{Fight }

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  Anika forwards hand towards him which made him hold it and he  instantly pulled her towards heim holding her bare waist tightly in his hands.   Anika closed her eyes because of their proximity and clutched his shoulder tightly. Shivaay look at her beautiful face and tug her hair back making her look at him.   He smirk gazing at her and take her in side hug still gripping on her bare waist tightly pushing his fingers tips on her skin which made her hiss in pain with his hard grip.

Where you had been rajpoot ,   Is this the time for coming in reception. He passed tight smile to media digging his   Nails in her skin.   Anika grit her teeth seeing him taking full advantage of media and  pinched his arm making him yelp in pain ,but immediately composed himself infront of the people. This time anika smirk and look at him with her usual challenging expressions making him hell angry. 

An. I was in office sorting out the yesterday stuff which took placed  because of you. She openly  says keeping hand on his chest rubbing it sensually, looking at ragini who is fuming in anger looking at her along with family, who are cursing her for coming in their family without their will. 

Sh. I guess you have  memory loss issue. That's why you forgotten that yesterday you were the one who  made mess not me.  My fault was only to go behind you to save you for getting in trouble , which was my biggest mistake of my life . If I won't had go ,then today I didn't had to stand here with you passing  fake smiles to people. He smiles pulling her closer having his whole arm clenched around her looking straight in his eyes. One side he is taunting her ,then other side he is just too much analysing each and every feature of her face , which are so perfect in their own way and he not able to take eyes off from her.

Oh really then who told you to come behind me. I don't think so I'd pleaded infront of you. She says caressing his beard with her tiny fingers moving towards his ear while whispering which made ragini fums in anger and she look at them with blood shot eyes cursing anika for clinging with him

You should be thankful to me that I'd came behind you and saved you for killing your so called fiancé. If I won't had, then till now you would be rotting in jail pleading your dad to get you out , which wasn't easy at all. I'm your saviour , and if your whole life goes thanking me ..then I don't think so it will be less ever. He says joining his forehead with her pulling her closer giving different posses to media who are happily clicking and trying their best to get a good picture which they could appload on their newspaper and magazine's first page.

That will never happen and you know that as well mr oberoi. Anika zaid didn't learn to bend infront of people. She says rubbing hands on his chest making hard for him to breath even. Pinky ,his brothers and specially ragini are pissed off seeing then like that. They are not able to believe how she can be so disgusting clinging on the man ,whom she barely met yesterday.

Sir can we have a kiss... one of media guy requested making them widen their eyes along with ragini ,who is feeling like to kill that guy for demanding such a cheap thing, but she knows shivaay would never do that. He is such a shy man that , he barely hugs ladies but to her shock anika smirk at her cupping Shivaay's face and peck his lips instantly leaving him statue on his place. He just forgot to blink his eyes and kept looking at her being traumatised witn her sudden kiss. Anika smirk seeing his face and step back posing infront of media who started clicking their pictures. ..Ragini can't Believe the man who always pushed her away for kissing him , today he didn't even budge while taking kiss from this woman. How can he do this to her. How can he have different prospective for both women.

An. I guess it's time to enjoy the party. We have done enough photo session didn't we. Media and guests nods and got in their own groups while talking. Seeing shivaay lost ,she Nudge him and pass him Smug smile folding her arms. Ragini who couldn't stand seeing them together she immediately climbed on the stairs and hold Shivaay's hand.

I need to talk to you , before he say something ,she dragged him with her not before glaring anika with pure hate. Anika chuckle seeing her expression and got down from the stairs aiming to get the drink for her but soon she got blocked by rudra who is gazing at her disgustingly

I never saw disgusting girl in our lives who can be so cheap and selfish. Rudra says Gazing at her with pure hate.

An. Being with my husband I don't think so it's bad thing. She says grabbing the drink from the tray which a waiter was carrying.

You are flying so much after marrying our brother. Don't you. But soon you will be on earth when he will divorce you and will kick you out from this house. Rudra says gritting his teeth in anger looking at her.

That will time tell, who is going and who not. But right now , I think instead burning your blood in my hate concentrate in your studies. I guess that will be more helpful for you and for your future. Hmm anyways I've to meet with my some of guests ,so excuse me.

such a bitch she is. I just hate her. Rudra says gazing at her retreating figure.

On the other side

Ragini brought him behind the pillar and pushed him pinning him on it.

What the hell were you doing with that bitch Shivaay. How can you be so cool about all this. Here I'm burning in rage and there you are chilling with her like you always wanted to marry her. What's going on baby. Why are you hurting me and playing with my feelings. It's hard to see you with someone else. Please don't do this. She sobs holding his hands.

Sh. I'm doing all this because dad wanted it. If it would had been on me then I would never had married her. He says holding her arm

R. Oh really that what the hell were you doing with her. How can you cling with her like that ,as if you are in so much love with that bitch. She cry hitting his chest gazing at anika who is already looking at them from corner of her eyes.

Sh. I've told you already I'm doing all this for my dad. Wbu don't you understand a little thing rags. He huffs seeing her behaving childishly.

R. Did you fuck her last night , did that bitch let you have her. Tell me shivaay. Why the fuck you chose to stand with her like that. She shout holding his collar in her fist without caring about people who are looking at them weirdly.

Sh. Are yoy crazy , whay rhe hell are you blubbering. He baffled looking at her disbelievingly.

R. Yes I've gone mad. I can't see you with someone else shivaay. It's burns my heart. Please don't do this don't hurt me like that ,and just Throw her out of your house. She cry holding his Hands making him feel bad for her seeing her condition. He sighs and cup her face in his palm

I will make everything fine. I promise. Just don't worry about her. Soon she will be out of this house. No one wants her ,here except dad. But I'll convince him as well and I'm sure he will listen to me. He Assured her wiping her tears

R. Do talk to him today ok. And then throw her out. I want you to do ur as soon as possible so that we could get marry Shivaay nods and smiles at her.

Come let's go now , he shows her way out ,but instead she held his arms and came out from behind the pillar. Seeing them together anika closed her eyes and try to control her anger ..but it's getting hard for her to do it seeing all people looking at them and whispering about ragini ,who is clinging with shivaay

Man. Who's this girl miss rajpoot. What she is doing with mr oberoi.

An. She is actually .... but she cut by  another man making her look at him

Is he had already girlfriend before you. One of them spoke making her snapped her eyes at him making him scared seeing her eyes.

She is not his girlfriend, she is his cousin sister and they are quite little closer mr Mehta. Now if you are done investigating then enjoy the party. Hmm she knocked his head with her strong thick voice and went towards shivay who was busy talking with ragini holding her arm. Anika rest the drink on the table and went towards them.

It's not nice to hold someone else's husband hands miss x girlfriend. Anika says removing ragini's grip from his hand and pulled him besides her glaring ragini.

R. I'm not his x girlfriend , I'm his girlfriend and soon ok gonna be wife. She hissed gazing at her with hate.

An. Aww day dreaming is not good ,, whay was your name oh yh some Nagini she sneers

R. Ragini is my name. She corrected her Pointing finger at her

Yh whatever is your name I don't care ,, as main thing is to forget shivaay because he is my husband now. And I won't like ,if someone will keep eye on him did.. you understand. Since he have got married to me. He have became your x ,whom you should forget and move on ,as now he is stuck with me and I won't like woman like you wonder around him like a leech and behave like a slut. Hearing her harsh words shivaay snapped his eyes at her and grip her arm tightly in his fist pushing his nails in her skin glaring her with blood shot eyes.

Come let's go with me come before ragini say something or shoot at anika for calling her slut ,shivaay took anika with him feeling hell angry on her for behaving so rude with ragini.

Seems like madam is in danger. I guess now this house have enough drama to watch. Ragini smirk folding her arms in excitemen while gazing at them

Where are you taking me mr ,leave my hand. Just let me go .. she try to get out of his grip , but his grasp on her didn't budge a little and he took her in the room. As they entered he pushed her inside and closed the door.

What are you doing , why did you bring me here. She shout feeling hell angry on him for dragging her like an animal , that also infront of loads of people

Sh. What am i doing. What the hell you were doing outside. How can you treat ragini like this. Is this the way you behave with people. How can you be so rude and arrogant ha.

An:I'm arrogant , I'm , what about you and her, who are shamelessly walking around having arm in arm , that also in your own marriage reception. Have you thought about the Reputation of mine and yours. What the hell people will think about it. They will make thousands talk seeing you with another woman instead me. They will say that , why you are not with me and why are you roaming around and talking with that bitch slut who is nothing but your side chick and ...

Rajpootttt he screams and placed slap on her face making her fell on the bed.

Don't even dare , don't even dare to use such filthy words for her. At least she is bloody better than you. She is not arrogant and rude with people. She talks nicely. She has grace in her. Unlike you who is nothing but a pervert and selfish woman ,who thinks about herself only. And what did you marriage ,then what marriage you are talking about ha , this marriage is a just compromise ,which I've done coming in my dad's words. I never wanted to marry you. Infect till yesterday I was feeling pity on the person who was going to get into relationship with you. But I didn't know that you will fall in my neck. Such a bad luck I've got ,that I've got tied with you , who is nothing but brat and proudy on her wealth and fame. That rayaansh done right. He did really good to leave you. You deserve to be leave like this. You deserve only loneliness and nothing. And you know what I'm gonna do same. Today only I will talk to my dad .. and will fuckin divorce you. You deserve that only .. did you understand. Hearing him anika look at him with red puffy eyes and swoop towards him grasping his collars in his hand jolting him.

How dare you how dare you to raise hand on anika zaid ;oberoi. How on earth you got guts to do it. My dad didn't even raise finger on me and your raised you hands. How dare youuu she screams jolting him even his shirt tears up with her harsh pulls.

Sh. Yes I did it and I guess if he would had slap across your face before ,then I didn't had to do it. You needed two three slaps in your childhood to bring you on real path . He says pushing her away shrugging his collars

An. Shut up just shut the hell up oberoi. You will pay for it. You will fuckin pay for this. I won't leave you. I will make sure to punish you for your deed. She  yells feeling hell mad ,not able to believe ,he slapped her. She is feeling like to hold him and cut him in pieces for raising his hand on her.

Sh. Do it then do it. I'm not afraid of you. I don't give fuck to your threats. Do whatever you want. I dont fuckin care. Did you understand. He answers back without having fear in his eyes.

An. You will care about it oberoi. You will. You raised your hand on anika zaid. And anika zaid doesn't let anyone escape till I don't take revenge. She threats him
Hauling red puffy eye.

Sh. For revenge ,you should be staying in this house na. Which I won't let you do it. Before I was thinking I will talk with dad later. But I guess, I've to do it today. I won't live with you anymore . I will divorce you soon. If I didn't kick you out from my life ,then my name is not shivaay Singh oberoi. Did you understand. Enjoy as much as you can in this room for some hours. After this function you would be get going with your dad. He snapped fingers at her and stormed away from there leaving her burning in anger. She is feeling like to put whole world on fire. She screams pulling her hair and started pulled the bed sheets away and breaking each and everything of his room in rage without caring about the cuts and wounds which she is getting on her body because of it.

I will kill you oberoi. I will fuckin kill youuuu she growl in top voice and pushed everything away from the table breaking it in pieces which caused the glass pieces stuck in her arm. But she didn't care. She doesn't care how much it's  paining ..right now her heart is filled with rage and hate towards shivaay who dared to raise his hand on her ,which even her father didn't do in her whole life. 

On the other side

Shivaay   Is standing near the  outdoor pool trying to calm himself  ..but whatever happened inside it making him more mad and crazy. He don't know but he i is getting mad thinking about the fact that ,he got married to such a arrogant woman who doesn't have any manners at all, and so selfish that she doesn't care about anything.    He wish ,he could remove the yesterday  day from his life, where he got tied with her unwillingly.  If yesterday his father won't had insist him to come in her so called engagement ..then today he won't had been standing fuming in anger and cursing his fate. Now he don't know how to fix everything and get rid of her as soon as possible.

Ragini who was passing by the garden she look at  him and found him standing near the pool. She slowly move towards him and kept her hand on his shoulder bringing him back on earth.

You alright baby , you seems tensed she says caressing his hair with her hands. 

Sh. Err yh I'm fine , he says removing her hand from his hair and move  towards the chair under the umbrella.

But you doesn't seems fine. I guess something must Have happened, didn't it ?? She says taking place near him

Sh. Nothing happened I'm ok. Don't worry by the way And what  you doing here. Didn't you go home.   He says rubbing his forehead feeling headache. 

Shivu baby your hand she  immediately move towards him and held his hand where she saw dried blood on it. 

Shivu baby what happened to your hand. How did you get hurt.  Shivaay look at his hand and got confused seeing blood on it. But as per as he knows ,he didn't get hurt ..then how come he got the blood on his hand.

Yeh ...suddenly his brain strike and remember he had slapped anika and she had got cut on her lips because of it. That's mean It's her blood.  He bite his lips and closed his eyes fisted his hand. 

No matter what was the reason.   He didn't have to raise his hand on her. He could had search another way to teach her lesson, but raising his hand on her was such impropriate way to take out his anger.  He heaves out breath and stood up making ragini confused.

R.Where are you going baby she says holding his hand. 

Sh. I'm going in my room and you should also go home. It's late night.  He try to go but she stopped him again holding his hand

How will i go shivu baby. Won't  you drop me today.  She says playing with his button moving towards his lips but  he kept hand on it and move back.

Sh.  I can't , ask  khana  he will drop you.  Good night. Saying this he look at her sternly and left from there leaving ragini felt offended.  Like always this time as well he didn't let her kiss him.  She don't understand man like him flirt with girls and on first day of their meet they get them on their beds. But this guy is such a odd that he don't even let her kiss him, when she is itself getting flatter Infront  of him. But most thing made her angry ,and that's  today he didn't push that bitch anika ,which made her feel so low in his life.  If he can let that anika kiss him. then why can't she do it who is his girlfriend, and with him from many years. She  puffs her cheeks stomping her foot  on the floor and left from there cursing anika . 

Shivaay comes In his room  hoping to find her inside sitting on the bed in angry mood, but he got confused when he found whole room dipped in darkness .  He huffs shaking his head and turn on the lights.  But next second Seeing the condition of the room made his eyes widen up.  Whole room is messed with everything  laying around scattered and broken. It's feeling like earthquake came and left after breaking everything. 

What the hell she has done. He hit his head looking around feeling hell angry on her. He about to shout her name ,but stopped realising ,she  is no where to be seen in the room.    But soon his eyes fell on the dressing room and found the lights on there. He March towards it fastly and about to yell her name when he got baffled finding her lying on the floor back facing him lifelessly.    Seeing her there he got horrified and run towards her with heavy steps. 

Anika he turns her and widen his eyes in anticipation finding her unconscious having many bruises on her arms and belly.

Anika .. he whispered her name being flabbergasted with her state

Precap ......  her own way of revenge on him.

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