{Concerning for her}

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as ragini went, he immediately started searching for anika looking here  and there. Seeing her silent is worrying him now .  The way she Is bottling up her emotion inside her ,it's does not seems good.  She has to let her emotion let go. She has to ease her heart pain.  As if she kept inside then, it will be really  harmful for her heart and specially mentally. He wants  to  take her   in hug and ask her to let out her all  pain away .... But she is not even letting him to touch her.   Since her dad death news , she is just staying away from him snd making sure he doesn't come near her , which is making him so restless and worried.  Suddenly his eyes Travel towards   Corner of the hall where she is sitting leaning to the pillar. 

Here you go. He immediately padded towards her and set besides her Keeping hand on her  knees. Seeing him there she tuck her hair back and folded her legs removing his hand from her knees.  

Sh.  You.... Alright. He says softly  running his thumb on her cheek being concern for her.   Anika look  in his eyes silently and remove his hand from her  cheek. 

An. Yh I'm ... don't  Worry.  

Sh. No you are not anika. You are not crying.  Let your feelings pour out.  Tell me what's going on in your inside.  He  speaks in concern   Scooting closer to her but yet again, she didn't let him come near her and bring distance  between them looking away

Sh.  Anika I ... he about to say more , when ragini comes there having sad smile. 

Anika are you ok.  I'm sorry for your dad.   I can't describe how it's hurted me after hearing about his death.    She says having fake moist eyes keeping hand on her shoulder.   Seeing her there, shivaay grit his teeth and feel like to yell at her for interrupting between them. Here he is trying to talk to anika. But instead giving him chance .. she jumped in and showing sympathy towards her.

An.  His life was short. It had to happen.  Thanks for your input. Anyways you guys sit I've to see arrangement. Before shivaay stops her  , she immediately left from there leaving them both together. 

Awww she is so sad doesn't she. Her eyes are telling unknown reflecting sadness.  Doesn't it.  Ragini says holding Shivaay's hand which soon jerk by him and he held her arm tightly in his fist looking at her angrily.

Sh. Stop doing all this nonsense ragini. I can see , what are you trying to do.   He chided   Holding her arm tight.

But what I've done. She plays innocent removing his grip from her arm.

Sh. You know that ragini.  So stop it. She already battling up with things. Don't  put more fuel on it. Just stay away from me and her. Did you understand. He  jerk her away and left from there flicking his hair back leaving her hell angry on him for behaving so rude with her.

R.  You can try as much as you can but that anika  gonna go from our lives ... that's my promise to you shivaay baby. She hissed looking at his retreating  figure.  

After sometime

It's time to take him to burry her. So all went with the body along with anika , who didn't leave  even inch away from his body.whole way she just walked with it holding her father's hand. Shivaay try to support her keeping hand on her shoulder, but she didn't care to reciprocate it and just walking ahead with the body which is been carrying by men. Like  omru shivay and Shakti. 

In grave yard. Seeing them  burying him her heart started  paining, while her eyes started dripping  tears. She can't believe, her father her support her , only friend has left her. He always had promised they he will stay with her. But he broke his promise and left her all alone for battling up with this cruel world ... where she has no one whom she could call as hers. He was only her support system. and now he is gone  as well. Now whom she will tell  her heart things. With whom she will talk.    All emotions gushed insides her snd she sobs keeping hand on her mouth.  She about to fell down but shivay , who was standing near grave he runs towards her and held her on meantime for felling.

Hey you ok ?? are you alright. He  tucks her hair back holding her by her waist. 

Errr yh I'm fine. She wipe her tears and immediately stepped away from his hold. Shivaay sighs and look at her being defeat. From last five hours. He is trying his best to stay closer to her , and assure her , he is with her. but whenever he goes near her, she just bringing distance between them by telling him to not come near her .. as she doesn't need him to support her at all. After burrying him all left firm there except anika and of course shivaay , who stayed back to look at her. She slowly set near the grave and caresses it with her hands. She leans on it and closed her eyes letting her tear  Soak in to mud.  Hee heart is paining. Her mind Is blank. She is not able to understand , what happened  in her life. Before few hours she didn't even think in her  wild dream that her father will leave her like this. But  In short span of time, he died and now she is sitting here leaning on his grave. 

An. I love you baba. I love you so muchhh she sobs and  rest her forehead on  grave sobbing. 

An. I'm sorry For not able to do anything. Your daughter is such a weak person that she  couldn't do anything for her father and let him go.  I'm sorry baba. I'm so sorry. She hiccups hugging it closing her eyes. Shivaay also sobs and went towards her taking her in side hug.  He try to pull her in his arms to soothe her, but she just remove his grip and stood up again emotionless. 

I'm ok.  I can take care of myself. You don't need
To do  anything .. she clear her eyes with her dupata and left from there leaving him alone out there feeling dejected. He is trying his best to be with her. But she is so stubborn that , she is refusing to let him closer to her and maintaining distance between them ...

At home

She comes and found only oberoi clan  In there except them everyone have been left  after having lunch.

Shakti came toward her and take her in hug caressing her hair.

Sh. You ok sweet heart. Anika nods snd reciprocated the hug. 

An. I'm ok don't worry. Thanks for everything and for being here. I really appreciate it. 

Sh.  We are your family. And it's our duty to be here with you on hard time. He says caressing her hair.

An. That's so sweet of you uncle. And I'm really glad you were here.   Anyways you guys must be tired as well. So I guess you should take rest. Isn't.  I'll ask servants to arrange rooms for you people n

Sha. No it's ok. I think we should leave.   We will come tomorrow again.  

An. As you say uncle it's up to you.

Sha. Take care of yourself.  He  pat her cheek and eye to his family to come with him , which they obliged and  went behind  him except shivaay who stayed  there.  Ragini who was present there as well , she held his arm and look at him with smile

R. Let's go baby.   We should leave as well. 

Sh. Errr you go. I'm staying here.    He says removing her grip from his arm

R. But baby.

Sh.  I said leave ragini. Don't force me like that. Anika who was talking with a maid , she stopped and look at them sternly

An.  You don't need to stay here. Go home.  I don't need you here. 

Sh. I'm not going from Here. I'm staying here with you.   He confirmed in his thick voice gazing at her.

An.  I can take care of myself. You don't need to baby sit me. Just go home and take rest. It was long day for you as well.  doesn't it.

Sh. But I

An. I said go mr oberoi. Don't make me angry on baseless thing. 

R. Come let's go baby. She doesn't need you. Come. She  held his wrist snd forcefully dragged him With her  passing smile to anika ,which  she didn't return and turn her face away. 

An. Clear all this  make sure everything  goes back on normal.  I'm going in my room ... saying this she left from  there dragging her feet towards her  room which is apparently upstairs.  She enters there and  locked the door leaning on it.  As she came in loneliness engulfed her and she set there keeping hand on her mouth.  A  painful sob left her mouth and started crying loudly screaming her dad's name.   All the emotions, all the pain , which she as bottling up , it gushed out like river and she cry hard having thick hiccups.  She never ever imagined this day in her life. She never thought that one day , her father will leave her but he left. God took him away from her life leaving her all alone and introvert.  He always supported her in her thick and thin , he stood besides her.  He made sure that she spill later and he fulfil first her wishes. He never yelled at her. He never tried to hurt her. He was her best buddy. He was her mom , dad both. He loved her so much and made her such successful , that she can lead her life without any worries. But she imagined her life witn him. she thought, her father will be with her all good bad phases. But she didn't know that , he will leave her suddenly for not coming back. Now with whom she will share her feelings. With whom she will spend her time. These thoughts create volcano inside her and she cry sitting there hugging her legs.

After sometimes

Maids are busy in work when shivay enters there. He look around hoping finding her around , but she is no where to be seen.

Where's she ?? He murmurs looking around.

Sir you came back. Maid says spotting him in the hall.

Sh. Err yh. I wanted to be with anika . Erm where's she. .

M. As you gone from here .. she had went into her room and didn't come out since then.

Sh. What he got worried after hearing her.

M. Yes sir.

Sh. That's mean she didn't eat anything. Maids shakes her head in negative. Shivaay groan and hit his head in tension.

Sh. Ok do one thing get the food and bring to her room ok. Maids nods her head and left from there. As she walked passed him , he immediately run towards her room huffing in tension. He reached near her room and try to get in , while twisting the knob but it seems locked from inside. Fear gulf around him making him restless.

Anika open your eyes. Annie. It's me shivaay. Open
The door. I wanna come in. But in return, he got nothing, but silence scaring him. He gulp and look at the maid , who came before a second who seems tensed as well.

Sh. She must be ok right. She is not opening the door. His voice shake in tension.

M. I don't know. Listening to her. He bite his lips in anticipation and started banging on the door. But yet again no answer from her. After several attempts he started looking for something useful.

Sh. Where's her room's windows. I wanna get in from there.

M. She have window but it stays close. But yh I've spare key of her room.

Sh. Get it fast. Maid nods and immediately run downstairs leaving tray on a small table near by. After few seconds, he comes beck and handed him the key which he took it and open the door.

Annie , but he stopped when he found her laying on the bed back facing him. Seeing her sleeping , a relief sigh left from his mouth and he look at the maid being relax.

Anika hey Annie. He goes towards her and set besides her caressing her hair. He thought might , she turns and look at him , but he got confused when she is laying stiff back facing hin.

Anika look at me. Annie he turns her hoping to find her having open eyes but his muscles clench feeling her arm felling on him lifelessly.

Annie Annie get up open your eyes Annie. He pat her cheek but she seems cold as ice laying aimlessly.

M. We need to call the doctor. Saying this she immediately grab the land line and call her family doctor , while shivaay is busy waking her up. He sprinkle water on her face ,but that didn't work either, which made his hand turn cold in woriedness. Tears started trickling from his eyes even thinking to lose her. If something happen to her ,then he won't able to Forgive himself. It will be so hard for him to cope up with this. She sobs and pulled her near his chest caressing her hair pecking her head many times

Sh. Don't do this Annie please , I'm sorry for everything. Please don't leave me. He sobs kissing her again and again. Maid also god teary eyes seeing her madam condition. she was hard from outside. But she knows how kind heart she keeps. Because of her , her daughter is going in good school ,despite having no husband or any other person in her life. If she won't had been there then her, daughter would had been working in someone's house same like her. But she came in their lives like an angel and assured her about her daughter's studies. And now seeing her in fragile state making her so sad and helpless on the same time for not able to do anything. Suddenly their attention went towards the doctor who enters there.

Sh. Doctor please check her. She is not waking up. I've tried my best , but nothing is working on . Please see her and tell me what happened to her. Seeing him restless , doctor pat his shoulder and asked him to calm down.

Do. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Hmm he assured her and started checking her after feeling her pulse ,he get a injection out and pierced in her skin making shivaay closed his eyes seeing her in pain.

Do. She fell unconscious because of immense stress and not having anything since 48 hours. I can understand as well, as she lost her father. She must have took loads of stress. But anyways I've gave her injection, in an hour she will open her eyes and then feed her something ok. He smiles at shivaay who nods his head wiping his tears

Sh.thanks doctor. Saying this he set near anika holding her hand lookin at her being concern. Maid shows the way of out of doctor and left shiviks alone with each other.

Sh. Im sorry im so sorry for not being with you , when I should had been. I'm sorry. He whispered in tears and placed two three kisses on her forehead lovingly. He is feeling guilty for not being with her. Might-if he would had then , she won't had face all this. But he felt too much responsible towards ragini that he forgot anika comes first in all things, as she is his wife. But he chose ragini over her ,,,which ruined everything between them.

Precap ...... he couldn't find her at home later rayaansh shift in rajpoot mansion.

Target .... 230 votes unlimited comments.

I guess I've to end it soon my both books
seeing the response.


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