Meeting new people?part 1

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"U-um, I don't know how to be an Earl, let alone a....Royal..." Mayu trails off. "I will teach you all the etiquette, but you must never smile often. Young master barely smiles." Sebastian said. "that might be a little bit hard for you,Mayu, because of your happy-go-lucky personality, but one method is to think of the worst thing that happened to you." All of a sudden, Mayu started crying as his eyes clouded over. "What is wrong Mayu?" Sebastian asks. " M-My mommy died!" Mayu says. "get a hold of yourself Mayu. You are 13 years old!" Sebastian says. "Both of young master's parents died in a fire in this here mansion, so don't pity yourself." he finishes. "your a rude butler." Mayu says, wiping his tears. "well, young master, it is time to get up and get changed." says Sebastian. Mayu tries to rub his eyes, but one was covered with an eyepatch. "eh?oh yeah, I fell." He thought to himself.he sits up slowly,pulling of his blanket. "How do I get changed?" Mayu asks."just scoot to the edge of the bed and I will do the rest" Sebastian says. "Ok.Sebastian?" Mayu scoots to the edge of the bed. Sebastian pulls of mayu's shirt. He grabs the substitute and pulls it onto Mayu. He buttons up the buttons and pulls a vest over it. Mayu lightly blushes. No one had changed him before but himself. Sebastian grabs the knee length shorts as he pulls them onto Mayu. He grabs knee high stockings with buckles at the top and pulls them onto Mayu as well. He pulls out some boots and hands them to Mayu. "We have work to do, young master. " He says smiling and walking out the door. As Mayu walks out the door of Ciel's, or rather, his room, he runs into a girl carrying plates. " I'm so sorry!!" Says Mayu reaching out a hand.the girl eith scarlet pink hair in pigtails grabbed your hand. She looked around. "Oh! Young master! I'll clean this up, yes I will!!" She said, running off. "I wonder who that was..." Mayu thought to himself. like he had read his mind, Sebastian walks up from behind Mayu."that girl's name is Mey-rin. You'll also meet 3 others, the gardener, Finny, the chef, Bard, and the old man, Tanaka. I hope you find them interesting. " says Sebastian,with a sinister smile. "Follow me my lord." He says. "Ok, Sebastian." Says Mayu. "Lady Elizabeth will be coming by today. Please be on your best behavior." says Sebastian. "l-lady..." Mayu says confused. His eyes widen in realization. "Lady Elizabeth?!" He yells. " B-but that's Ciel Phantomhive's fiancé!" he says running in circles yelling. Sebastian grabs Mayu bridal style. "It is almost tea time." Sebastian says, carrying Mayu to Ciel's study. Mayu waits patiently. His mind racing about lady Elizabeth. A moment later, Sebastian comes back. " Hello young master. I have prepared Earl Grey tea, as well as chocolate fondue cake." he says placing down a teacup on a glass plate, and the cake, on another glass plate. "Well, um thank you. I've never had anything this fancy." says Mayu. "If I couldn't make something like this, what kind of butler would I be?" He says. Mayu automatically starts to eat the cake. "Wow,this is really good!" Says Mayu. Sebastian just smiles(sorry for the cliffhanger!)

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