💫 Chapter-5💫

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After the samll Introduction, Mr. Kim also came like 15 minutes later. Those 15 minutes were really awkward for all of them. Now, they were in the dinning room having their lunch after taking a fresh nap. (Today is Sunday)

Mr. Kim- Dasom, why don't you tell us something about your sons?

He said. Dasom looked up and thought something. She nodded her head and said

Dasom- Well, the eldest. Jungkook. He is very protective over Hobi. More than overprotective. He still treats Hobi like a 5 year old kid.

Jungkook- He is......

Jungkook said casually eating his food not looking up.

Dasom- Hehe. Well, Tae.....is um....also protective over him, I guess. They both are. During childhood Tae loved to park others but now he is one of the main targets of Hobi. Hobi don't leave him for a single day.

Taehyung- Yup, before going to airport in London, he putted some weird makeup on my face. Which came out after many struggles.

Hoseok- Hyungie.... Are you mad?

Taehyung- Ofcourse No Hobi. I am not.

Hoseok- Okie.

He said. Namjoon looked at him.  Namjoon get close to Jimin's ear and said

Namjoon- Hyung, he is same age as me, but behave like a small child. Don't you think he is weird.

He whispered in Jimin's ear. But somehow Hoseok heard it. He looked down first, but then suddenly looked up and said

Hoseok- Atleast I am not a serious person like you. I know how to fun with my life. And you are calling me Weird. I found you and all your brothers weird.

He said and then again started eating. Namjoon was a little taken back by the sudden change in behaviour on how he went from childish behaviour to Serious.

Jungkook- What did you said about my brother?

Jimin- How do you know we said something? And how does he know what Joonie said to me?

Taehyung- Hobi's ears can catch any small sound. And we know because of you didn't said about him, he would never be this serious.

Hoseok- Hyung's, leave it. I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Dasom Mom, I am going to my room. By.

He said and stood up. He left the dinning room and went upstairs.
Dasom looked at his going figure and sighed.

Dasom- It's gonna be difficult.....

She murmured under her breath but everyone heard it, cause it was a little high.

Jin- What do you mean Ms. Dasom?

Dasom- Huh? About what?

Jin- You just said, it's gonna be hard. What do you mean by it?

Dasom- Oh that....you may have seen, Hobi has a very childish behaviour. And it's rare to see him serious. But when he does, it's difficult to make him come out of that seriousness.

Jin- Is he that serious?

Jungkook- Yes. And that's all tha ks to your brother. That he is serious right now.
Dasom Mom, I am going to check on him.

Taehyung- I am coming Hyung.

He said. Jungkook nodded and they both went away.

Dasom- I am sorry on their behalf Namjoon. You didn't know about that and just like I said they are possessive over Hobi so .....

Namjoon- I understand. Infact I am sorry too. I shouldn't have said that.

Dasom- It's ok.

Mr. Kim- Um....how about we change the topic to lighten the mood?

Dasom- It be good. But, what you wanna talk about?

Mr. Kim- Our marriage date......

Dasom- Oh.....that.....

Jimin- Wait a minute.......you both are really gonna marry each other?

Dasom, Mr. Kim- Yes?

Jimin- But, what if Ms. Dasom leaves us?

Dasom- Why will I leave you?

Mr. Kim- Jimin.....she knows that I am Mafia.

Jimin widened his eyes. He looked at Dasom and she nodded her head smiling.

Jin- That means you will never leave us?

Dasom- Ofcourse. I will never leave now.

Jin- Ok.....

Just then Dasom heard Jungkook's voice. He was calling her. She excused herself and went upstairs. Their she saw Jungkook sitting on Hoseok's bed while Taehyung was nowhere to be seen and Hoseok was laughing so hard on the floor.
She was confused but also happy to see Hoseok back to his normal behaviour.

Dasom- What happened Kookie? Why did you called me?

Jungkook- I didn't. Our little troublemaker told me to call you.

Dasom- Oh....Hobi why did you called me?

Hoseok's stopped laughing and stood up.

Hoseok- Tae Tae Hyung....

He said and again started laughing. This time Jungkook was laughing too. Dasom looked at both of them confused.

Dasom- Hobi....will you tell me what happened? Why are you both laughing? And Tae Tae Hyung? Did you again pranked my poor boy?

Hoseok nodded his head while laughing. Dasom sighed knowing it is common Noe. She shouldn't be more surprised now.

Dasom- And this time what did you did?

Jungkook- Dasom Mom, I don't know from where but he got a toy bee. And threw at Tae when he was going to bathroom. Tae was startled and he gall in the bath tub which he already filled with water but also some paint cors and glitter. Now, tae is still their fully soaked in water color and glitters.

Dasom widened her eyes and covered her mouth with her one hand in shock. She smacked Hoseok's head making him pout.

Dasom- Hobi, didn't I told you it bad. When will you understand?

Hoseok- Dasom Mom, I was playing. And Hyung didn't even got hurt infact he was laughing too.

Dasom- Huh?

Jungkook- Yes. He was looking in the mirror saying he looks beautiful.

Dasom- Then, I also wanna see him. Where is he?

Jungkook, Hoseok- Inside.

Dasom went in and after seeing Taehyung she also started laughing. And instead of getting mad, Taehyung was also laughing with her showing her new poses while Dasom clicked her photos.


After Dasom left, Mr. Kim also left to his room. Leaving the four brothers with themselves only.

Jimin- Jin Hyung, if they will not leave us, can we get close with them now?

Yoongi- You want to?

Jimin- To be honest Yes. I don't know why but Taehyung remind me some much of my childhood. And the person who left me. That's why.

Jin- Hm.... You can get close Chim if you want.

Yoongi- Well, yo be honest, I also want to get close with them Hyung.

Namjoon- With whom Hyung?

Yoongi- Jungkook.... I guess.

Namjoon- Jin Hyung? You?

Jin- Um..... I guess all three. What about you? You want to get close to Hoseok?

Namjoon- What No? He is weird. I don't like him. I can be close with his rest two brothers but not him.

Yoongi- One day you will be the most close with him....

Namjoon- That da will never come Hyung.

Hey Moon lights
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Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1185

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