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Stormer walked through the dark corridors of the old, abandoned factory. He has been told that there's a new villain in hiding. Feeling somebody's presence, Stormer pauses in his movement. He suddenly whirls around and shot with his multifunctional ice-weapon, only hitting the wall on the other side.

"I could have sworn someone was behind me", he muttered and continued his way. Turning around a corner, Stormer felt the same presence again, abruptly turned around and punched, hitting nothing but air.

Confused and scared, he said to himself: "Alright, this is either my paranoia kicking in or who ever is here is very fast..."
Before he could think of anything else, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and fell forward.
"Damn it", was the last thing Stormer muttered as everything went black.


You're still here?

Eh, might as well share my (human) designs of this AU.

#1 Mark Surge

He's the main protagonist. The cape on his back can be turned into golden coloured wings, which is something that came from his core. He possesses the purple Quaza, which isn't that rare in the Galaxy S-U19. Half of the team have this Quaza as a core. This Surge is still the same tired coffee addict. Although, he isn't that short-tempered and usually keeps his cool.

#2 William Furno

Not much different to the original one, except the colouration. He can get a bit short-tempered when things don't go after plan, or when something happens that he absolutely dislikes. He's still the possible future Alpha-leader.

#3 Julius Nex

Still energetic and a fan of social medias, but he can be a softie sometimes. Just like Surge, he also has the Purple Quaza. Also, even though he's the medic of the team, he still has some minor panic attacks when exposed to serious injuries such as intense blood loss, missing body parts etc.

#4 Nathan Evo

Just like his original self, he has brain shutdowns when he's panicking, making him seem stupid in certain situations. Meditating is a hobby for him, not a daily thing. He's normally coolheaded, unless something makes him panic.

#5 Natalie Breez

She also possesses the Purple Quaza like half of the team. Breez is sort of a biology nerd and is often sent on missions that have to deal with animals, resulting her in having multiple scratches on her body. Some small and barely visible, others large and very visible, mainly focused on her arms. She sometimes has arguments with Nex, but normally manages to keep her cool.

#6 Jimi Stringer

Jimi Stringer is quite a music addict. You can never see him without his headphones nearby. Besides his normal sound blast, he can also use a sonic boom, but he'll have to make sure that he doesn't accidentally hit his teammates or innocent people, so he only uses it as a last resort attack.

#7 Daniel Rocka

He takes care of the lighting dragon Bolt, who lives by the Hero Factory. Rocka tends to be a bit snappy, especially when put under stress. But that is also partially because he often stays up late to get work done (aka Recon Team files), frequently until 1am or even later. He's not as good at living with it as Surge.

#8 Preston Stormer

Stormer was the team leader before he went missing. As you have read, Stormer is slightly paranoid and can get scared easily. During a mission against Corroder, acid got on one side of his face, causing it to melt and give him a permanent blind eye. He feels a bit insecure about it and hides his melted eye with an eyepatch, also because it isn't very pleasant to look at...
In general, he's a kind person and he also possesses the Purple Quaza as a core.

#9 Duncan Bulk

He has moments where he acts smart and mature, but most of the time he just acts dumb. Bulk has a weak spot in one of his shoulders, ever since some iron girders fell on top of him. A lot of times his right arm dislocates because of it, when he does sudden or forceful movement with it.

#10 Quadle and Nathaniel Zib

Zib shows a whole lot more emotions than my original version of him. He doesn't like to raise his voice though, making him seem a little shy at times. He has training just like the heroes in case he gets dragged into a fight (which he hopes will never happen). He does the paperwork, while Quadle does the computer work.
The yelling and raising voice thing is usually done by Quadle or the team leader. Quadle tends to push Zib into yelling at certain points, but not by yelling himself but more like motivating him.

General information:
-Every hero is equipped with night vision and communication lines.
-Given most of the heroes were built WITH the Purple Quaza in it's final form, they don't have the risk of it destroying itself. But they don't have full control over it's powers so that's why they don't like using it, except for Surge.
-Their planet is located in the galaxy S-U19 (made that up btw).
-Certain events are the same as the series, but with different outcomes and such.
-Stringer and Bulk are the only one's dating.

Also, I don't have a good cover idea for this book, give me some tips on what to do!

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