he is saying he already heard everything.

Taehyung- Right Jimin Hyung.

~ Is everything Namjoon said was true?

They all turned to the voice and now realised their was still someone who didn't knew what was going on here.

Jungkook- Hobi.....its-----

Hoseok- I asked. Was everything that Namjoon said is true or not?

Hoseok said. Jungkook looked at Jin and Yoongi who were already looking at him. They nodded their heads indicating Jungkook to tell him the truth. Jungkook got the hint, so he turned towards Hoseok and said

Jungkook- Yes. It is.
Hoseok- W-why would you hide this from me?

Taehyung- Hobi, we didn't meant to. We just wanted you and Namjoon to bond with each other.

Hoseok- From how long you all know about this?

Jimin- On the day of Your and Namjoon's birthday. When Jungkook Hyung, gave you the picture of Mom, Jin Hyung recognised her. And after talking for sometime we get to knew that we all are real brothers.

Jimin said and Hoseok nodded his head. He looked at Namjoon and said

Hoseok- You knew already?

He asked and Namjoon nodded his head.

Hoseok- Wow. That means except for me everyone knew. Each one of you knew and none of you even bothered to tell me that I am your Real brother too?

Taehyung- Hobi....it's not like this. Like Jimin Hyung said, we just wanted you and Namjoon to get close with each other.

Hoseok- Ahh... Is this the reason you suddenly became nice to me? Cause you get to knew that we are brothers.

Namjoon- To be honest, at first yes. But after some days No. After some days, I myself wanted to get close with you. Like a friend not like a brother.

Hoseok- *scoff* All you do is lie. Everyone. Each and every one of you lied to me. Right?

Hoseok said. Jungkook went near him and said

Jungkook- See, Hobi it's not like this. Please try to understand.

Hoseok-Try to understand what? That you lied to me? Hyung, they don't know me but you do. You very well know that I hate if someone lie or hide something from me. And you only did it?

Taehyung- Hobi... We are sorry. We jus--

Hoseok- I am going in my room. I need some time alone.

He just and before anyone of them could say anything he left from there.

Namjoon- Is he angry?

Namjoon asked and now all eyes were on him.

Jungkook I guess. But don't worry. He can't stay mad or angry at someone whom he cares. And till I know he cares for you very much. Till then, Let's give him some time. 

Namjoon- Hm... Can I hug you both?

Namjoon asked out of blue and Jungkook and Taehyung both looked confused.

Jungkook, Taehyung- Huh?

Namjoon- What huh? I just wanna hug my Hyung's. Can't I do that?

Namjoon said and both Jungkook and Taehyung smiled. Before he could do anything, they already took him in their embrace.

Jin, Yoongi and Jimin smiled at them were inside their were still worried about Hoseok.

Namjoon broke the hug and Then looked at Jin.

Namjoon- Jin Hyung. Can you make Hobi's favourite food today for dinner. It may make him happy.

Jin- Good idea Joon.  I will make it.

Yoongi- And Namjoon, you said you heard us at night. Right?

Namjoon- Yes?

Yoongi- Then, why are you calling him by his name?

Yoongi said and Namjoon looked at him confused.

Namjoon- What do you mean Hyung? If not by his name, how will I call him? And didn't you all said I am the elder twin. So, ofcourse I will call him by his name.

Namjoon said and they let out a chuckle making him confused.

Jimin- Joonie.....  I never knew our makane is this Innocent.

Namjoon- Huh?

Taehyung- Pabo. You are not elder. Hobi is elder than you by 7 minutes. You are our Maknae.

He said and Namjoon looked at him in shock.

Namjoon- What? He is my elder twin ........  How?

OT5- We are still wondering.

They all said at same time and looked at each other with an amused face.

Namjoon- Do you all share same braincells?

He joked and they all brutsed out laughing.

Time Skip

They all had their dinner while Hoseok had in his room. He refused to come out and talk with anyone and none of them forced him.
Namjoon was a little upset as Hoseok was not in his room. He eventually grew a habit of sleeping with him and today he felt empty.

Next Day
Time- 6:00 AM

Jin came out from his room after getting ready. He directly came in the kitchen to start preparing for breakfast. He went to the refrigerator to take out some milk for his morning coffee. As he came near the Refrigerator, he saw a not sticking on it. He took the note and read it.

Jin Hyung, I guess you are the one reading this. So, umm..... Hyung.....
I am going out for sometime. I need to clear my mind. Don't worry about me. I will be fine. And tell Kookie Hyung that I am not mad at him anymore or neither at you all. I just need some time alone. That's why.



Hey Moonlights
Story is going to end soon.
Thanks for reading
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Meet you all in the next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1155

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