{Fuel in fire}

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Can I come in , anika knock on the rudra's room door gaining his attention.

Whose there ??? rudra kept his laptop aside and went towards the door. Seeing anika standing infront of him he grit his teeth and about to ask her to get out , but before he do , she enters in there having her hands tight Behind her back.

R. What you doing here. Why are you here .. just get out from my room . He hissed pointing towards the door asking her to leave. Anika look around chewing her chewgum and then look at him passing him tight smile.

An. First of all it's mrs oberoi. I'm wife of your elder brother , so respect me. I won't tolerate you to talk to me like that. Specially when you are nearly 7 years younger than me. Second thing ,I can come wherever I feel like. You can't stop me. She again pass him smile making him angry.

Ru. This is my room. And I don't want you here. So kindly leave. He says pointing towards door again.

An. Fine I'll go. But first .... She move towards his drawer and get the out a white powder packet making rudra shock. He started sweating profusely seeing it in her hand and look here and there trying to think how to lie about it .

Ru. Whay the hell leave it. What you doing. Before he snatch it from her hand, she tore it and throw in the bin shrugging her hands.

An. It's there where it's belong rudra. What do you think,  you will keep all this shit and no one know about it.

Ru. Who the hell are you say me all this. It's my own choice. You are no one to order me like that. He yells raising his hand to touch her but she didn't let him and move back showing him hand.

An. You have to stop it. You won't take all this anymore. Did you understand. If I saw you taking them again or meeting that bastard.  then see how I tell your father and brother about it. Hearing the threat rudra widen his eyes and nod no being baffled.

Ru. You won't do that.  You  won't. He stammers clearing his sweaty forehead.

An. You want me to not do that. Then fine you won't take them anymore. Infect you won't meet your supplier as well.

Ru. You know about him. He stammers looking at her.

An. Yes I know about him. I know him very well. First he trap people in this drug things.  and then he drawn them in debt,  so that he could earn money from them. And people like you are easy task from him. So from no on you won't meet him. If you did then, you know that what gonna happen.  did you understand. She look at him with fury in her eyes and left from there leaving rudra all scared and frightened. As he knows how big problem,  he have created himself. Infect now she know as well. And he very well aware of , if she told shivaay or his father. then it will be last his day on the earth.

On the otherside

Anika enter in her room using her phone , when stopped seeing ragini sitting on the bed eating grapes. Seeing her there she grit her teeth and March towards her fastly.

An. What you doing here in my room nagini. Just get outttt .. she shout holding her arm tight in her fist making her yelp in pain

R. Hey what you doing?? You are hurting me.

An. Hurting you ha , if k want na then right now ,right here I will kill you with my hands. Now leave my room. She about to drag her away but Suddenly she stopped ,when she saw shivaay  coming out of the bathroom only in the towel. Seeing him ragini smiles and run towards him making him baffled with her sudden appearance infront of him.

Sh. Rags he calls her name looking at her being confused. As he thought he is alone in his room. But actually he wasn't , and this ragini was here all the time ..who appeared infront of him all of sudden.

R. Baby look na ,she is asking me to leave the room. Otherwise she will kill me infect  she hurted me as well. Look at my arm it got red. Anika grit her teeth seeing her doing all the drama and stormed towards her with fast speed. In no time she gripped her arm and throw her on the floor making shivaay shock with her sudden move.

An. Can't you understand a little thing. I said get out of my room. How can you just come inside and sit here specifically that time,  when my husband was taking bath. Don't you have any shame or dignity that you are behaving like that. He is bloody married man. And it will be better foe you , if you accept it and leave him alone. Now get out , just leave this room. She held her arm and about to throw her out but shivaay stopped her.

Sh. What are you doing rajpoot. You can't just behave like that with someone. She was just sitting here. It's not big deal. He defend ragini giving reason to that woman to have victory.

An. It is big deal. It is for me. You are my husband
I won't allow other woman look at you like that. I agreed , she was your girlfriend.  but that's  doesn't mean,  she will come in our room like that ,without any reason.

Sh. Wife really wife , which wife thing you are doing for me. I don't think so,  since we have been married anything good happened between us. Infect every day we are fighting only and spoiling our peace nothing more. Heading him ragini smirk and stood up shrugging her clothes

An. Yes we are , because you have this pathetic girl in your life. Who is nothing , but creating chaos between us. If you wanted peace , then you should had kick her out of this house by saying, now you are married and it's not right for her to be here. Bht nooo , you are not doing this. She is still sticking with you like glue and not even leaving this house.

R. I'm not leaving because , he wants me in his life and you are one who entered without his will. Otherwise he was always wanted to be with me. Isn't baby. She says holding his arm

Shiv. Ragini shut up ok. Don't interfere between us and put fuel into hot fire. He try to calm her down but she is not stopping and doing more and more.

Ani. Why would she stop when you are not stopping here oberoi. as you saw her in your room,  you should had asked  her to leave.  but no you didn't,  and defending her. So obviously she will behave like that.

R. Because he loves me. And he don't have problem if I comes in his house or room. It's you only , who is not understanding this thing. Am I right or wrong. She smile at shivaay who open his mouth to say something but got quite when his eyes landed on anika, who is look at him having red eyes expecting him to say something

An. You know what do whatever you want. I won't stop you. Fuck her , kiss her , do whatever you want. I don't give damn about it. Saying this she left from there grabbing her bag leaving him alone with ragini , who is having Victorious smile on her face.

R. Baby I ...she about to say something but shivaay show her hand and went in dressing room to get into his clothes.

Ra. Soon you will be out this this house anika. Just wait and watch. She smirk folding her arms thinking something evil in her mind.

At night

Shivaay thought , she would come back in the room. but after several hours ,when she didn't come back ,he decided to check upon her. Today whatever happened it shouldn't had been like that. , this time ragini was wrong. She shouldn't had just come and sit in his room like that. She should had understand that ,he is married man. and she can't just come sit like that ...specially that time when he was taking bath. Bht he couldn't say anything ,which triggered anika and she left being angry. Now he don't know ,where's she , as she is not even picking her phone.  He called her many  times  but there's no answer from her  side.   After some minutes when  he couldn't control himself, he got up and about to go and check  upon her.  but next second he stopped seeing her entering in there having stern face.

Where you had been ?? He asked first question as she came into his sight.  But she didn't answer and set on the sofa for removing her heals. 

Shiv. I've asked you something , where you had been.  

Ani.  Why ? Wasn't enough time for you to spend with your sweet girlfriend.  She says being sarcastic looking at him sternly.

Sh. I'd sent her out as you went.

An. Yh  you done so good. I'm impressed she clap her hand twice and got up marching towards dressing room. 

Sh.   You shouldn't had leave  like that. It was wrong.  he says following her where ever she is going

An. Yh right , it was my mistake like  always. You and your girlfriend are innocent like all the time. Isn't. She says getting her night suit out from the hanging area.

Sh. I didn't say that. I just ...

Ani. Shivaay , when you will understand what you want in your life. Then come to me and talk ok. Don't just keep your legs on both boats. Otherwise you will fell in water really badly. If you want this marriage then tell me. And If you  don't want then tell me also. I will move away from your life and would never look back. Understand. Now leave my way. I need to freshen up. Before he answers her say something she left from There to change her clothes ..

After ten  minutes ,she comes out from the bathroom and went towards the bed ,where he is talking on the phone with someone, which she predicated , it must be ragini according to his tone. She heaves out her breath shaking her head and grab her phone scrolling it randomly. Shivaay who finished talking with ragini ,he cut the call and look at anika who didn't bother to look back at him.

Sh. She was crying. She said her arm is hurting where you held her. It have got swollen. He complain making her closed her eyes

Ani. That's why I held tightly so that it hurts her. She pass him tight smile keeping her phone on the mattress.

Sh. This is not funny. If something would happened to her then ...

An. I  don't  care. But I guess you do. Isn't ??that's why you are complaining to me and getting worried like crazy. Anyways if you gonna complain about it whole night. then better go and accompany your girlfriend , as I'm really not in mood to hear your tantrums. Saying this she lay down on the bed and about to cover herself with blanket , but suddenly she gasp when he come on top of her pinning her hands up.

Sh. You have to hear my tantrums , as it's my room. I've right to rule on it more than you. So don't think that I will hear your nonsense , and leave from her like that. He speaks being so close to her that , she can feel his heart beat even.

Ani. Everything is yours. This room , this house, and your girlfriend as well who dies for you. Isn't. She says sarcastically while glaring him with her doe shaped eyes. 

Sh. Why are you so obsessed with  ragini ha. Don't you have any other topic to talk to me. He says squeezing her wrists making hard for her to control her   Moan. 

Ani. I'm not obsessed with her.I just know that , she is not right woman. She is here with some motive. Which shivaay Singh oberoi is not able to understand and how would he understand ?? when he is such a dumb and idiot.

Sh. I'm not dumb and idiot. I know what's right and what's wrong.unlike you,  who trusted that rayaansh , and got ready to marry him without thinking anything.  And look what happened in end. He dumped you in end and insulted you infront of whole world.   You should be thankful that , I saved you and got married to you. otherwise the way you had became hot topic of news papers, no one  would had married to you not even your peon.   He blubber all the shit whatever came in his mouth having his fingers circled around her wrist without realising,  what he has blabbered,   but soon he got quite when he look in his eyes and found them dripping   Pain which he didn't experienced before.

Sh. Errr I  just I'm I'm ,,, he try to speak but she didn't let him and pushed him away standing on her feet. Soon she just wear her slippers and left from there leaving him alone in his room having guilt and shame for talking nonsense like this. 

I'm im sorry he whispered running fingers in his hair feeling angry on himself for being so dumb for blabbering like this.   Now what he will do , he really don't have anything to justify himself.  

On the other side

Anika came   Outside and set in the garden looking nothing on particular.  Since they have got married !!they are just fighting only.  She don't think so even a day ,he spent ,when he didn't fight with her ,and defend his girlfriend infront of her.  She agreed , ragini was in his life before.  And he must have dreamed to make her his wife. But now when he is married with her.  Then he should be genuine like her. But no !!!he is still searching ways to Insult her and always take side  of his girlfriend ,who does  everything  wrong.  And might he can see as well. But still he is taking her side. just because he wanna proof her right. Her father  just ruined her life for saving his own reputation. Being an  independent woman and having everything in her life, she still couldn't get the person who  would love her genuinely.  Whoever  was in her life , he always just used her like a pawn and  then left her , when they didn't need her. whether if it's shivaay or her mother.    As her mother came into her scenario she shudder in fear and tremble remembering the time which she spent  with her. It's nothing but dreadful nightmares which still hunts her , and will do chase her whole life.   Shivaay who couldn't  control himself he comes out for checking  her. He found her sitting under open sky lost in her own thoughts. He looks around and walk towards her with slow steps.

What you doing here. Come let's go in the room. Hearing his voice she shivers and look at him with red eyes which scared him actually.  

Rajpoot , he whispered her name softly  sitting besides her. He attempt to touch her shoulder but she stood up bringing a good distance between them.

Sh. Are you  alright.  He says being concern seeing her  condition.

Ani. Yh she kept her answer short and left from there leaving him confused with her  behaviour. 

Sh. What happened  to her. He mumbles looking down but he  shrugged it off next second thinking might , she is sad because of his harsh words ,which might he shouldn't had use infront of her. It was utterly wrong for behaving like that.  At least he should had watch his mouth before spilling all the crap. He shakes his head in disappointment and lean on the bench looking away. 

In morning

Shivaay  how long it gonna last.  His mother says getting opportunity to ask him this question in the absence of her husband

Shiv. What do you mean mom ?? he says eating his food causally.

P. You don't love her shivaay. infect you can't  even  Bear her. And I do think so , it's better way to waste your life on unwanted person. 

Sh. Mom dad has promised her father and ...

P. But that's doesn't mean you will  ruin your life.    Look ,i don't  want you to behave so stupid about your future , so do something as soon as possible. Infect I was thinking in evening , we all will go to ragini's house and fix your marriage  with her and till you have time you sort out this matter and kick that girl out of your life

Mom this is not right. Might we are making decision so fastly.   Before shivaay says to his mother something , rudra interrupted making his siblings and   mother shock. As he was the person,  who most hated anika. But today  he is taking her side

Om. You alright rudra.  ?? What happened to you ??

Ru. I've said that which you people should think as well.  This is not way to treat someone like this. The way it's bhiya's life ,it's her as well.   And I really don't think so it's wise to behave so cruel. Moreover mom bhiya is adult and independent , and I don't think so dad can force him like that.  If he didn't want to marry then, that day  only , he should had say something and deny it politely.  but he didn't do and  get married to her. So when he is married,  then he should give chance  , instead behaving  carelessly and heartless.  Saying this he left from there leaving his family shock with his sudden change of route. They are not able to understand,  how come he changed his prospectives for anika , whom he was hating till tomorrow to the core

Precap....... Alliance fixed and to his surprise anika didn't say anything for that later he saw her with her x

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