{Revenge or favour}

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Annn Ani open your eyes annie. He shakes her while carrying her in his arms and brought her on the bed. Seeing the condition of the room and her ,he realised this mad woman have hurted herself In anger. God ;where the hell he have stucked him. Wasn't he happy to seeing him in peace ,that he landed this piece of anger in his life.

Hey wake up. Open your eyes. He immediately grabbed aid box and started tending her wounds with the cotton. Seeing her moving in unconscious state,He have realised , she is in pain. He heaves out breath and look at her sadly feeling guilty to slap her like that. If he won't had then, she won't had been lying unconscious like that. But he don't have fully fault either. She is so open mouth that , he couldn't control ,when she blabbered all the shit about ragini. She should had think before speaking anything . But no!! she didn't, and kept saying whatever came in her mouth. He sighs and caresses her swollen one sided cheek where he slapped her.

I'm sorry he whispered wipe her wounds and put ointment on it. After some minutes ,he pick up the phone and called the maid in his room By their special landline. Who took instructions instantly and came there ,having hot water and piece of towel to clean her.

Sh. First change her clothes and clean her body then clear all this mess ok. He orders maid who nods her head walking towards anika.

M. What happened to her ,she said looking at him witn frown.

Sh. Do what I'm saying. Don't need to investigate it. He hissed glaring her with his eyes ,scaring shit out of her.

M. Sorry sir. She instantly turn her gaze and started changing her clothes.  Shivaay who was standing besides her ,while gazing at anika continuously,  he about to Tore his eyes away  ,when stopped seeing a big mark under her arm ( like near the hip. )Seeing it ,he immediately asked maid to get up and orders her to leave, which she obliged and left from there. As she went, he slowly raise her arm and saw the cut which have stitches mark. He frowns and caresses it with his fingers gazing at her face.   He slowly rest her arm
Back and made her wear her clothes without hurting her.  After making sure she get into comfy ,he covered her with blanket and stood up continuously looking at her face.

What happened to you ?? Why are you like this. He whispered tucking his eyes on her face.

In morning

Shivaay got up from the sleep and set up in the bed yawning while leaning on his arms. He remove the blanket and about to  stand when stopped realising he is alone ,and she is not in the room.

Rajpoot , he whispered and run his eyes around being confused with her disappearance in early morning

Where she has gone at this time.   He mumbles and got up deciding to check upon her. As she was not fine yesterday ,her condition was bad , and he really don't want her to go like, this infront of family and get scold because of her.   

God girl you needed rest.  He wear his  slippers and come out looking around time to time. 

Shivaay  !!his father calls him making him confused seeing his worried face.

Dad?? Are you alright ?? He says  raising his brows up while gazing  at him. 

Sha. Shivaay ;ranas refused to invest into your new dream project.  They said they got more batter offer than this.  He threw numb on his head in the early morning leaving him baffled.

Whattttt ??shivaay screams looking at his father shockingly.

Sha. Yes. I've tried to convince them ,but they didn't listen to me and said ,they are happy to go with another company. 

Sh. But which company dad , what are you talking about.  He pissed  off not able  to understand what's happening in the early morning. Till last night everything was fine , but now this problem fell over them.

Sha. I don't know , they didn't tell me the reason of calling off  of deal and the person whom with they are going to join their hands

Sh. I've to look what's happening dad. I've to meet them. They can't just cancel our deal. 

Sha. It's up to you  shivaay what you do ,as  I can't help you at all in that. You knew it also that ,I wasn't favour of this. It was too risky.   But you didn't listen to me. now look what happened.  

Sh. I will handle itself.   I won't let them to break the  deal like this.  It's so unfair and unethical.  They have to answer me why are they  doing this.   Saying this he  flick his hair and immediately left in  same clothes and shoes, without caring about anything.  As right now knowing the reason of their dismiss is more important than changing his clothes. 

Khanaaa car. !!He screams at his security ,who immediately throw key of his car making him catch it.  He immediately set in the vehicle and drove away from there feeling hell angry on rana's for ditching him like this.  On the way he is driving fastly cursing them when his phone started ringing.    Seeing the id he grit his teeth and pick it up. 

What the hell ranaaa... how can you cancel our deal. He screams on the phone almost losing his sanity.

R. I will go that way which is beneficial for me. And I guess walking with you wasn't Worthing me. So I decided to change my route. 

Sh. Just shut up rana .. you can't do this.  You know that how big lose ,I'll face because of it. 

R. I dont care. I really don't give shit about it. 

Sh. I'm coming in your office.   You have to answer me face to face.   He says.  Turning his staring taking the route towards his office. 

R. Actually don't come office. I'm not there.  Come in xyz hotel.  With that, you will able to meet my new business partner.  As these words slipped from his mouth shivaay ,cut the call and throw on the  seat speeding up his car to reach as soon as  possible.  It's not that he is too desperate to have this deal. But the way ,he turned his way from him it making him so angry.  How can he just ditch shivaay Singh oberoi. How can he decided to go with another bastard who just showed him some pennies up. He huffs and immediately entered into the restaurant with high speed. He park his car and went inside looking all angry having red eyes.  Whoever gonna see him like this. He will pray for his life to spare. As definitely he gonna take his life if he came ahead.

In the restaurant !!

Sidharth rana !!he screams his  name making all people look at him.   Sidharath who was back facing him, he turned and found shivaay already have came. He smiles and thrust hands in his pocket.  

Wahoo seems like morning  shocking news didn't let shivaya Singh oberoi to change his clothes even. Didn't it.  He says looking at him tip to toe finding in kameez shalwar  hanging his sleeves rolled up.  

What the hell is this rana ?, why did you do itttt .. he March towards him and held his collar in his fist jolting him.   But next second shock spread on his face when he saw anika sitting on the sofa having smirk on her face.

Mr oberoi , kindly leave my business partner. I really don't want you to miss behave with him like that. She says having sip of her black coffee resting her another hand on the sofa.  

You here ??? Shivaay left sidharth's collar and  look at her  being confused.  

Meet my new partner anika zaid rajpoot.    I hope it would be enough shocking for you.didn't it.  Hearing him shivaay first look at him and then look at her who is having evil smirk on her place.  

What the hell rajpoot ,,. What you doing here with him. And what shit he is blubbering. 

An. Which you heard. I'm his new business partner. Now he will go with me not with you.  Shivaay grit his teeth and kick the table making anika closed her eyes having smile. 

Sh. You are doing all this because of last night.  Don't youuu ??he screams  feeling hell frustrated seeing her going against him

Si. Whay happened  last night. Sidharth  interrupted having smirk on his face being impatient to know what is going on between them

An. That's none of your concern rana. Stay out of it from our personal matters. She glared him making him gulp in fear.

Sh. Personal matter ha , personal. But seems like,  In revenge you are highly bent to let people know about our thing. That's why you just jumped in my project and now behaving like, you didn't do anything. Shivaay grit his teeth feeling hell frustrated with her sudden jump in his work.

An. Our thing ..??which our thing you are talking about  mr oberoi.  I don't think so according  to you  I'm even your wife.     She sneers twitching her eyes.

Whaoo seems like people are having problem in marriage.   Sidarth again interrupted gaining death glare from them making him gulp.

Just shut up Rana , don't interfere between us. , both says in one scene pushing him making him fell on the sofa. 

Sh. You done all this to take revenge on me.  don't you??. You wanna hurt me that's why you are doing all this. Isn't

An.  No I don't. I'm not doing for that. She folds her arms looking other side.

Sh. Oh really then what is this. How can you just  interrupt in my project. You knew that it's so important to me ,that's why you did all this, just because you wanna hurt me ha. He shout yanking her closer holding her waist .

An. No it's nothing like that. I didn't do it for that. She says looking away removing his grip from her waist .

Sh. Oh really then tell me the reason. I wanna know as well. He says shaking his head waiting for her to answer him.

An. It's none of your business. And you Rana mine and your deal is finished. I've decided ,I'm not gonna do business with you. She threw bomb on the Rana who got up baffled ,not able to understand ,why she is cancelling the deal out of sudden.

Did. What do you mean miss anika. You can't do this to me like this.

I've told you ,which I wanted to tell you. Now do whatever you want. If you wanna patch up with oberoi ,then do it. I don't have problem with that. Hmm she pat his back and left from there leaving him shock along with shivaay ,who is not able to understand, what got into this woman head that, out of sudden she changed her plans.

Si. She is such a bitch!! how dare she do this to meee.

Shiv. Heyyyy don't abuse her. Biwi ha woh meri. Shivaay threats him pushing him away

Si. Your biwi ha. If she was your wife ,then why the hell she is highly bent to ruin your project. He hissed being hell pissed with this anika who ruined everything now ,he don't know ,what will he do and how will he handle the situation.

Shiv. That's our matter you don't need to interfere on.

Si. Fine I won't do it. But what about the project. Are we still into it.

Sh. Are you serious ?? Do you really think ,so I will go with you ,after whatever you done right now. I can't trust that person who is such a greedy and selfish. The way you turned your way for some pennies. I can't have faith on you anymore. So fuck you snd your project. Saying this he flick his hair and stormed away from there, leaving Rana traumatised holding his head going mad after losing everything. If he would had stayed with shivaay. Then today he didn't have to face all this. But being greedy ,he went for anika ,,as she gave him dose of the deal.

On the otherside

Anika about to sit in the car when her eyes landed on the person ,who is standing near rudra. Seeing them together ,she got shocked and rooted on her place. Seeing them from far away, she can predict ;they are Arguing about something. And the way rudra is pleading , seems like something serious is going on. She about to hid towards them but stopped when she saw shivaay coming out fr m the restaurant towards her. In no time he came near her and made her set in the car seat carrying her in his arms.

Shivaay she whispered his name and try to say something but he covered her lips with his finger glaring her.

What the hell was that , why did you do it. If you didn't want to do deal with him. Answer me woman. Why are you silent. Just tell me the reason. What made you do it. He ask her again and again covering her mouth with his finger. She groan and remove his finger from her lips looking at his face.

An. I'm Not answerable to you. I just did it which was right.

Sh. Oh really right ha. Do you know, how much lose I'm gonna face because of it. He says resting his hands on her thighs while glaring her.

An. That will time tell mr oberoi. Don't worry. Anyways right now ,I'm getting late for work. So excuse me. Before he says something , she turns her legs inside of the car and closed the door while looking at him.

See you later oberoi. Saying this she drove away from there in fast speed. Shivaya stomped his feet on the floor and grit his teeth him anger.

You will pay for this anika. You will !!he shakes his head groaning and left from there cursing her under his breath.

In his office

He is sitting engrossed in his work trying his best to get the clue for saving himself from the lose ,when his dad entered there

Shivaay he calls him gaining his attention.

Shi. Yes dad ,do you need anything. He says looking at his father tiredly

Sha. Shivaay you are so lucky that your deal with the sidarth Rana got finished.

Sh. What do you mean dad. What happened,,..

Sha.  his company is already bankrupt, and he have two cases of fraud as well. And this deal ,which he was doing with you. It was all way to get the money out from you ,so that he could save his company and prove himself right in the market by doing such a big deal with our line.

Whattttt ??he stood up having shock face with his sudden revelation.

Sha. Who ever cleared your way out from the project. He saved you from big lose. If he won't had then ,till now ,we already have been facing a big lose. Hearing him shivaay kept hand on his hips and went in deep thoughts thinking about anika who saved him. That's mean she knew about it. That's why she trapped Rana in big deal ,so that he leaves him. But why didn't she tell him ,how can she just hid from him.

Where are you lost shivaay .. aren't you happy with the news.  his father brings him back on earth making him look at him.

Sh. Errr nothing dad ... actually I need to go somewhere. Can you handle the evening meeting.

Sha. Yh sure. Shivaay pass him smile and left from there hurriedly

In anika's office

How much you need to leave him. She says on the phone talking with someone having stern face.

Man. He have 50 lacks debt on me. But I want with interest. Which I guess it makes 1 crore. Give me as soon as possible. Otherwise with one blink ,I will trash his whole life infront of media.

An. You will get it by evening. But after this ,I don't want you see around him. Did you understand. Otherwise you know that. What I'm gonna do with you. Saying this she cut the call and kept her phone aside keeping her hands on her forehead with closed eyes.

Why didn't you tell me the truth. She heard Shivaay's voice from the door. She looks up and found him looking at her sternly.

An. What I didn't tell you mr oberoi. She says closing her laptop.

Sh. You knew that what im talking about. He says marching towards her.

Ani. I don't know that's why I'm asking for. She smiles getting up from the chair.

Sh. You could had told me about Rana . You didn't need to do all this. Hearing him she smiles and walk towards her coffee machine to make it.

Ani. I didn't save you mr oberoi. I really don't have wish to do it. Even I didn't know about his fraud. It's just   in the revenge of you  , I tried to take deal from him. Otherwise I really didn't know about it. And in that process you got saved. She says passing him coffee , which grabbed it silently looking at her face. He knows she done it deliberately. She knew it before. But now she wanna hide it for not getting the Praise from him.

Sh. That's what I thought how can you do something good for me. He smirk.

An. Yh absolutely right. I really don't have any wish to do any good thing for you. She smile folding her arms infront of him. Shivaay smiles raising his brow up and pulled her closer which left her having moan feeling pain because of his sudden touch on her arm wound.

I'm im sorry. I didn't mean to do it. Let me check.. let me. He try to check her wound but she showed him hand and set on the sofa holding her arm. Blood started oozing out making her white top red making him shock.

Anika ... he set besides her and try to hold her arm
But she again pulled it back making him grit his teeth.

Let me check woman. Stop being super hero. He forcefully held her wrist and check her arm pulling her sleeves up.

You cut with glass. Why the hell did you do it to yourself. Didn't you think before doing it. He says blowing on her cut wiping it with handcar chief.

I'm still angry on you. You know that right. I didn't forget this slap. She says pointing towards her cheek looking at him angrily.

Sh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it. But you made me angry and ...

An. Yh right I made you angry. Just because I talked little harsh about your girlfriend. She says looking straight in his eyes.

Sh. But that was bad words. You know that as well.

An. I didn't say lie. She is what ,she is. She scoffs rolling her eyes.

Sh. Can we stop talking about that right now. As I'm really not in mood to fight with you.

An. Fine. She sighs and got busy to get treatment from him along with Little scolds and glares ....

Precap ... anika talk to rudra later she saw ragini giving him something which made her shocked.

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