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Dreaming about Small small happiness is only poor people expectation. People like me doesn't see dreams. They just do whatever they think of. Money is that power which can bye anything whether  if it's  luxury life or a person.  It can make everything to bend Infront of you.   Me anika zaid rajpoot ;never learnt to bend infront of anything .  I always walk keeping my head high proudly ,without having a little hesitation.  My name is enough to make a simple thing into a brand.  As my hand lands on something ,it turns into a gold ,and make people bend infront of me.  My power ,my beauty and proud make them admire me ,and everyone wants to be me ,but it can be their dream only. They can't be stars while leaving on the earth.


Excuse me mam people have arrived and sir is Saying to come down.   Hearing a shaky voice lady anika snapped her eyes at  her ,and got up following with all the ladies who were doing her makeover.    She just simply snapped her hand and asked them
Leave, which they  obliged bending their heads down ,and left from there hurriedly.  As they went she look at herself proudly and   Try to stretch her lips into smile but like always it anded up having  stern and solid expressions.  

Today is the day she is going to get  engaged. It's not any love marriage or something. IT's a business merger ,which her dad done by accepting their alliance for his daughter.  After her engagement ,her dad's business will touch the sky ,which to be honest she doesn't have problem at all. After all with this, they will touch the another lavel of height of success.  It's purely a business deal nothing more and might will remain like always.

Princess are you ready.  Hearing her dad's voice, she   Turn around and found her father standing having smile.

Yes dad.  Saying this she held his arm and  discarded out from there having her head high . 

On the other side

Man is shown getting down from his  Mercedes Benz suv wagon being in dark black suit , having his hair proper set up  ,looking all hot and irresistible for any woman ,who is standing out there. They just left their partners hands and  drooling over him without blinking their eyes having mouth wide open .  But he least care to give them a single gaze and walk towards entrance following with dozens of media people who are trying  to ask him question but with his one finger snap ,they all being pushed away by his security ,making their chief secure who went in shrugging his coat.   As he got in ,his eyes landed on his father who smile Proudly gazing at his son and  eyes him to join.  Which he did and walk towards him having his  usual smirk on his face .

Shivaay my boy.   Zaid rajpoot takes him in hug patting his back.

Z. How are you son. It's been long we didn't meet.  He says patting his shoulder while shaking hand with him. 

Sh. Was just busy in work mr rajpoot. He use his professional language passing him tight smile.

I'm really glad , you joined us here.  I was talking with  your dad about you only.  Zaid says admiring his grace and attitude.

Sh. Dad asked me ,so I do had to come leaving all my busy life behind.  He answers him looking at his dad who nods his head keeping hand on his son's shoulder

Z.  I guess you haven't meet my daughter yh . Didn't you.  Anika beta come here. Anika who was busy talking with other business leaders, she turns and look at her dad who is asking her to join them.  

Excuse me. She excused herself and walk towards them like a queen making shivaay's eyes  snapped at her.  He look at her tip to toe and  found her tugged in long gown having slit aside leaving her thigh naked  ,with open curled and lips curved into unusual smug smile which didn't go well to his way of admiring woman. But he hid it behind his smirk and kept gazing at her scanning her whole body with his naked blue eyes.

Anika zaid rajpoot.  He  says her name gazing at her with his dark blue eyes ,which didn't  do any effort to hide their lust towards her.  Leaving their kids alone their dads left from there. As they went anika move towards him and look at him same from tip to toe making him raise his brow up having his hand tied behind

Mr shivaay Singh oberoi. She smirk  raising her face up gazing at him

I don't think so it's standard of anika zaid rajpoot to check out any other man, when she is itself getting engaged to someone else today. He brought smug smile on his face moving towards her two steps.

An.  And it's not nice either to check out to be engaged woman with those lusty blue eyes mr oberoi. She answered back giving him reason to chuckle dryly. 

Sh.  That's my eyes I can look at anyone however I want Rebuck back fixing sleeves.

An. Then same goes to me.  I can look at anyone however I want.  You shouldn't have issue with that. She sniggers  having same attitude like him which didn't go well shivaay and why won't it ,when he can't see anyone above him .but here ,she is back answering him meeting her eyes with him. He about to answer her back again. when her dad came and asked her to come on the stage. Soon her in laws are going to come. Anika nods her head and look at shivaay  once with with her brown not innocent orbs  and left from there with her dad. Shivay gaze at her ass  and then went towards bar to have small drink

After sometime

Dad how much time. Anika grit her teeth in anger looking at her phone .which is buzzing 10 on the clock but there's no clue of khuranas ,who supposed to be hear by now.  Zaid  got tensed and try to sssure her ,but his daughter anger is reaching on peak, and anytime she gone burst out in anger if they didn't turn up today.

Don't worry let me call them again.  He mumbles and try to call  khuranas. But no one is picking up the call.  Anika who was looking at her dad with impatient gaze, suddenly she look  at her phone, when it ping with message.  Seeing the message she started breathing heavily having  red eyes in anger and throw her phone in middle of the hall gaining all the people attention who were whispering and making talk about the situation.

Aaaaaaa how dare he.  How dare heeeeeeee she screams and started throwing everything on the floor making all people scared with her reaction. Her dad got  astonished and try to control her ,but she is just getting out of his hands and breaking everything growling  like a lioness.

What happened  princess. Stop it.  What are you doing ???her father try to hold her but she is so much out of control for coming in hold.

What am I doingggg??? Whay the hell ,he has done daddddd. he bloody said ,he can't do engagement with me. he doesn't want me in his life.  Everything is over. He have done it all for revenge.  He  bloody rejected anika zaid rajpoottt ...she screams on top of the voice giving reason to people make talk about her. All the media who were standing outside they started barging in making hard for security to stop them. 

Miss rajpoot ;is it truth that mr khurana have  rejected you.  What did he say. Can you show us his message. As these words left from the media hit anika grab the bawl of flowers and Throw towards him hitting on his head. All people gasp and step back with her sudden move.

Shut uppppp  just shutttttt upppppppp don't even dare to say that he rejected anika zaid.   No one can reject meeee ...and if any of you spill one more word then I will sue you.  I will kill each of you here with my hands.  All people cup their faces and started whispering about her which made her more mad

Anika stop beta what you doing. Stop ittt ..her dads try  to grab her. but she is in so much anger that she is not coming in his hands at all.  Suddenly all people gasp when she grabbed gun of her security guy and started walking towards door cursing khurana's ,who didn't turn up  for engagement. Anika dad and other  people got horrified and try to stop her. but who can stop anika zaid when she is angry. Even davil will stay out of it. Shakti Singh oberoi   Who was there ,he Eye his son who nods his head and he follows her  behind  to stop her for doing any stupidity whicn will land her in trouble

Stop rajpoot ,where are you going.  Stop doing any mistake in anger anikaaaa. shivaay calls her from Behind taking steps fastly so that he could catch her but she is just into so much anger then she is not paying attention to his any of the word ,and walking ahead like angry lioness who is ready to pounce at anyone.

Stay out of it oberoi. Don't come behind me. Otherwise you will become target of my anger. Today whoever gonna come infront of me they  will see my wrath.  so stay back. She warns him having red eyes yes while talking by the gun which is swinging in her hands like it's like a toy or something

Rajpoot you are doing mistake. Let's go inside. This is not the way to handle the situation. He try to grab her but she growl loudly and point  gun informt of him making him step back.

I said go away from here. Don't come behind me. Otherwise I will shoot you. Shivaya grit his teeth and  try  to swap his hand to grab her ,but she is too fast to react and slipped away from his hold, and in no time she set in her car and drove away from there shivering in fury. Whoever gonna see her like this surely they will try to stay away from her as much as they can. But shivay he can't leave her like that. His dad asked her to rescue this arrogant little women and bring her back, so definitely be will do it. So without thinking anything he set in his car and drove away from there in fast speed.

God girl don't do any stupidity. Just fuckin stop the car you mad woman. He murmur hitting the staring seeing her speeding up on the road where she  suppose drive slowly.

Rajpoot stop the car. You will do accident. He shout from his car coming aside of her car with same speed but she least bother to listen to him and sped up more going ahead of him. Soon she crossed the way in fifteen minutes which was actually 45 minutes and stopped outside of the house of khuranas. Without caring about her car ,she just left the door open and March inside with heavy steps huffing like a mad person. Khuranas who was busy having their gala time ,they all got up and widen their eyes seeing her in their house. Before they react or say something she March towards rayaan khurana and pushed him in the sofa pointing gun on him making his whole family having loud gasp.

How dare youuuu , how dare you to play with anika zaid's reputation. How on earth you decided to humiliate me infront of the whole world you asshole . I had warned  you. I had fuckin warned you to not do something ,which trigger me. But nooo , you bastard did it. You fuckin touched my weak point. I will kill you. I will bloody take your life. She put the gun on trigger and about  to shoot straight in his head making his family scream to stop her,  when suddenly shivaay came from behind and pulled her towards holding her by waist.

Rayaan got up breathing heavily and wipe his sweat seeing death before few seconds. If shivaay  won't had come then ,this mad woman would  had taken his life by now in madness ... 

What are you doing oberoi. Let me go. I'll take his fuckin life. He has to pay for his deeds. He can't stay alive after doing humiliation of anika zaid. She wiggle in his arms to come out of his hold, but he held her firmly and snatched the gun from her hand which mistakenly pressed and it straight shoot near Rayaan making hole in the sofa. All his family scram and close their eyes in fear ,while Rayaan felt like, he is already dead. Seeing his scared face anika forcibly come out from Shivaay's hold ,and place a nicest slap on  r Ayaan's face making him more shock with her sudden move.

I will ruin you khurana ,you didn't do right thing with me. Soon all these things which you got because of me. I will take them away and will bring you on the road. If I didn't do it then my name is not anika zaid. You left me alone facing people backlash after disappearing right ; now see how I ruin you. You chose wrong person to take revenge. Now wait and watch what I do to you. She hit his chest with her both hands and stormed away from there still in anger which could actually took anyone's life.

Rayaan ( they take his name )her parents run towards him and starts shaking him trying to bring him out of the shock ,but he is just too stund to speak. The bullet noice made him literally dead and he is feeling like someone just took his life already. Shivaay shakes his head looking at him and left behind anika ,so that he stops her to do any other mistake.

Outside he comes and found her leaning on the bonnet resting her both hands on it huffing badly.... right now she is looking a injured lioness who will kill anyone whoever gonna come infront of her

What the hell was that rajpoot. Who react like this. Do you  know ,what consequences you would had faced if something would had happened to him ,He shout at her not able to understand, how can a woman can have that anger issue ,who got ready to take someone life without caring about anything.

You shut up oberoi. Who the hell had told you to come behind me and interfere in my personal matter .I'm not kid ,who needs someone to lead me. I know what's bad and what's right.  Stop being my guardian and jump in my matters like this. Just fuckin stay out of it..  she yell at him pointing index ,finger at him looking at him with blood shot eyes ,which triggered shivaay and he twist her hand behind and pulled her towards him resting his another hand on her nape.

Just shut up rajpoot. Don't even dare to shout at shivaay singh oberoi. People afraid to even raise their eyes infront of me ,and you are showing me attitude. Don't forget who I'm ,otherwise I very well know how to do it.  He threats her  with equal amount of anger tightening  his grip around her neck more.

And I'm anika zaid   ,Who never let anyone rule of over her ,not even her father. So don't even dare to try to control me.  Otherwise same situation gonna happen whicn I've done inside.get that straight in your head oberoi. She subtle on her place without removing his gaze from his eyes  proving, she is not afraid of anything. Shivaay  grit his teeth and about  to answer back when his eyes fell on the media who's coming  towards them holding their cameras . Without thinking anything, he  gripped her wrist in his strong hands and pushed her in the car

We are leaving he announced  in his thick  voice and drove away from there before media bombarded  their question at them.

You didn't need to drive me. I had my car. Seeing her being arrogant shivaay tighten his grip on the staring controlling his rage and look at her with furry.

Shut up and sit silently . If I would had left you ,then that media would had stamp you over and would burn you with their questions. He shout looking at her disbelievingly

An. Then I would had answer them, how that bastard took advantage of my innocence and didn't come on the engagement. She huffs folding her arms leaning on the chair

Sh. You and innocent. Joke of the decade. Huh. He sneers shaking his head making her feel like to pull his hair for being so sulk bastard. Seeing her Twisting her mouth in annoyingness ,shivaay just can't wait to reach to her house ,and drop her there. so that he could get rid of her as soon as possible, because handling this woman and her tantrums is bravest man technique. He rolls his eyes and sped up his car while thinking about it

After few minutes

As they got down they surrounded by the media who were already waiting for them into her house . Seeing them there, shivaay immediately hide behind anika before she create one more scene here. Already she have done enough. He doesn't want her to do more stupidity

Repo 1:::Miss rajpoot. Will you answer me why did you go to the khurana's house??What they have told you the reason of not coming here??one of media lady says trying to get answer from her but shivay a block her way coming ahead holding Anika's hand.

Rep 2 Miss rajpoot now what will you do. Are you planning to convince mr khurana or you have some another thing in your mind. One more question being thrown by media man making her burn in outrage.

Miss rajpoot please tell us what will you do as the way you've been rejected, it's a big thing and now barely someone will come ahead to hold your hands. As these words slips one of guy's mouth anika hissed in anger and just held his collar making him scare shit out of him with her sudden move.

Rajpoot what you doing let him go. Shivaay got shocked with her sudden jump and try to pull her but she just jerk him away and still shaking that guy making hard for him to breathe

An. Don't you dare to make talk against me you road side trash. I'm anika zaid. I've enough power to bring thousands of man in my feet. And that khurana ,he wasn't worth of me. Even I didn't want to marry him. Before he reject me. I'd already done it, but I was doing it because of my dad pressure. So don't even dare to talk rubbish about me ,otherwise you won't able to see tomorrow sun with your these button eyes. She pushed him making all media step back gulping in fear.

Security who were inside they come running and immediately pushed the media away towards the door.

She have gone mad because of rejection that's why , she is reacting like this. Surely people are right ,she is a rich father's brat daughter who wants everything in her feet . One of media speak laughing along with his other mates. Anika about to move her feet to hit him but before she do ;shivaay grabbed her hand and started pulling her inside so that she doesn't make more damage which she already have done enough

Let me go. What are you doing. Let me go I will break their faces for talking rubbish about me. But shivaay didn't pay head to her any word ,and took her inside not before eyeing khana to clear all the mess which she created.

Princess. ...Her dad got up ,as he saw her coming inside with shivaay. He take fast steps and take her in hug caressing her hair, but she is in so much anger that even she didn't reciprocate and standing hard fisting her hands tight.

Why did you go like this princess ??you scared me. He says taking her face in his hands caressing her cheek.

Dad I will kill him. How can he do this to me like this. She screams in anger making shivaay shake his head seeing her still being Stubborn and hot in anger.

Calm down princess he has to pay for whatever he gave done. But right now we have to think ,how to control this situation. He says caressing her hair trying his best to cool her down which is hella hardest task to do even shivaay got to know about it.

Sh. Don't worry sir I've already asked my security he gonna manage everything. He assures him having trusted expression on his face.

Sha. But it's not about this son. We can control the media, but not the guests ,who saw everything with their eyes. By now news would have been spread everywhere. His father says making everyone tensed except anika , whose anger is still on the edge of hill.

Z. I don't know what to do now. Everything is out of control. Right now everything seems so fragile to touch. I'm not able to understand how to handle all this.

Sha. There's only one way to control it. Shakti says looking at his son, who is not able to understand what his father is trying ri say

Z. And What it is. ??

Sha. I think we should make anika and shivaay marry. That's only way to handle the situation.

Whatttttt ??? Anika and shivaay shout on the same time looking at each other shockingly



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