{Teaser Shivaay}

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Anika is sleeping on the bed comforting with her pillow ,when a sun ray disturb her sleep. She groan and rub her face on the pillow twitching her eyes.  

God this sun. She  murmur in sleepy tone and  hide her face in her pillow ,but  she got confused when she felt skin instead of fabric.  She slowly open her eyes and widen her eyes finding herself  half sleeping on the shivaay ,who is all awake looking at the sealing having smile. 

What the hell ;she immediately got up looking at him shockingly. 

An. What you doing on my bed as well as in my room . She frowns looking at her surroundings

Sh. Seems like you faced memory lose... that's why you have forgotten that last night we both slept together. I mean In each other arms.   Remember your head was on my chest , while your leg was on my leg. He wink earning smack on his chest making him moan in pain.

Sh. Jungly billi ... it hurts.

An.   Oh really if I'm jungly billi then afraid of me. Otherwise todsy I've hit you, if you done one more mischief then see my clews, I'll scratch  you all over your body . She threats showing him her nails . Shivaay grin and pulled her towards him making her fell on the bed and itself ,he hovered her pinning her hands on the bed. 

Sh. If you are billi then your mate is male cat and he knows, how to handle his angry billi. He says nuzzling  his cheeks With making hard for her to for her  breath.

You are not doing right. Just let me go mr oberoi. She whispered still in the phase of his touch. 

Sh.  Mr oberoi is not in mood to leave his mrs oberoi.   He mumbles  giving feathery kisses on her cheeks  squeezing her hands in his palms.  

Sh. God  girl you are just unreal ...he dipped his face in her neck and suck her skin making her stiff under him.

Shivaayyy... a load moan left her mouth making him smile in proudness. and he again started devour on her skin like vampire.  He  kiss her chin then side lips and about to grab  his main target ,when suddenly  he stopped hearing knock on the door. 

Shit ,,,anika immediately pushed him and stood up looking at him with rage.

An. You are just insane.  She glared him and went to open the door and here you go rayaansh is standing infront of her having breakfast tray in his hands with a big smile ,whicn she found creepy ,but still she managed to reciprocate it holding door's handle.

R. Good morning , how are you anika??? Look what I've got you. He says showing her tray having smile.

Sh. What you got me for my wife. Anika immediately gasp , when he took her in back hug resting his chin on her shoulder. Seeing him there rayaansh baffled and look at anika with frown.

R. What ??? What he is doing into your room anika??

Sh. I don't think so it's appropriate to share our personal stuff with others. Isn't wifey . He says kissing anika's cheek, who is trying to come out from his hold, but he is not letting her do it and holding her with firm.

An. Rayaansh wait for me on dining area. I'm coming.

R. But anika I

An. I said go rayaansh. I'm coming. Saying this she closer the door and immediately come out from Shivaay's hold glaring him.

An. What the Fuck are you doing. She says having stern face

Sh. What I've done. I just Back hugged my wife. Is there any problem. He grin

An. Shut up shivaay. Stop doing all this ok. These fake care , love and affection I don't need it. Just come on your real zone and go back to your home. I'm really not in mood to get sympathised by you. Did you understand ,Stop pissing me off.

Shivaay grit his teeth and pulled her towards him holding her hips in his large hands.

Sh. It's not fake. Did you understand. If I'm showing affection or love towards you then ,it's real. I wanna do everything ,which a husband should do for his wife. And about touching you or doing whatever i feel like is my right. You can't say me to not touch you or anything. As I've fully legal right on you.

An. We are getting divorce. Remember. She sneers raising her brows up.

Sh. We are not.... Means we are not. Do whatever you feel like.

Ani. Let's see. ... as I know in end I'll be the winner. She smirk

Sh. Are you sure mrs oberoi. He pulls her closer gazing at her delicious lips.

An. Yes mr oberoi. She smiles clicking her fingers at him bringing him back to earth.

An. Stop say dreaming mr oberoi. I won't let you do what you are planning for. I know now days your harmons are on peak. but I really won't let you to make me your sacrifice goat. Go and do deeds with your girlfriend. Who is actually your life partner. Hmm now let me go. I've to get ready.

Sh. That will time tell who is my partner and who not. You just wait and watch how I'll make you to come to me and itself will kiss me on these lips. He winks nuzzling in her hair

An. Yh right as if I will melt easily. She scoff turning her face away.

Sh. You will mrs oberoi you will. He give her kiss on her cheek and left her folding his arms behind.

An. Argh she stomp on his foot being annoyed and left from there wiping her cheek where he kissed her.

Shivaay moans holding his foot as well as laugh seeing her cute annoyed face.

After sometime

Rayaansh made stern face seeing both of them fighting in low voice hitting time to time to each other. He is getting annoyed seeing their mutterings. He thought he would come in her house and will spend time with her. And then they will be back together. But seems like this shivaay won't let him to it. and sticking with anika all the time ,without leaving for seconds.

R. How's breakfast anika. He says keeping his palm on her back hand ,which instantly noticed
By shivaay ,who was poking his fingers in anika's waist making her annoyed.

Shivaay she glare him hitting him with her elbow and look at rayaansh with smile.

An. Did you say something?? she says getting her hand out from under his palm.

Sh. I said how's the food. He smiles trying his best to control his rage.

An. It's ... it's nice really nice. She appreciated stirring the spoon in Porridge.

Sh. Why are you keeping his heart baby. It's not nice at all. If l somsone would eat that much sugar in morning then surly next second ,he will get diabetes. He giggle earning Glare from anika.

R. I've asked anika not you shivaay. He flare his nose banging his hand on the table with little load voice showing his anger.

Sh. It's ok I've answer on her behalf. I guess you shouldn't have problem with that. He spoke Leaning on the table keeping his both hands on it.

An. Ok guys don't start again. Rayaansh it's nice. He is just pulling your legs. Shivaay stop it.

Sh. Yn yh fine he scoff turning his face away folding his arms.

Err anika what I was thinking, in Evening, if you are free ,then shall we go for dinner. I mean it will lighten your mood and then we will able to spend time together. As  he spilled out these words Shivaay's eyes strode towards him like a dagger scaring shit out of him. He gulp and immediately pulled the hand back ,which was going to grip on anika's hand. 

An. Ryaansh I ...

Sh.  Before she says something I'm telling you She is not going.  Anika is not coming with you.  As I've planned something for us.   He hissed banging on the table looking at him like a hungry lion 

An. Shivaay calm down.  Why are you behaving like that. He is just asking for it. And I can answer his question. Stop poking your nose in everything. Seeing her answering shivaay rudely , rayaansh smiles devilishly and lean on the chair knowing very well, she will agree to  come on the dinner with him. But soon his smile wiped away when she spoke.

An. I'm sorry rayaansh I'm not coming. I've really important meeting to attend. Shivaay ,who was getting angry on her for taking side of Ryaansh ,now his lips broke into smile ,while gazing at Ryaansh whose face fell after hearing him.

An. Anyways you guys carry on I've some work in library. Saying this she left from there m

Sh. Enjoy your yukk breakfast. He waved his hand and left from there leaving Ryaansh hell angry  for not getting her into his plate. Since yesterday ,he is trying his best to win her ,but this shivaay is just becoming bone between them. He has to do something.  He can't let him win over him.  Last time ,he did mistake to loose her, but this time he won't. He will make sure that ,he get her in his life by hook by crook. 

In library

Anika is standing near the window looking outside while having tears ,when shivaay enters there having his hands in his pant pockets.  Seeing her standing stiff he sighs  and stroll towards her.  He slowly slid his hands  around her waist and took her in back hug bringing her back on earth. She sniffles and immediately  wipe her tears, before he noticing them. But he did and he tighten his grip around her resting his chin on her shoulder.  

You alright ?? He whispered in his soft voice kissing her temple. 

Errr yh im fine. I'm. She managed to bring smile on her face and come out from his hold.

An. what you doing here. I needed my space.

Sh.   I just came to check on my wife to see if she is fine or not. He smiles tucking her hair backs

An. Since when you started considering me as your wife shivaay. Before few days ,you itself  said on my face that ,you are compromising on me. Then what happened suddenly which made  me your wife.   

Sh.  Yes I agree I said it and it was before two weeks.  And during that many things happened ,which made me realised I was wrong.  I never was compromising on you.   Since I'd seen you, a wish of having you with me had awaken in me. And I wanted you in my life forever. But circumstances made me confused and I wasn't able to understand ,what do I want and what not. 

An. But now I'm sure about my future shivaay. I don't want you anymore.   You can go back to your zone ,where you were going to marry ragini. I'm happy here all Alone. She look at him sternly and try to pass by him , but he gripped on her elbow and pulled  back looking straight  in her eyes.

Sh.  That's your decision not mine.soon I'll win you back and  take you our home.  This is my promise to you. You can do whatever you feel like. But you are mine and will be mine. Saying this he yank her closer and  take her lips in deep kiss making her shock as well as rayaansh ,who had came to talk to her.

You are Insane. She pushed him away glaring him and left from there without  paying head to Ryaansh ,who was standing in the door.  Shivaay  smile and lick his lips ,where her taste is still there having naughty smile.   Ryaansh curled up his fist and stormed  away from there burning in anger. 

In evening

Shivaay  is sitting with anika ,while she is busy in his work.  Seeing her engrossed shivaay scoot closer towards her and tuck her hair back making her irritate.

Ann. Shivaayyy she groan.

Sh. I just removed the strand ,which was disturbing you baby. Why are you getting annoyed.  He smiles  keeping his face on his hand.

An. There's nothing else here except you ,who  is  annoying me  right now mr oberoi. 

Sh.  I'm just entertaining you nothing else.

An. No you are disturbing me not entertaining.  She scoff rolling her eyes

Sh.  Ok I'm sorry baby. Whay you want me to do for you.  He says  playing with her hair strands.

An. Why don't you leave me alone. That's a big favour you can do to me. She says giving him tight smile.

Sh. That I can't do. Ask me something else.  He grin moving closer to her.

An. God where you have stuck me. This guy is heading on my nerves. She groan and got up to  go ,but suddenly her foot got jammed ,when  she saw her nightmare standing in the door.  Literally her palms got sweaty, while she starting shivering tucking her eyes on one place.

Baby are you alright. Is something wrong. Shivaay nudge her and then follow her gaze finding a lady is standing in the door  along with a boy ,whose eyes are wondering all over the house.    Shivaay stood up and hold anika's palm being concerned.

Sh. Are you ok. Anika tremble and look at him with red eyes ,which actually worried hto see them. He immediately raise his hand and touch her cheek with his  hand running thumb on her soft skin. 

Sh. Hey,, are you alright. ??

Anika darling , lady come running and take her in hug bursting into tears.  

I can't believe he left us too early. I was in shock when I heard about it.  I'm so sorry darling for his dismiss. I can't tell you how much I got saddened after learning about his death. I really wanted to be here witn you on that hard time. but couldn't , I'm so sorry I couldn't reach on the time.  She cry kissing anika's head ,who is in shock zone and she didn't bother to reciprocate the hug and standing stiff which made shivay confused. here that woman is crying hysterically and there she is not even bothering to keep her hand on her back.

You alright. I'm sure it will be really stress for you sweetie.  Just tell your mother. Let your pain out. I know you have habit to keep it in. She says caressing her  face having tears.

Sh. Motherrrrr .... He baffled looking at anika ,who didn't bother to even blink.

Who are you why are you calling yourself my wife's mother?? Shivaay frown holding anika's hand ,who Snort coming out of her shock zone. She immediately tighten her grip around his hand and bend her head down without speaking.

Sh. I'm her mother. She is my daughter. Who are you to question me like that. That lady rebuke back trying to hold anika ,who didn't let her and hide behind shivaay which made shivaay more curious seeing her scaring like that ,when she never been scared of anything since he met her.

Anika why are you hiding behind him. Come ahead and hug your mother.

An. What you doing here ??? Who the hell let you in. She spoke in her shaky voice holding Shivaay's hand tight resting her another on his wrist.

An. I'm your mother neeka I ...

An. Stoppppp calling me neekaaaa. Only my baba had the right to call it. Not youuuu mrs anjali jhaaaaa. Hearing her scream Anjali tremble and step back in shock.

Di how are you talking to my mum. Her son came into defend ,making anika more angry seeing them behaving like they've been in relationship with her so deep.

Neither she is my mother nor your are my brother. So stop making your contact with me stronger. I don't want ittt. Get out of my house. Just leaveeeee

An. Anika i

An. Didn't you listen I said get the hell out of my house. I don't wanna see your faces.

Anika don't say this I'm your mother. I came here to be part in your pain. She raise her hand to touch her but ,she didn't let him and step back

An. You are not my mother. My mother was dead when she abandoned me and called me slut just because her husband had said thattttt. As she shout these words shivaay snapped his eyes at her behind baffled ....

Precap .... She left the house later shivaay got to know the truth

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