💫 Chapter-7💫

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After taking their Schedules, Taehyung and Hoseok started going to their classes. They reached Hoseok class. Hoseok knocked on the door. The teacher looked at him.

Teacher- Who are you? I never saw you two before?

Hoseok- I am a new student in this class. And he is my Hyung.

Teacher- Oh...um.... Ho..Hoseok right?

Hoseok- Ne.

Teacher- Oh Mr. Kim informed me about you. Come in.

She said. Hoseok went kn and as soon as he went he face turned into a disgusting face. Why? Cause he saw Namjoon. Who gave him the same look.

Teacher- Why is your brother here Hoseok?

She asked as she saw Taehyung didn't went. Taehyung came in and he said

Taehyung- I just wanted to tell you to tell your class not to mess with my brother and to not say any bad words near him. If my Hyung got to know, he will be so angry. Please take care of that.

He said looking at Namjoon and then at the teacher.

Teacher- Ok, I guess...... Anything else?

Taehyung- No. I will go now. Thank you so much. Take care of my brother.

He said and bowed to the teacher.

Teacher- By Hobi. Hyung will meet you later.

Hoseok- By Hyung.

Taehyung again bowed to the teacher and then left from their. The teacher looked at Hoseok who was already looking at her with a big smile. She gave him a smile and said

Teacher- Class, he is your new classmate. Please introduce yourself to your classmates.

Hoseok- Hello everyone. I am Kim Hoseok. I used to Live in London and we came here yesterday only. Please take care of me. It's so nice to meet all of you.

He said and bowed. He then looked at the teacher.

Teacher- Ok. Hoseok um.....you can go and sit with.....umm..... Min-jun......

She said. Before Hoseok could say anything a girl raised a her hand and said

Girl- But Miss. Shin Min-jun curses a lot and his brother said not to say that words infront of him........

Teacher- Oh right.....then, how about.....till I know don't everyone if you curse. Why didn't I noticed this before...... anyways....Oh. Hoseok you can sit with Kim Namjoon. He also curse but not that much. So, I guess it will be fine.
He is sitting on the first bench only. Sit with him.

As the teacher finsihed, both Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each other and again made a disgusting face. Hoseok sighed and nodded his head as he don't have any other choice. He went near Namjoon's desk and sat beside him. They both kept their bags in the middle and sat on the corner of the table.

Teacher- Ok, now class. Let's start. Take our your books and we will start a new chapter today. And ya, Namjoon please help Hoseok if he don't understand anything.

Namjoon- Why me?

Teacher- What do you mean by why? He is your deskmate Now and I am sure you will friends soon. Also he is new and you are the most intelligent student in our class. That's why.

Hoseok- Mam their is no need. If I will not understand, I will ask my Hyung. My one Hyung is teacher only. I don't need help from a rude and arrogant person.

Namjoon- And I also don't wanna help a stupid idiot kid. And you are not in London. It's Korea. And here will call our teacher as Miss, not Mam.

Hoseok- Did I asked you what to call or what not? She don't have any problem. Then why do you have problem. 

Teacher- Boys, it's class. You both are arguing like you are at your home and know each other from very long time.

Hoseok- No. I don't know him from long and I wished I never knew.

Namjoon- Finally. It is the only thing in which I will agree with you.

Hoseok- Whatever. Mam, you continue. I will handle myself.

Teacher- Ok, if you say so.

The teacher started teaching while Namjoon and Hoseok kept glaring each other.

Through the half class they kept glaring each other from time to time. Just when a boy stood up and said

Boy- Mrs. Shin, Namjoon and Hoseok are not studying and glaring at each other. Which is distracting others.

Namjoon and Hoseok turned back to look at him and said

Hoseok, Namjoon- How is it Disturbing you?

They both looked at each other.

Namjoon, Hoseok- Don't copy me.

They again said at same time.

Hoseok- You rude person. Stop copying me.

Namjoon- Like I wanna copy a stupid Kid. It's you who is copying me.

Hoseok- No You.

Namjoon- You..........

Teacher- Namjoon, Hoseok. This is a class. Stop your fight otherwise I will call the principal.

She said and they both stopped. They looked infront but after giving a last glare to each other.

Time Skip
4th Class

It was 4th class of the day and in all three classes, Namjoon and Hoseok fought for small and silky things.
Right now their all were waiting for their teacher to come. Just then the teacher came.
Hoseok stopped glaring Namjoon and look in front. His lips formed a very big smile seeing the person in front. It was his Jungkook Hyung.

All the students stood up and wished him. They all sat and then Jungkook said

Jungkook- Hlo.Class. I am your new Maths Teacher. Kim Jungkook. And from now on I will be teaching your maths.

Jungkook introduced himself.

Jungkook- Do you any questions to ask me?

A girl raised her hand.

Jungkook- Yes?

Girl- Mr. Jungkook, are new in Seoul?

Jungkook- Ya. I came from London. But I am fully Korean.

Girl- Ok.

Jungkook- Any other questions?

No one said Anything. Jungkook nodded his head.

Jungkook- Ok, so let's start then. Take out your books.

All of them took out their books. Jungkook started teaching while Namjoon was glaring at Hoseok who was looking at Jungkook.

Namjoon- Wow. Suddenly you got interested in Studying.

He said. Hoseok looked at him and said

Hoseok- I was and am always interested. It's just you because of whom I was not able to concentrate.

Namjoon- Liar. Just say it that your Hyung is here that's why you are acting like you study.

Hoseok- Really? Then, why don't you ask MY HYUNG about how I am in studies. He will tell you.

Namjoon- He will say you are good cause you are his brother.

Hoseok- Sir!!

Hoseok said. Jungkook stopped wirting and turned to him.

Jungkook- Yes Hoseok?

Hoseok- Can I sit somewhere else. Namjoon here is not letting me concentrate.

Namjoon- Oh, and what about you? Did you met me concentrate in other class?

Hoseok- You started first so I did the same thing.

Namjoon- Me? You really are idiot. It was you who started it.

Jungkook- Namjoon, Hoseok what is going on?

Boy- Mr. Jungkook, they are fighting like this from the first period only.

Jungkook- Why?

Namjoon, Hoseok- Him.

They both said as they pointed at each other. Jungkook sighed knowing what is coming. Soz he just said

Jungkook- You know what, Hobi just go and sit where ever you want and now don't disturb me. Ok?

Hoseok- Ne. By Weirdo.

He said and went to sit on other seat. Jungkook again started teaching.

Hey Moon lights
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Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1280

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