{Jealous shivaay}

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Anika comes In room and found him sitting on the bed Keeping his legs straight while laptop is resting in his lap , and on the other side Pizza is laying on the bed which he is carelessly munching looking at his laptop screen. .

An. What the hell is this. Why are you making my bed dirty. If you wanna have this stupid pizza then go and eat outside. Stop making mess here. She says picking up pizza box in her hand

Sh. First of all. You can't call it your only bed. As it's mine as well. Second thing,  I can eat where ever I feel like ,you can't stop me. Now be a good girl and return my pizza.

An. Why are you doing this ?? ( she says keeping pizza aside on the table ) Why are you at my home. Aren't you the one ,who was having issue with my existence in your life. then what the hell happened now. Why you landed in my house when I've already left yours. Just go and get marry to your love of life and spend rest of your life in dream. Stop ruining my peace and let me be. Hearing her he look at her sternly and pulled her towards him and swiftly took her under him pinning her hands Above her head.

I never had issue with your existence in my life mrs oberoi. Infect id got a different excitement in my life which I was enjoying it. I agreed in starts , I was pissed because things didn't go according to me. But later I'd understood , whatever happened it happened for good. So don't even think that I would let you go like this. You are my wife. No matter what happens , you gonna stay with me and that's final. Anika look in his eyes and then divert her gaze away heaving out breath.

An. These tricks won't work on me. I know why are you doing this. But let me tell you. You don't need to justify yourself. Just let it be. Trust me I'm not angry on you. I've understood ,we are not meant to be together. So don't do it and go back to ragini. I really don't want you to ruin your relationship with her because of me. Seeing her stuck on same place , he grit his teeth and tighten his grip on her hands making her hissed.

Sh. Stop giving me suggestion that ,with whom I should be. I'm there where I want to be. .

An. What about later ??? Hearing her he sighs snd left her making her get up.

Sh. There's no later rajpoot. You gonna be with me forever alright ??. Anika got silent after listening to him and kept staring at him. After few seconds she open her mouth to say something,  but seeing his phone ringing aside she turns and found ragini is calling him.

An. Yh forever. I can see that. Saying this she left from there before he stops her or start justifying himself. Shivaay grit his teeth and cut the call feeling frustrated with this ragini , who is interfering in his life too much.

After sometimes

He come down talking with his secretary , when he stopped seeing rayaansh standing in the entrance having bag in his hand. Before he ask him , why he is here ?he drop his luggage on the floor and tun towards anika ,who came out from downstairs room. In no time ,he reaches near her and take her tight hug caressing her hair making Shivaay's hand turn into fist while his phone broke into pieces as it slipped out of his hand and landed on the stairs.

Hey I'm so sorry for uncle's dismiss. I can't believe he left us so fast. You don't know how much worried I'd got for you,  as I'd heard about his death I left whatever k was doing and landed here with you. He says squeezing her in hug kissing her hair,  which didn't go well with shivaay and he March towards them fastly to remove this monkey from his wife..  who is clinging with her like leech . But before he do anika itself broke apart and being distance between them.

An. I'm fine thanks for coming. She smiles tucking her hair back.

R. It's my duty. Infect I've decided to stay here for few days so that you don't feel alone.

What do you mean alone. She is not alone. Who have told you. Shivaay instantly spoke standing between his and anika glaring him.

R. What you doing here mr oberoi. As per as news , you guys are going to get divorce right. Then why are you here.

Sh. Believing on fake news is baseless malhotra. You shouldn't do it. Me and anika are not getting divorce. He says holding his hand tight making him hissed feeling his hand breaking.

An. what the hell shivay, what you doing. Leave him. She immediately came in between make him remove his grip from rayaansh's hands.

An. If he wanna stay here then you shouldn't have problem with that. Let him be. Moreover I guess you should go back home,  as I'm not alone anymore and I don't need your company here. Shivaay's eyes snapped at her , as these words slipped out of her mouth. He can't Believe she is giving importance to this reyaansh over him, that rayaansh who had left her that time when he shouldn't and he was that one who came ahead and saved her reputation.

An. Come let's go rayaansh I'll show you your room. Saying this she left from there not before glaring shivaay , who is equally angry with her for behaving like that. Seeing her taking side of his rayaansh smirk at shivaay and then started walking with anika pulling a innocent face like ,he is nicest person on the earth.

Sh. You are not doing right thing anika. You are bloody notttt. He hissed and stormed away from there flicking his hair.

At night

He entered back into the rajpoot mansion and found her doing dinner with that looser rayaansh , which made him annoyed like hell seeing her behaving so normal with that guy ,despite his betrayal towards her. Right now she  should be with her husband enjoying the dinner and tells her heart out things to him. But instead , she is with someone else that also with that guy ,who insulted her and left her, when he shouldn't had. He closed his eyes tight and move towards them controlling his urge to kill this bastard to laying his eyes on his girl.

What's in eating?? he says taking seat besides anika who instantly look at him with amusement. She thought ,he must be left and won't come back. But seems like her assumption was wrong. And here you go ,mr oberoi is sitting besides her having unusual smile on his face ,which she didn't see before.

Sh. What you looking at. Serve me. But instead doing itself ,she click at the maid and asked her to do it. Which hurted shivaay but he didn't say anything controlling his rage.

R. Anika I hope you didn't mind of me to coming here. He says taking bite of his food.

Sh. Surely she did and if she didn't then I did. He murmur making both Ryaansh and anika look at him.

R. Did you say something. ??? He frown

Sh. Err no nothing. I was just saying food is bit spicy. He hissed closing his eyes.

R. But you didn't eat the food yet. He says eyeing on his plate.

Sh. Errr I mean texture is making me predict. He spoke giving him tight smile ... anika roll her eyes and turn her face seeing him behaving odd today.

R. By the way  Anika mom and dad was asking about you. They wanted to meet you as well.  but I said right now let me go. Later they can come.

Sh. Seems like whole family is trying to thrust themselves in our house. He chuckle sarcastically eating food earning glare from anika , which he royally ignored.

R. What do you mean by the that.

Sh. No i mean don't you guys have any other work except planing to come back in anika's life. As per as I remember,  you are same guy , who had broke engagement with anika. just because you wanted to revenge on her.

An. Shivaayyyy she grit her teeth holding his hand tight under the table.

Sh. No i don't think so , I said anything wrong. It's true. I don't know from where he got guts to come back into your life. when he was soul reason of you being left insulted.

R. It was childish ok. And thousands time,  I've said sorry to anika. And she forgiven me as well. So kindly you don't bring rift between us. Moreover I guess you shouldn't target me like this , when you itself chose another woman over her. Isn't. This time he smirk. Dropping the napkin on the table.

Sh. Youuu ??

An. Ok cut it both of you. Stop fighting. If you wanna stay here , then live silently and if you can't,  then door is there. Both of them can leave. I really don't have issue. Infect I'll be happy. Saying this she left from there without finishing her meal.

Sh. Can't you keep your mouth shut. Because of you she left her food like this.

R. Stop blaming me mr oberoi. She left like this because of you. You are the one who have started this.

Sh. Don't. Just bloody...  don't ok. Otherwise I will break your face. He threaten him moving towards him like a hungry lion.

R. As if I'll keep my hands down. I know how to defend myself , specially infront of you. Look I know you are feeling insecure because of my arrival here. But don't forget you guys are getting divorce. So I guess if I'll try on her then you shouldn't be angry on me.

Sh. You won't do that. You won't even dare.

R. I will mr oberoi I will. Just wait and watch ... how I just take her away from you and leave you with empty hands. He smirk pushing him away.

Sh. Do you really think that I'll let you take my wife away from me. He shout.

R. Yes you will. Infect not you , but anika itself will ask me to marry her. Just wait and watch ,how I make her do it. He click his finger at him end left from there leaving him hell pissed seeing him planing to take his anika from him. But he doesn't know who is he. If shivays Singh oberoi wants something,  then he surely gets it. No matter what happens.

Sh. You are gone malhotra. You are just gone.

In anika's room

She comes out from her washroom , after having a good warm bath , when suddenly she gasp finding shivaay standing infront of her folding his arm. Seeing him she  rolls her eyes and try to pass by him but he gripped on her wrist and pulled back in his arms twisted her hands on her back.  

Sh. Why he is  here ???? Have you forgotten that this man is same , who had humiliated you infront of whole  world.  If I won't had been there , than because of him many more things could had happen.    Anika sneer hearing him and look straight in his  cyan eyes. 

An. Thank you mr oberoi thank you very much for your  favour.  I will be always thankful  to you for that.  and will try my best to return your favour once in my life. 

Sh. What ??? I'm talking something and you are taking it somehere esle.

An.  I'm not doing it. You are the one who is repeating your favours on me.

Sh. I'm talking about that rayaansh. He is not nice guy. I'm sure he has some motive that's why he is here. Just ask him to leave.

An. Then I should ask you to leave as well.  As you are not less than him.   The way he left my hand on engagement day. you left us well. Infect already planning dates of  your Marriage With your girlfriend.  Don't you??? She sneers.

Sh. It's nothing the way you are thinking.   There's nothing between me and ragini. I just......

An. Oh yh right there's nothing between you both.  That's why you came running from Switzerland leaving your wife behind without thinking how would she manage alone out there. Just because your lovely girlfriend tried to do  fake suicide.  

Sh.  I  know I did  mistake.  I get dumb while thinking in panic.  I'd got scared , if she will take her life then guilt will keep following me till I'm alive.   Moreover i thought you are strong. You can handle everything. But ragini she was weak that's why I came to her and .....

An. And left me behind .... I've got it.   So when I'm strong , who can take care of myself alone. Then I guess you shouldn't be here right.  You shouldn't waste your time here. So better you leave.  I'm here to look after myself. Your girlfriend needs you the most. So go to her.  Saying this she remove his grip from her waist and went towards. The bed making  him exhale the breath in defeat.

Sh. I didn't mean to say all this. You are taking me wrong.

An. I'm taking the way I should be. Don't justify yourself.   Now can you please go and sleep in your room.  I've early meeting to attend in the morning. 

Sh. Room ??? But this is my room as well.   Anika heaves out the breath and set up looking at him

An.  No this is my  room. I've shifted your stuff in guest room. Go and sleep there.  Hearing her he grit his teeth and go towards her fastly. Before she asks him what he is doing,  he  pushed her away and lay down on the bed making her grit her teeth.

An. What you doing get up. Just get uppp. Leave my room mr oberoi. Stop pissing me off. She shout sitting on the bed trying to push him , but he is really heavy to scoot away.

Sh. I'm not pissing  you off. It's you who is having  issues without any reason. Just be a good girl and lay down.   It's already late to sleep.

An. I won't lay down , till you don't leave from here.  Just go shivaay. 

Sh. I'm not.  Saying this he pulled her and hugged her tightly  keeping her head on his chest. She try to wriggle to come out from his hold , but he least bother to leave her and press her head more on his chest keeping hand on it.  

Sh. Good night baby. Just sleep. 

An. You are suffocating me.  Just let me go.   She wiggles . 

Sh.  I can suffocate you many ways. Right now isi sa kaam Chalao.  Saying this he wrapped his arm around her tight and closed his eyes.  For few minutes anika fight to come out from his hold,  but when he didn't leave her she sigh in defeat and closed her eyes in tiredness whicn leads her to fell asleep quickly.

In morning

Seeing her snoring acutely on his chest he smiles and kiss her forehead softly.

Sh. I'm sorry for everything.  I shouldn't had  let you feel left over.  I count my mistake for that. But for that silly move, I won't let you leave me.   You are staying with me , that's final no matter what happens. He smiles on his own thoughts and kiss her head many times making her  stir  in sleep , which caused she  thrust  her face into his neck  leading her  lips touched his warm skin giving him goosebumps all over. 


Precap ........ her mother is here

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