💫 Chapter-6💫

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(Just imagine that Jin, Yoongi and Jimin dint know English for this story. They talk in Korean only)

Next Day
During Breakfast

Right noez they all were having breakfast while talking with each other. I mean Dasom and Mr. Kim were talking, Jin and the other three were talking with each other and Jungkook and other two were talking with each other. Just then Mr. Kim said

Mr. Kim- Jin... Did you did the work I told you?

Jin stopped talking and looked at him.

Jin- Yes I did it. Everything is ready. I just need to give their schedules which I will give them in school.

Mr. Kim- Ok and Jimin, Namjoon....as Taehyung and Hoseok are of your age take care of them. And Yoongi take care of Jungkook.

Jungkook- Why they will take care of us?

Hoseok- Hyung, they can't take care of themselves that's why.

Hoseok said but in English. Jungkook and Taehyung laughed at what he said.
While Jin, Yoongi and Jimin looked confused.

Namjoon- We can take care of ourselves better than you. Dad said that because you wj be studying in our school.

Namjoon said and again started eating.

Dad- Yes, Hoseok. They will help you in school with everything.

Taehyung- Really. Then, I will be Jimin all the time.

Jungkook- And if Yoongi shii don't have problem, I will be with him.

Yoongi- I don't have any problem. And don't call me Yoongi shii. Just call me Hyung.

Jungkook- O-Ok um....Hyung.

Dasom- Hobi.....you will be with Namjoon. Ok?

Hoseok- Me.......With him...... No way Dasom Mom. I don't want to be with a person who is weird and thinks I am werid.

Namjoon- Like I want to be with you. You are also not so special. Ok?

Hoseok- Nobody asked you. Better shut up.

Namjoon- Who are you to tell me what to do and what not? Huh? This is my house. I can do whatever I want.

Hoseok- Oh Hello. From now on, this is our house too. I can also do whatever I want. Saying like you are very special person. You are also like others only. Weird.

Namjoon- Oh god. One day I will really lose my brain cells beacuse of you.

Hoseok- Saying like he have a lot of brain cells in the empty space.

Hoseok said in English. And Taehyung again laughed. Namjoon stood up from his seat and said

Namjoon- What did you said? I don't have brain cells. I have way more than you.

Hoseok- Oh....you can understand English. Pretty good. And yes, I said that cause you don't have any. Got any problem?

Hoseok's also stood up and said this.

Namjoon- You.....I will not leave you today.

He said and before he could take a step Hoseok ran from their. Namjoon also ran behind him. They both were running in the whole house with Hoseok laughing while Namjoon shouting at him.

Jin- Are you guys sure he is going to be 20?

Jin asked as he looked at Hoseok who was still running while laughing.

Taehyung- I sometimes doubt it too. But Kookie Hyung said, he is 20. But I still think he is little kid in a big boy's body.

Jimin- It seems like that only.

Dasom- Shouldn't we like....stop them?

She said looking at them. Thy all looked at each other and then at the running figured and said at the same time

Jin, Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung- Nah. Their is no need. Let them be.

They said at same time and then looked at each other amused. Just then Hoseok came and sat beside Dasom.

Hoseok- Dasom Mom, my running excercise fir today is comepleted. Happy?

Dasom- Ohh..... You were exercising?

Hoseok- Ne. What did you thought?

Dasom- I thought you were running from Namjoon.

Hoseok- Me. Running from him. No Dasom Mom. I was just doing my exercise and I guess he wanted to do too so he came behind me. But he couldn't catch up with me. 

He said and drank a glass of water. Namjoon came and sat beside Him breathing heavily while Glaring at Hoseok who was giving his most innocent look.
Jin gave a glass of water to Namjoon who gulped down the whole in one go.

Mr. Kim- Anyways, before you get late. I suggest you should go now. Jungkook you will go with Jin and Yoongi and Hoseok and Taehyung with Jimin and Namjoon. Ok?

All- Ok.

Mr. Kim- Ok..... Dasom would you like to go with me to company?

Dasom- Sure.... I will be bored here. So I guess I will come with you only. Tae take care of Hobi their. Ok?

Taehyung- Ok Dasom Mom.

After this all all sat in their respective cars and went to their respective places. (school and Company)

At School

As they reached the school, they came out from their car.

Taehyung- Why ar their so many girls coming this way?

He asked as saw many girls towards them. Jimin sighed and said

Jimin- Our fangirls. Just ignore them. Let's go.

He said and started walking. Taehyung also walked behind him. Namjoon was walking right beside Jimin with Hoseok beside him

Hoseok- I didn't knew you are famous at your school?

Namjoon- You don't any things about me yet.

Hoseok- Well, I will know within some days. It's been only a day and I already know how you are so...it won't take me much time.

Namjoon- Really? How am I according to you?

He said as he stopped walking. The rest three also stopped.

Hoseok- Weird. Arrogant, Rude, Idiot and a very big stupid.

Namjoon- Firstly I am not any of this and You are saying me. Have you looked at yourself. You are a weirdo. Who will say you are going to be 20 years old. A stupid and Weird kid who only knows how to mess with others. Atleast behave like a 20 years old kid.

Hoseok- It's not new for me to hear that I am weird. Soz I am fine with it. And about my age. It doesn't matter how old are we. Cause their is always a child living inside the heart of every human. Most humans hide that childish behaviour and some even forget it. Like you. You people are always serious. But me, I know how to live my life. How to enjoy it. And age doesn't matter for enjoying life. And it's my life, you dint have any say on how should I behave.

He said and left from their.

Taehyung- Jimin, can you please tell your brother to not say things like this to my brother. I will not tolerate it next time if he say anything like this to My Hobi again.

He said and ran to find Hoseok. Namjoon turned to Jimin who looking at Taehyung who was running.

Namjoon- Jimin Hyung let's go?

Jimin looked at him and then nodded. They both went to their respective classes ignoring the Rubbish talks of the girls around them.

Hey Moon lights
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Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1230

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