{Unwelcoming }

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happy reading

Anika's pov

Never ever in my dreams I thought, I would get marry to shivaay Singh oberoi   , rather than reyaansh. I agreed it was business merger and I didn't love him. But still I had thoughts about it. I was hopping ,I will get marry to him ,and he will be my husband. But that bastard was doing all this to take revenge , just because I had slapped him in public for misbehaving with me , he didn't come in engagement and tarnished my respect infront of the world leaving me alone.. And now I'm ended here sitting with shivay Singh oberoi who is apparently glaring  me with his ugly ... ,,well they are not ugly eyes , they have different colours which increase his appearance. But right now they are not fascinating me at all, infect I'm feeling like to kill him right her with my hands. I wish he won't had come in the party then might today I didn't had to sit with him getting into forced marriage. which actually from my side and his as well. The way I didn't thought that I would marry him. he didn't think as well. But here we are sitting together on his dad's insistence and even my dad didn't have issue as well,Just because he wanted to save his reputation infront of whole world .


Shiv pov

Sign here please ,, lawyer says pushing papers infront of me and anika who is currently sitting besides me as angry as much I'm... the way I didn't want to marry her. She didn't want to either. But still ,it's all her fault. Who the hell had told her to run over the people and fight with them. If she would had chose to be calm. then today we didn't had to face all this.  I would had been happy in my life and she would had been happy in her own arrogant life. But no she had to jump in my space and ruin everything.  Before few hours I was thinking whoever gonna marry her , he gonna be unluckiest person on the earth being tied with such a terrible and hot tampered girl.  But I didn't know that it would be. Now I don't know what will happen and how will I cope up with all this. As I know I won't able to make up with her.. and soon we gonna get part away.


Congratulations you both are husband and wife now.  His father and her both smiles and hugged each other. And why won't they,, when they done a business deal and made their kids marry as well without any hurdles handling the situation. Now they don't need to face the wrath of  outsiders ,as their kids are already married.

Z. I can't tell you how big tension you removed from my shoulder Shakti.  He says keeping hand on his shoulder having brightest smile on his face.

Sha. You are my  friend and it was my duty to  help you to come out from this mess. Moreover.  I always wanted anika as my daughter in law. But before I ask you , you had fixed her alliance with that  khurana. But I guess god had another plan and she got married to my shivaay.  Saying this he hugged him again celebrating their   Strong relation with each other ..which grew more stronger because of their kids ,who are apparently sulking each other  throwing daggers through their eyes. If one side anika wanna kill him ,then other side shivaay wanna take her  life for being such an idiot and raged woman , who got so blind anger that ,there wasn't no option except marrying each other.  But one thing is, he has done all this for this father , but he promise himself ,he will never consider her as his wife.  She will be always a business deal to him. Which they did to grow their name more up to touch the sky.

I think we should leave now.  It's already late. Come anika and shivaay.  Shakti says forwarding his hand to ask them to come with them ..

An. Me, whyyy ?? I'm not coming.   I'm staying in my  house. She baffled looking at her father who nods no while gazing at her sternly.

Z. You can't stay here anika ... you are going oberoi Mansion. Being wife of shivaay , now oberoi mansion is  your house not Here . Hearing her dad she shakes her head not able to believe on his words. While shivaay rolls  his  eyes seeing her showing attitude without any reason.  When she was signing marriage papers. That time she didn't say anything and signed it silently, and now  behaving like she didn't want it.

I'm waiting outside. If you wanna come then come otherwise I'm going ,, shivaay glared her and left from there before his father stops him or say something.  Anika look at her father with questioning gaze but seeing his  unbothered face, she huffs and went behind shivaay feeling hell irritated and angry on the same time. 


Shivaay is sitting  in the    Car using his phone, when she knocked on the window making him sulked. He kept his phone aside and open the window for her looking at her being annoyed.

Sh. You are coming or not. But instead answering  his question,  she forward her hand having stern face

Get out I'll drive.   She says rudely making him raise his brow. 

Sh.  Oh madam, if you wanna come then  come inside and sit.  I'm not gonna give my car's keys to you.  You have already wasted my time ,..I don't wanna do more

An. Then fine I'm not coming with you.  Go and fuck your self.  She shout hitting  his tire making him hell angry.  He is feeling like to hold her same leg and break it  for hitting his car ,,but he  closed his eyes gritting his teeth and passed her a sarcastic smile

Sh. Fine come on your own. I don't give fuck about it. Before she says something , he drove away from there making her shock with his behaviour. How dare he.. how dare he  just insult  her like this and left.   She won't leave him. He will   Fuckin pay for his rudeness. 

Arghhhh she stamp her foot on the floor and about move inside the house ,but stopped seeing Shakti and her father coming out talking with Each other about something ..

Sha.  Anika what are you doing here beta ??? Didn't you go with shivaay. Hearing his question evil smile played on her face having  something in her brain. She immediately made sad face and move towards him.

He left me here.  He said I've to come on my own. He doesn't care about me.  She pout sadly making puppy eyes making  shakti angry with his carelessness.

Sha How can he  be so careless and left you like this. Just wait , I'll call him. He will come back to take you with him.   He says dialling his number on his phone

An. Its ok uncle. I can  come with you. Don't disturb him while driving. She try to play innocent which her father very well know , she is not. It's all her drama to insult shivaay.

Sha. Don't worry he will come back. He didn't even complete the sentence that shivaay picked up the call

Sh. Where are you shivaay why did you Leave your wife here. Come back here right now ,and take her with you. He orders him making him huffs in frustration. He knew that ,this woman will do something like that , surely she have done it. He so wanna say no to his dad rejecting to get that arrogant and mannerless woman, but he kept his feelings and huffs In annoyance.

Coming dad. He stretched his lips exhaling the breath and took the U turn back to rajpoot's mansion


Seeing him entering back to her house anika brought victory smile on her face and fold her arms looking straight at his face. Shivay so wanna remove this ugly smirk from her face and wanna knock her off on the floor for behaving like this ,but somehow he is controlling his urge to do ,and got down from the car marching towards her....

Sha. That was childish shivaay. You shouldn't had leave your wife like that. His father says looking at him angrily

I'm sorry dad. Come let's go darling. He grit his teeth and open the door for her which is actually a victory for her and she got in Lifting her dress up. Shivay gave her death glare and went on his side.

See you at home dad. He waved his hand and drove away from there. Anika who was sitting besides him she fold her arms and smiles getting his weak point. Now surely she knows how to cope up with him when he will try to be over smart with her....


Coming in someone else Home for staying made anika's face sulked in annoyance. She don't know but she is not feeling good here. She got down from the car and like a queen walk ahead making shivaay shake his head in disbelief . He closed the door of his car and throw the key towards guard to park it ,which he obliged and immediately took the car in the garage.

Seeing her walking towards inside he immediately walked fast and held her wrist making her turn back.

Sh. Wait where the hell are you going having your face on the sky. Hold your horses rajpoot. Don't give heart attack to my family with your sudden appearance. No one knows we are married yet. So calm down and walk behind me.

An. No one can stop me like that. How can you do this. She says rudely making him narrow his eyes.

Oh please ha .. keep your attitude aside and listen to me. Here it's not your house ,where you will rule ..it's mine. So behave the way I want. Did you understand. Now come let's go inside before dad comes. He gripped her wrist and dragged her with him before she back answer him or say something.

His family who were enjoying tv sitting together they all stopped when they saw shivaay entering in the house, not alone but someone else is with him. Pinky is the one who reacted first and stood up along with others.

Shivaay she calls his name and walk towards him looking at him being confused. Anika huffs and fold her arms being annoyed. Already it was long day , now she has to listen their thoughts and see  angry  face also

Who , who is this. Pinky says looking at anika who smiles at her and nods

An. I'm anika zaid rajpoot. Today me and your son got married. Anika gave her tight smile earning glare from shivaay for being such straight forward. Goddd he hate this girl.

Whattt ??all shout in one scene looking at shivaay shockingly who huffs and wipe his forehead in tension. 

What the hell is this girl shivaay. How can you get marry like that.pinky screams not able to believe her son got married  to a unknown  girl, that also without her. 

Mom I can't explain... he try to say more but pinky  is not in state to listen anything and growl.

What will you explain to me shivaay. What the hell is happening here. You had went in someone's engagement right ,then How can you get marry to this girl  out of sudden. I'd seen many dreams about your marriage, and here you got married to someone whom I don't  know ...and on top of that brought her home even.  Seeing  all this anika hold her head and felt hell  pissed off. Already she was getting  mad after today's fiasco and now she has to face all this as well.

Sh. Mom I didn't have any Option.   I'd to do it.   He try to make her understand ,but seems like nothing is working on her and she is hell angry glaring anika with her red eyes

P.  Get her out from this house. I don't consider this marriage it was bullshit. Just hold this  girl hand and throw her out.  Just do it shivaay. 

Sh. Mom I can't I mean ...

P. Fine don't do it... I'll do with my own hands.  Come let's go  girl ,get out from this house. Just leave. I don't consider this shity marriage of yours with my son. Just leave.  She held anika's wrist and try to drag her, but stopped when anika didn't buzz a little from her place and remove her grip from her wrist making everyone shock  except shivaay who knows she won't go like that.  She is not some chuimui girls,whom his mother will hold hand and throw out. She is anika zaid who is such a stubborn egoistic and  rude woman.

What the hell are you doing. Is this the way, you behave when People comes at your house  first  time.   Anika grit her teeth glaring pinky who  felt more angry seeing her showing attitude  standing in her house. 

I'm anika zaid and  I don't give anyone  right to insult me like that mrs oberoi.  So don't even dare to do it.   I've got married to your son with your husband's will.  He wanted us to get married and even your son agreed with that.  He is not some two years old boy whose hand I held and forced him to marry me.  He did it itself. So stop showing that ,I've came in this house  forcefully. The way you are daughter in law of this house. I'm as well. So respect me. Otherwise if you can't do them I won't do either.   She says in her same usual rude tone making all people look at her like they saw some alien or something.

Hey how are you talking to my mom.   Who the hell gave you permission to do it. Om Shivaay's brother try to stop his younger brother rudra but he is hell angry seeing her behaving so rudely with his mother. 

An. And your elders didn't tell you how to talk with guests and people who are more than your age.   Seeing your face I guess you are not even barely 20.  So keep your anger with you and step aside. I won't bear anyone here to shout at me. Whole family is shocked with her  behaviour.  They are not able to understand that girl who came before  a minute ago at their house ,trying to knock down everyone like she own everything. 

Rajpoot shut up you can't  treat my family like that. Just say sorry to my mum and brother.  Shivaay shout gripping her elbow.

An. I won't say sorry to anyone. It's them who should say it for behaving like that with anika zaid.. I just showed them real mirror nothing else.   So don't expect sorry from me. 

Youuu ,,, I won't leave you.  Get out from my  house get out.   Pinky  about  to push anika out but stopped seeing her husband standing in the door having stern face

Pinky what are you doing.  Have you gone mad. Is this the way you treat your daughter in law. He screams making all people widen their eyes in anticipation while  pinky is feeling like someone have removed earth beneath het.

That's mean it's true. Her eyes  spilled tears out getting the hella shock of her life

Sha. Yea it's true. Anika is Shivaay's wife and they got married with my constant approval.

P. But whyyy ??? Why did you  make her marry to my sonnnn... she screams going mad not able to disguise the truth.

Sha. I didn't have any other option.   My friend was in pain ,and I couldn't see, so I came on conclusion that shivaay will marry anika. So without thinking anything, I asked shivaay and made them marry with each other.  Now if someone have issue with that then sort it out itself, because now there's no option except accepting their marriage.  Understand that.  Now clear this mess and   Go to your room. Tomorrow is big day.  As I've decided to keep the reception of anika and shivaay. I want whole world to know that  shivaay Singh oberoi the son of Shakti Singh oberoi is married to anika zaid rajpoot.  Pinky is baffled along with whole family who are not able to understand what's happening here

P. But Shakti ji....

Pinky I said go into your room ,,, I'm coming as well. We will talk about it in there. And you shivaay take your wife in your bedroom. It was long day ,and I guess you both must be tired.  Hmm saying this he  left from  there following with pinky who hurriedly followed him not before glaring anika who rolls her eyes seeing all the chaos.

Let's go shivaay open the bottom of  his  coat in frustration and  asked her to follow him ,which she did silently without  saying anything. 

How can dad do this to bhiya. Didn't he think about him.  Rudra screams not able to believe his dad could do to this brother like this.

Om.  Calm down rudra. We don't know ,what happened out there.  We have to talk to shivaay first then we will reach on conclusion. 

Ru. But what about her.  He says looking at om who went silent after hearing him. 

In Shivaay's room.

As shivaay entered someone come running towards him and hugged him  making him stumble while anika got shocked seeing her there

Babyyy I missed you she squeals squeezing him in hug while anika is standing having open mouth in shock

Precap .... Reception

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