21: The Fertilizer

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"What made you come to that conclusion?"

"Sorry! I'm just guessing... I mean, you've got your own room on the top floor of the metropolitan police department and the police seem to work for you... but mostly... it's because these carrots are SO GOOD!!!" Legoshi's mouth was drooling. "They're sweet and taste kind of like dirt, but the flavor's really defined, you know!? They taste better the more I eat them... I've never eaten carrots like these before." YN would love them... "And if this luxurious food is just dinner to you, then you must have a high social standing!..." He tried to calm down the word vomit coming from his mouth. "T-that's all, really..."

Yahya paused and then laughed. "I'm glad you like it. And you're right, these carrots are special. They're grown at the perfect temperature and humidity. They're given just the right amount of water at just the right amount of time." Yahya hadn't bothered to eat yet. "I always strive for perfection. Whether it's my carrot farm or society. I would commit to any labor and sacrifice necessary... that's what I swore in a certain turning point in my life."

I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure Yahya is the beastar. That would explain why he's so hated in black market graffiti.

"The blood bone drug trade... a tusk poacher who disguised himself as a giant-animal counselor. A drug company that made soap out of camel humps. An organization that gave raw meat to athletes for doping purposes. I captured them only yesterday, yet they've committed so much infamy."

"You captured them... only yesterday?"

"I've been doing this for 26 years all by myself. I'm already so old. I need to hurry and make a perfect society before my life runs out."

"Well..." Legoshi thought for a minute. He didn't like when he blurted out thoughtless things. It was a New Year's resolution to stop doing that so much. "I actually kind of like the imperfections of this society. And it's functioning well despite all the imperfections. All thanks to you. You're amazing, Yahya." Yahya smiled at him, falsely. Although Legoshi didn't notice.

"By the way, Legoshi. Don't you find it myseterious that this one measly horse is so capable of combatting society's evils?"

"D-Did you train?" Legoshi asked politely.

"Training isn't enough. You need a source of energy. And a special one at that. When you're the beastar, you can be granted any wish of your choosing. Using the carnivores you punished as fertilizer is no exception." Legoshi's face dropped at the realization of why those carrots were so good. "My carrots love their nutrients. They really add to their taste, wouldn't you say?" Legoshi wanted to run. To escape. "Hey now, you're not going anywhere." Yahya swiped Legoshi's legs out from beneath him and stepped on him to keep him in place. "You aren't going to criticize me, are you? I looked into your records. You ate your deer friend's foot to defeat a predator classmate in a duel. That takes a lot of resolve. But was your conduct really that of good? Or evil? My judgement will decide whether or not you'll be part of my dear ladies' fertilizer."

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