{Annoyed anika}

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Shivaay is sleeping on the bed , when he suddenly got up listening noises around. He rub his eyes and set up on the bed groaning.

God this headache !! he moans and look around clearing his vision, but next second he baffled when he found himself alone in the room and anika is no where to be seen.

An... anika anika he got down from the bed and started searching her everywhere. He first check bathroom , then attached balcony but when he couldn't find her there without thinking once , he ran out calling her name. Maid who was cleaning the furniture she stopped and look at him silently.

Sh. Did you see anika where's she. ?? He says breathing heavily running his gaze all around.

M. Woh tau Chali gai.

Sh whattt where ???

M. Erm I just saw her going out. But I don't know where she have gone.

Sh. Have you gone crazy. You knew that she is sick and needed rest. Then why the hell you didn't stop her.

M. Sir I can't stop her. She doesn't like if someone try to interfere.

Sh. Godddd he hit his head and pulled out his phone to call her. After calling her three four times ,when she didn't pick up , he groan and Dailed her secretary, who instantly pick up on second bell.

Sh. Is anika with you. Let me talk to her. He instantly come on the point as she pick up.

Se. Yes she is With me. But I can't give her phone as she is busy in meeting.

Sh. I don't care if she is in meeting or not. Just give her Damn phone.

Se. Sir she will be angry. She will shout st me. Hearing her he groan and nods his head in frustration.

Sh. Fine. I'm coming , don't let her go anywhere. Saying this he thrust his phone in his pocket and stormed away from there in anger. He is cursing himself for felling in sleep. If he won't had then , she won't had leave like that.

In office

Anika rub her forehead , which is throbbing badly, but right now the way situation is farming , she can't afford to have little time to rest. First her and shivaay then her father's dismiss and now this business. As her father passed away , these people bombarded over her and pursing her to take over on everything and if she didn't then company, will go in big lose and these people will face consequences ... whicn they don't want as well. So without thinking anything , she decided to take all the weight on her shoulders being known how much work it gonna be. But she had to handle it no matter what happens. She can't afford to lose her Father's dream at all.

Mam sir is here. His secretary whispers making her frown.

An. Which sir. Before her secretary answers shivaay barged in disheveled state. He is looking all mess having untuck shirt , uneven hair and sweat on his forehead. Seems like he ran a marathon while coming here.

Shivaay she didn't complete his name that he comes towards her and held her wrist in his hands while glaring her.

Sh. What the hell is this ha. I'd told you to take rest then why did you come here. For your kind information you are sick. You needed rest. How can you just land here without caring about yourself. Come let's go home. I won't let you stay here for a second. Saying this he try to drag her , but she didn't let him and pulled her hand back.

An. I've work to handle. I'm not free mr oberoi. So please don't create scene here and leave. She says rudely without caring about the people who are sitting around.

Sh. You can't order me anika. You know that I hate when someone does that. He says in his subtle voice moving near her face.

An. Yh right and you know that as well , I hate When someone try to interfere in my personal space and specially strangers. She gave answer back looking straight in his eyes.

Sh. I'm not stranger. I'm your husband. And I can order you how ever you want. Now be s good girl snd let's go.

An. Which husband you are talking about. I guess you have memory lose .. that's why you have forgotten, we are getting divorce. so ordering me is not valid for you. Now leave me alone. Don't try to interfere in my life. Saying this she set back on the chair and pulled her files infront of her

An. Sorry for disturbance gentlemen. So where were we. She about to open the file when shivaay swiftly turn her chair and pick her up in his arms making everyone shock along with anika.

Sh. My wife needs little rest. I hope you can understand. Just an hour after that I'll come back and will handle everything. Before someone say something he carry her in his arms and stormed away from there without looking back.

Mr oberoi what you doing. Put me down. I said put me down. She wiggle in his arms trying to come out from his hold. But he least bother about it and walking through her office, where Hundreds of people standing having their mouth wide open seeing them together.

Sh. I won't mrs oberoi. Do whatever you want. He glares her and kicked the door of her office and took her in. He brought her inside and made her set on the sofa. She try to run , but he didn't let her and pulled her back between his leg holding her waist tight.

Sh. Don't move. Just bloody don't. He warned her gripping her waist tight.

An. You can't order me like that. Just let me go mr oberoi. Stop interfering in my life. She wiggle, but he least bother to leave her and kept holding her tight.

Sh. I will order you. I will rule over you and you can't stop me. So sit subtle and let me do what I want to. Did you understand. Saying this he get his phone out and order food for her without paying head to her yelling or anything.

An. I don't wanna eat anything just leave me alone. I've things to handle. She huffs

Sh. Oh really as if I'll listen to you. You should be glad that I'm just forcing you to eat only. If I want na then I can do manythings. So be a good girl and listen to me quietly.

Sir food. Hee secretary came in and pass him plate.

Sh. Did you get that which I asked for.

Se. Yes sir saying this she left from there.

An. What are you talking about. She says trying to remove his grip around his waist.

Sh. Nothing saying this he puts whatever she got in tray and mix it well. After that he held her face and shoved into her mouth without caring if she wants or not.anika try to spit it out. But he didn't let her snd kept hand on her mouth while glaring her.

Sh.  Chew it woman.  Don't spit it out.   Anika move her face trying to remove his hand , but as always he kept gripping  it tight so that she consume it.  Having no Option , she ate it having  defeat.  Like this he made her eat all the food and made sure she finishes it.

Now if you are done then can I go.  Without arguing he nods his head and let her go which confused her. She frowns and stood up to leave but her head spin and directly fell back in his arms unconscious.

I don't play randomly wifey. He grin and picks her up in his arms moving towards attached room. He kept her on the bed and cover her with blanket.

Take rest wifey. Before you get up I'll fix everything which is worrying you. He kiss her forehead and left from there closing the door behind.

After some hours

Anika toss on the bed and snuggle in the pillow having half closed eyes. She groan and thrust her face into blanket feeling lazy.

Hey you up. Hearing his voice she open her eyes slightly and found him standing near the bed looking at her with smile. As she saw him , she set up and look around her shockingly.

An. What ... what am I doing here. She try to get up but he kept hand on her thigh and stopped her to stepping down from the bed.

Sh. Don't even think to move.

An. Stop this nonsense shivaay and just let me go. Because of you already my time have been wasted. I don't want you to do more. So move away. She again attempt to get up , but he just held her tightly looking at her Sternly

Sh. Don't even think to move anika. Just don't. Whatever work you were going to do. I've sorted it out. All the property gonna go on your name and your all business partners don't have issue to do business with you. So relax and take rest.

An. What ??? but how what have you done.

Sh. Don't forget who I'm. I can handle anything. He says raising his collars in proud making her roll her eyes.

An. Yh right. But my work is not finish here. Other things are there , which I've to look after.

Sh. Yes, I know that. Don't forget I'm business man as well.

An. I can see that.anyways thank you for everything. Now you don't need to wonder around me so much. Go to your home and enjoy time with your fiancé. After all she needs you the most. I'm here to take care of myself. She says snatching her wrist which he was holding.

Sh. She is fine on her place. Right now I wanna stay with you.

An. But I don't want to. I'm ok being alone. I really don't want your fiancé to think , I'm snatching you from her.

Sh. Let her think whatever she feel like. I don't care. She is not that important than you.

An. Oh really but as per as I know , she is more important to you more than anything else. That's why without thinking once , you came back in a day from Switzerland . Didn't you. Hearing her shivaay closed his eyes and went in flash back thinking about the moment , when he left her alone out there for ragini ,without thinking how would she managed. he got so blind in worry that all things had been forgotten by him,Even his wife. He open his mouth to say something ,when his phone started ringing. Seeing the id he grit his teeth and look at anika who is already looking at him.

An. Go to her. She needs you the most. I'm ok here. She shakes her head while sneering and went into the washroom leaving him frustrated being stuck between two women. One side is his wife then another side is his friend ,who always been with him in all thick and thin. But right now he wanna be with anika and ragini should understand it seeing the situation. But seems like she don't give shit about it. He grit his teeth and pick-up the phone unwillingly.

Sh. Now whatttt ???

R. What's wrong baby. Why you seems pissed. I just wanted to talk to you. She says in her soft fake voice making him annoyed.

Sh. But I don't want to ragini. Why don't you understand the thing. So kindly go sleep and don't disturb me at least for few days. Saying this he cut the call and about to throw his phone when stopped seeing anika standing in the door looking at him.

Sh. You came out. Get ready we are going for dinner. He announced passing her smile hiding his anger.

An. I'm not hungry. You carry on. Saying this she went towards her bag and started putting her things in without looking at him

Sh. Why are you doing this. Why you are pushing me away. He says making her face to him holding her hand. Anika look at him first sternly and then smile.

An. Aren't you the one ,who had told me ,you are compromising on me. Didn't you. Then what's your problem , if I'm helping you to get rid of me. I want you to be with that person , whom you love truly and want you to spend your whole life with her. I don't want you to ruin yourself because of me. Moreover we are going to get divorce soon. so it's better if we start leaving separate and don't develop Bond in each other. (She exhale )Look I'm ok. I'm happy like this. I don't want you to feel sad for me or anything. I can take care of myself. Hmm. She pat his shoulder and about to pass by him but he held her wrist and pulled her back infront of him.

Sh. I don't want to divorce you. I wanna be with you. He express looking at her pleadingly.

An. It's too late now. I'm done with you. Moreover I was trying to mend our relation because of dad. As I didn't want to hurt him. So now when he is not here anymore then , what's the need of doing it. Just let it go and enjoy your life with your love of your life. I really don't wanna be hurdle between you. Saying this she left from there before he stops her again and shows her his right over her. Which he knows it's hundred %is , being her husband and he will surely shows her that. He flick his hair back and stormed away from there planning something in his head.

At home

Thank you anika passed smile to maid when she served her food which is pretty shocking for her. As per as she knows , her she never been like this. She was pretty rude and subtle and never thanked to someone. But today when she said to her. It baffled her and she is not able to disguise it.

M. Welcome madam she gave her bright smile and left from there. As she went anika look at the empty table and closed her eyes letting her tears fell from her eyes. Now she and her empty house. There won't be anyone , who will stay with her. She will be alone always even in her death time. These thoughts formed lump in her throat and she pushed the food in her mouth eating silently. She knows it will be hard for her to stay alone. But anyways she has to be strong either if she wanna be or not. Suddenly her trance broke when she hear his voice again from the door. She looked behind and found him standing with a bag in his hand.

Hey can you please in my room. He ask security,Who got confused with his mentioning about his room , which he really don't know which one is it.

S. I'm sorry sir your room?? He frowns.

Sh. Yes mine and anika's. As he heard it he nods and took the bag in.

What's happening here ??? Why are you here mr oberoi. Anika stays standing on her feet folding her arms

Sh. I'm in my wife's house and I guess no one should have problem with that. He took seat on the dining table and click to the maid , who immediately shaked her head and went to get the food  . After few seconds she comes and kept plate infront of him. He about to take the bite, but anika pulled it away glaring him.

An. Stop your stupid drama and get out from here. I don't want you to stay with me. She says in her harsh tone glaring him.

Sh. Did I ask you for your opinion. No na . Then keep it with you. I'm staying here and that's final. Now sit quietly and enjoy your dinner with your husband.

An. You are not my husband. Can't you understand a little thing. she scream pushing the plate away which made it scattered all around making him Sigh.

Sh. I'm going to order pizza for us. Saying this ,he throw the napkin and left from there whistling being careless. which made her groan in anger and throw everything on the floor which are laying there.

An. You are not doing right thing mr oberoi you are not.... You bloody gonna pay for ittttt

Precap ...... rayaansh is here 😅

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