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Shivaay   Is standing in the room fixing in conflicts, when anika enters there.  Seeing him getting ready , she didn't utter a single word and set on the bed removing her heals.

Sh. Where  you had been since  morning. Do you know how  many times I've called you. He says looking through the mirror  at her face expecting her to answer him , but to his shock, she just got up and went towards dressing room. 

Sh.  I've asked you  rajpoot. Why are you ignoring me. He enters in the dressing  and blocked her way looking straight on her face.  Anika squeeze her eyes and then look at him sternly.

An.   If I talked, then we will just fight.  Which I really don't have capacity to handle.  So kindly leave my way and  let me be alone for sometime.    She spoke tiredly and try to pass by him but he didn't let her and pulled her back infront of him making her sighs.

An. Now what.  

Sh.  I'm going.  He heaves out breath looking at her softly. 

An. Then go na. Why are you eating my head.  

Shiv.  I'm going in ragini's house today.  Mum have decided to fix our alliance.  As these words slipped from his mouth whole room  privileges with silence and she look at him sternly.

An. Great,   I'll talk to my lawyer and soon we will get divorce.  Now can I go , or you have something to say again.  But he didn't say anything  and kept looking at her face being hurt

An. Seems like you don't have anything so say.  She free her hand from his grip and left for bathroom,Leaving him in baffled and confused with her reaction. He thought she would scream and break everything around her. But nothing sort of happened like that. Infect she  just answered him simply and left like it was causal thing. How can she do this.  Doesn't she want this marriage. Why did she react like , she is done with all this.  At least she should had scream little. But no she gave him cold shoulder and left like ,he was talking about his brother's alliance, not his.   He run fingers in his hair and  kick the drawer with his foot.

At night

Anika is standing in kitchen  eating her dinner or better just rotating the spoon , when omru enters there.  

Errr you  alright , hearing rudra's voice she comes out from her zone and look at them with frown. 

An.  You here, I thought I'm alone at home.  Didn't you go to your favourite person home. She smiles leaning on the  counter. 

Ru. No we didn't,  and why would we, when we are not happy with that.  He says softly looking at her face..

An. Wow that's drastic change.  That person who was fighting with me till yesterday for  his favourite ragini ,today he is saying he is not happy for her and his brother's  alliance.  Impressive. She shakes her in amusement and kept the plate in the sink which was still full of food and seems like untouched. 

Ru.  I'm sorry  infect we are sorry.   In anger we said you many things which we shouldn't had.  It's our fault. Please forgive us. Maybe  god and dad had chosen you for bhai for good.   You are the only one who is good for him.   Om nods his head in agreement while standing with his brother. Anika sighs and walk towards them with slow steps.

An.   I did all that for you , because it wasn't good. But I guess you took me so good , which I think is  not  right.. I'm still a badass , who  can do anything in anger. So  suddenly trusting on me as well not good. Hmm now be a good boys and go to your rooms. Saying this she left from there not before patting rudra's shoulder.  Omru look at each other and follows her Behind grabbing three glasses  and bottle of wine.   Anika reached in her room and about to shut the door but seeing them standing infront of her she sighs.

An. Now what.

Om. Can we sit witn you for a while please.   Anika look at both Of them  and unwillingly nods her head

An. Fine. She open the door wide for them and let them in. 

Ru. Thank you. He grin and got in immediately before she says , she have changed her mind and they should leave. 

Come sit near the pool.  Rudra held her hand and dragged her along with him towards  the pool area, where they soon took seat dipping their legs in it. 

Give me some as well rudra.  Om pout  seeing him filling glass for  himself and anika but forgotten about him , who is as well sitting besides them.

Ru.  I'm giving na. Just be patient.  He shakes his head and pass him the glass

Ani. So what you doing here you both. She says taking sip of the wine while looking at them.

Om. We are here to request you for stopping all this. We don't want bhai to get marry to that ragini. 

An. Acha and what did change your mind. 

Ru.  She was the one, who had gave me the name of that drug dealer.  Hearing him anika widen her eyes and look at him shockingly

An. That's mean that's why you used to like her. Because she was fulfilling your drug addiction.  Rudra nods silently and bend his head in shame.

An.  Your brother knows about it. She says tilting her brows up. 

Om. He doesn't.   He  does look tough , but he is actually naive. He trust people so easily.  

An. So what you want me to do.  

Om. To stop all this.  We don't want our brother to get marry to that witch.   

An. But your brother loves her and he wants her to be with him.  And... 

Ru. He doesn't. , i know him. He is doing all this to hurt you that's all.  But during this he is not understanding he is hurting himself as well.  So we  want you to understand that , you are the only best for him and stop all this.  So kindly bhabi, don't let him get marry please. Stop this .. infect let's go. We will stop this now only.  Please bhabi please he made puppy eyes holding her hand in his  palm. 

An. No rudra I can't. I'm sorry , I know I'm disappointing you. But since we have got married. I'm the only one who is trying. He is not even putting little contribution in it. Now I've started feeling like , I'm the only one , who is in this marriage. As he is no where to be seen. So now I've decided, if he doesn't want me and don't see future with me then , who I'm to do all this. Better let this go. Moreover I'm not one of them , who let her life go for someone , who doesn't even want you in his life. So let it be. Let him do whatever he feels like. I'm not gonna stop him. If he want ragini then it's his choice. I won't stop him.

Om. But Bhabi he is mad and ,,,

An. He will learn lesson on his own. I'm not gonna do anything. and I would suggest you to stop this as well. Let me him decide, what does he want in his life. Hmm anyways I think you people should go and take rest. I've some work to finish. Saying this she get up keeping glass on the edge of pool and left inside leaving them disappoint and sad on the same time seeing her letting it go. She was the only one , who was their last hope and that's also broken. But somehere they are blaming themselves as well. If they would had got to know real motive of ragini before, then might today everything would had been fine in their brothers life.

After sometime

Shivaay enters in his room and found her laying on the sofa using her phone..

Sh. You are still up. He says softly gazing at her

Ani. Yh had work to finish. She answer simply without sparing glance at him.

Sh. Hmm he humm and remove the tie from his neck while getting ready to go for washroom

An. So when is the wedding. Hearing him he stopped his chore and look at her keeping hands on his hips.

Sh. Errr don't know. Right now , just alliance got fixed.

An. Cool, I've talked to my lawyer , soon our divorce papers will be ready and then you see your own way and I'll see mine.

Sh. Seems like you wanna get rid of me as soon as possible. He chuckle while gazing at her

An. You started it. I'm just putting full stop on it. Nothing more. Anyways congratulations... I'm happy for you. Now turn off the lights. I need to sleep. Saying this she about to close her eyes , but stopped when he again spoke.

Sh. Why are you sleeping there. Sleep on the bed.

An. No I'm ok here. You can sleep there. Now can you please Tuen off the light. I've meeting to attend in the morning. Saying this she turns her back and closed her eyes for sleep , which she knows she won't get, but pretending is not bad. Shivaay sighs and left from there for changing his clothes

In morning

Anika comes silently on the dining table and started having breakfast without paying head to anyone.

P. Did you hear. My son's alliance got fix with ragini whom he loves. Pinky remarks having smirk on her face, Which shivaay didn't like at all and he nods no to his mother. but she is least bother about to look at him.

An. Congratulations. I'm happy for him and for you as well. After all you gonna get daughter in law you deserve. She smiles taking sip of her juice.

P. At least she will be classy , unlike you ,who just know how to yell. She sneers making omru angry on their mother for behaving like that

An. Yh right too much classy, I've seen her classiness. Which I guess you left to see.

Sh. What do you mean by that. He tilt his brow up looking at her.

An. Nothing. Anyways I should leave. And yes congratulations again. Hope she should soon become your daughter in law. She pass her tight smile and left from there before anyone says her something

After sometime

Shivaay had to meet his client in a restaurant so he hurriedly pick up his laptop and left from there along with his secretary.

In restaurant

He's been warm welcomed by his client , and soon he got lead by him towards the table , where they have to take place. Shivaay kept his laptop on the table and got busy in conversation. After almost twenty minutes , they are still discussing their ideas, when suddenly his eyes fell on anika who enters in there alone.

Annie , he whispered her name while gazing at her.

What's she doing here. He mumbles seeing her walking towards a table , where a guy is sitting back facing him. He try to see his face, but he is not able see because of opposite direction. Suddenly his eyes popped out of the socket, when that guy stood up and Immediately took anika in the hug , before even she stand stubble. Seeing his face , he realised he is not other than rayaansh , her x. Anger filled in his veins seeing her hypocrisy. How dare she meet her x that also that time, when she is married to him. And on top of that, she bloody hugged him. How can she , one side she is forcing him to stay in this stupid marriage. And then other side, she is having relationship with her x. How can he , how on earth she dared to ditched him like that. Automatically , his hands turned into tight fist having red eyes seeing her with someone else instead him.

Mr oberoi where are you lost mr oberoi , I'm talking to you. His client shakes him bringing him back on the earth. He blink his eyes and then look at him not before gazing at anika and rayaansh ,who took place on their respective chairs , having some conversation which he desperately wanna hear, but unfortunately he is not able to , because of long distance.

Err yh I was hearing you , whay you were saying , his Clients nods and got busy in talking again. But his eyes again tucked on anika , who is busy talking with her x. Suddenly his heart came into his mouth , when he saw rayaansh hand travel on her back palm and he caresses it with his thumb making him hell angry. seeing his laying hand on his girl. In this whole 2 months , he didn't try to hug her or touch her hand deliberately and here in few minutes only , he done all that , and she didn't have problem with that as well. and enjoying all the attention, which might she craving for.

C. I should leave now mr oberoi. We will meet next Monday to discus about the location.his client forwards his hand to shake with him but he got embarrassed ,when he didn't even look at him

S. Sir sir , his secretary shakes him breaking his thoughts.

Sh. Oh sorry he mumbles and hand shakes with him.

C. See you later, he waves his hand and left from there. As he went shivaay immediately got up and decided to surprise anika with his presence ,but he got confused , when he found the table empty. and both of them are missing. Without thinking anything , he ran outside to catch her , but she already drove away In her car leaving him disappointed and angry on the same time seeing her betrayal.

In anika's office

She is busy having conference meeting with her staff when shivaay barged in making her confused with his sudden arrival

Mr oberoi she whispered his name finding him infront of her all of sudden

Meeting is over so get out everyone. He screams making anika shock seeing his behaviour.

Didn't you hear. I said get the hell out all of you. Just leaveee.  Hearing his roar all people gulp and run out from there leaving him and anika alone in there.

An. What the hell is this. How can you behave like that in my office. Where's your manners and ethics. Hearing her, he didn't see around and stormed towards her. in no time he held her wrist and twisted her hand moving on her back pulling her closer making her gasp with his sudden move.

Where you had been before an hour. He whispered in his dangerous voice Twisting her hand more making her moan in pain

I can be anywhere , why are you asking me.  she back answer him Wiggling in his arms, but his grip on her is not letting her to come out from his hold.

Sh. This is not my fuckin answer rajpoot. Just tell me where the fuck had you been before an hour. He screams yanking her closed keeping hand on her nape.

An. I was in office , where I'll be before an hour. Hearing her lie his anger trigger more and he screams loudly.

Sh. Jhoot, jhoottttt ... you wasn't in your fuckin office. I've seen you in restaurants witn that bloody rayaansh hugging him. How dare you , how on earth you just went to meet him, and then hugged him like that. To me you never hugged., leave all that, if I hold your hand , then still you the problem. But to him ,you hugged him, that also in public place. Have you forgotten that you are married. How can you just got intimate with him , when you are already married with me. How could you anika. How can you do this. He screams tightening his grip on her neck.

An. So what if I went to meet him , what's your problem with that. I don't think so ,you should be mind seeing me meeting with other guy, when you are itself going to get marry to your girlfriend. I can meet who ever I want ,'you shouldn't have problem with that.

Sh. Oh so you wanna be whore ha , who goes back to her x , as she sees her husband is not paying attention to you. If you were so desperate and horny then you should had told me. I would had fulfil your needs. Leave hug, I would had fuck uou as well. But it wasn't needed to go back to your x .... Theses words didn't slip from his mouth that she pushed him with full force and slapped him hard on his face that even he got cut on his side lip because of it. 

Precap ....... ,,, silent anika later Shakti ask shivaay to take his wife in his  business partner's anniversary but instead he took ragini

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