Being the new Ciel

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"Ah..." Says Mayu,waking up.He tries sitting up,but a sharp,agonizing,pain emerges from his head, causing him to lay back down. "Strange. My bed wasn't ever this comfortable and....roomy?" He thought to himself. "Young master,I don't think you should be sitting up,yet." Says a voice from the darkness. "Aah!!" Yelps Mayu , flinching slightly. "ow!" He touches his head,feeling a lump. "W-who is there?" Mayu asks. "Young master? It is me.your loyal butler, Sebastian Michealis." says the mysterious voice. "E-EH!?" Mayu finally takes in his surroundings.He was in a giant,fancy bed,wearing a long,white,button up shirt over his underwear. The room he was in was so big he couldn't even tell it was a bedroom."s-Sebastian? I don't know a Sebastian." Says Mayu, genuinely frightened. He was also embarrassed. Who had changed his clothes? He blushed a deep shade of red even thinking about it. "Young master.." suddenly someone comes out from the darkness. Mayu yelps again, not knowing who it was. He had black hair, around the length of his shoulders in the front, but shorter in the back. He wore a tuxedo, and white gloves covering his hands, and his face, was what scared Mayu the most. Sebastian had a sinister smile. his eyes were a dark chocolate shade of brown, almost as if they He comes way close to Mayu's ear. "Mayu, I know you are not my young master. I would not worry though, I will get you home, but only after I get the real young master back. Therefore, you will need to pretend to be Ciel Phantomhive." Sebastian whispers. Mayu's beautiful aqua blue eyes widen. How did this man know his name, and how was he, Mayu, supposed to be a Royal Earl?

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