💫 Chapter-8💫

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Lunch Time

Namjoon was going to the canteen with his best friend Jackson Wang. They know each other from a very long time. They went their and saw Jimin sitting with Cha Eunwoo, Jimin's bestfriend and Taehyung was also sitting with them. They both went and sat beside them.

Namjoon- Hey Hyung.

Jimin- Hii. How were your classes?

Namjoon- Boring. More like a headache to me.

Jimin- Wae?

Namjoon- Because of someone. Let's not talk about it and focus on eating. I am so hungry.

Jimin- Sure. Anyways, Tae he is Jackson. Namjoon's bestfriend.

Taehyung- Hii. Nice to meet you.

Jimin- And Jackson ge is Taehyung.

Jackson- I know him.

Eunwoo- How?

Jackson- A new student came in our class today and he also came with him. You are his brother. Right?

Taehyung- Right.

Jackson- Your brother, is really weird.

He said. And Taehyung frowned hearing this.

Taehyung-What do you mean?

Jackson- Mrs. Shin told him to sit with Namjoon. He sat but for the first three classes he just fought with him. And in 4th class, he pretended like nothing happened and blamed it all on My bestfriend. The teacher was new otherwise he would have gotten scolded because no one shout or mess with Namjoon.

Listening this Taehyung stood up.

Taehyung- Again? You both couldn't stay without fighting even for some time. Like you just fought before coming to school also.

Namjoon- It was not my fault. He started it.

Taehyung- Ok and? You kept quiet. He is like that only Namjoon. I thought you will be a little mature.

Namjoon- Wow. Now you are blaming me? Instead of scolding your brother you are scolding me?

Taehyung- He will get scolding. Hyung will give him. But what about you?

Namjoon- What about me? I didn't did anything.

~ Liar. You started all this and now you are lying to my Hyung.

Namjoon turned back and saw Hoseok coming.
Hoseok came and stood beside Taehyung.

Hoseok- Hyung, he was the one who started all this. Soz why would I get scolding from Hyung?

Namjoon- Me? Really? Everyone kn our class knows who started this....

Hoseok- Yes. Including me. I also know who started all this.

Jimin- Both of you shut up.

Namjoon- Hyung, you should tell him to shut up first.

Hoseok- Why me? You are the one who needs to shut your mouth.

Taehyung- Hobi keep quiet.

Jimin- Joonie, you too.

Hoseok- Why me?

Namjoon- Tell him first.

They both glared at each other. Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other not knowing what to do.

Jimin- You know what, if you both will not stop right now, I am gonna send you to the principal office. Their you are on your own.

Jimin said and both looked at him Shocked.

Jimin- And Hoseok, don't think that I can't send you. I can and Of you both don't stop I will. Understand.

They both nodded their head.

Jimin- Now sit down and eat quietly.

He said. They a sat with Hoseok beside Taehyung.

Jackson- Namjoon, you know him before also?

Namjoon- Unfortunately yes.

Jackson- How? He came yesterday only from London right?

Namjoon- Yes. And they are staying with us.

Eunwoo- Huh? Why?

Jimin- They are our dad's girlfriend's Friend's sons.

Jimin said. Jackson and Eunwoo looked at him confused on what he just said.

Jackson- Wait.. wait....wait. What did you said Hyung? I didt got it?

Eunwoo- Me too Jimin. The relationship is too long.

Taehyung- In simple words, we are going to brothers soon.

Jackson, Eunwoo- WHAT!!

Hoseok, Namjoon- STEP BROTHERS!!!!!

Taehyung- It doesn't matter Hobi. Brother is brother.

Hoseok- It does matter Hyung. You and Jungkook Hyung are brother while he will be stepbrother.

Jimin- Me too?

Hoseok- Aniyo. You, And the rest two hyungs are also somewhat like brothers. Except for him.

Hoseok said looking at Namjoon. Namjoon rolled his eyes and said

Namjoon- Well, the felling is mutual. Only Taehyung Hyung and Jungkook Hyung are like my real brothers. You will be counted in Stepbrother only.

Hoseok- I will be so thankful for that.

Namjoon- I don't need thank you from a stupid Kid.

Jimin- Namjoon!!

Namjoon- What? He called me rude and Arrogant infront of whole class.

Hoseok- You are. I didn't lied. As you also called me a stupid kid infront of whole class. Don't forget that.

Namjoon- See Hyung. That's why I said him.

Taehyung- Hobi....enough now. Just eat otherwise I will really call Jungkook Hyung.

Namjoon- He will also be not able to handle him.

Hoseok- Just like you. Right?

Jimin- Namjoon. Please. Atleast let us have a peaceful lunch.

Namjoon- Hyung, if he will be here, then your lunch will not be peaceful.

He said. Jimin looked at him with widened eyes. Jimin looked at Taehyung who was looking at Hoseok.

Hoseok- Really? Is it true Jimin Hyung?

Jimin- No.....

Hoseok- Fine. I will go. Tae Tae Hyung, If you want me for something, just call me or Jungkook Hyung. I am going to hom only.

He said and stood up. Jimin was about to say something but he left from their.

Jimin- Tae, I am so sorry....

Taehyung- No need Jimin. You are not at fault. And none of them are at fault. I guess they will just take some time to adjust with each other.

Jimin- I think so too.

Jackson- Can I ask something, Tae Hyung?

Taehyung- Sure.

Jackson- When you both were talking you said Jungkook Hyung. Is it Mr. Jungkook? I mean is Mr. Jungkook your brother? Cause he is also Kim and he also came from London.

Taehyung- Yup. He is our eldest brother. And the one because of him Hobi is like this.

Eunwoo- What do you mean?

Taehyung- Hyung always pamper him with so much love. That he is not familiar with people saying bad words to him. In our previous school also Hyung had threatened them not to say any bad words infront of him or to him.

Jimin- Really? He don't know and words?

Taehyung- Yes, he don't. Even I am not allowed to say them near him.

Jackson- That's why you said that in class?

Taehyung- Yup. Cause Hyung told me.

Jimin- Said what?

Taehyung- To not say words to him or near him. Otherwise Hyung would have killed me.

Namjoon- That means Jungkook Hyung love him more than you?

Taehyung- No. He loves both of us equally. He just care for him more beacuse of a reason.

Namjoon- Reason? What is it?

Taehyung- I don't know. Only he know that. I mean I don't remember. It's something related to our past. And I don't remember much. He does.

Jackson- Ohh. Got it.

So, Sorry Moonlights.
I wasn't able to update Yesterday.
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Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count-1180

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