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"Any sign of him yet?"
Furno looked at Rocka, who was scanning the area with one of the tablets. They were sent with Bulk and Stringer to look for Stormer.

"Stormer should have called by now. He's been gone for too long... I need you four to look for him."
That was the command of their mission chief, Zib.

"Give me some time Furno, we've only been here for ten minutes!" Rocka snapped. "Geez, calm down Rocka." Furno replied and rolled his eyes.

When they left, Furno ordered Surge to be in charge of the rest of the team and be the new team leader, in case they didn't return. He was the only one left who had some good leadership. Hopefully he can handle the last few Alpha-Team members...

Sighing, Furno looked around for the other two. He saw Bulk standing by one of the walls. Furno went over to him. Bulk looked at the hero approaching him and pointed at a patch of ice, that was slowly melting. "Only thing I found so far of Stormer. There probably wasn't a major fight, given that this is the only sign of his weapon being used." Furno nodded at that. "It probably wasn't even a fight, since Stormer never misses a target, but rather that Stormer thought someone was here and he shot at them, even though there was no one." Bulk agreed with that.
They soon heard Rocka call them. "Alright guys, couldn't find much, but all I can say is that Stormer might have been attacked from behind." Furno, Bulk and Stringer joined Rocka. The youngest hero continued: "The scans only showed Stormer's footprints, which stopped here." Rocka pointed at a spot by the corner of two halls. There was also a small black puddle. Blood.
"And there wasn't a struggle either, given the fact that there's only one patch of ice, which was probably only shot unintentionally."
"What makes you think he was attacked from behind?" Stringer asked. Rocka shook his head at that. "It was just a mere guess. I thought that, because Stormer would never let himself get defeated in a fight, so if he disappears like this, then he must've been attacked without him knowing. Which leads me to think he's been knocked out by someone or something." Bulk whistles at that. "Impressive thinking Rocka." "I agree with that." Said Furno. Rocka waved that off. "There are also other possibilities, but that's the only one that seemed to most logical for me." "Makes sense." Furno answered to that. He noticed that Stringer was looking around in the different directions. "You alright Stringer?" Stringer looked at him. "Is it just me or why do I feel like we are being watched right now?" "Jimi, please... Being paranoid is Stormer's role, not yours..." Bulk said to his boyfriend. Furno started looking around himself. His sight stopped at a corner. He narrowed his eyes to see better. Despite the night vision they're all equipped with, it's still hard to see things sometimes. Furno suddenly grabbed his dual fire shooter and fired at the corner. It hit the wall and left a few large cracks and the stone wall slightly burned. "Furno, what the hell?!" Rocka yelled. The said hero stared at the wall he shot at. "I swear I saw a pair of eyes over there." He stuttered, feeling a sudden rush of fear. "I swear someone was there." Suddenly, an arrow digged itself into Furno's right shoulder. Furno yelped as he tried to pull it out. The other three turned around to see a black figure with red eyes staring at them. It had a sort of black flame around its entire body and was holding a bow. Bulk reacted first and fired at it. His shot hit the figure, leaving a hole in its chest, but it quickly closed itself again, as the shadowy person aimed at them again. Bulk ducked, pulling Furno down with him, as the arrow went over their heads. Furno finally got the arrow out and threw it aside. The wound started to bleed the second the arrow got pulled out. The red hero cursed, as he got up back up with Bulk. Their eyes widened when they saw that they were surrounded by the same sort of shadow figures, though not all of them were the same. Some had red eyes, others had deep purple or bright green eyes. And they were different heights as well. Some even had wings and claws. The heroes looked around for a gap to run through to get to the Hero Craft, but they were completely blocked off. If they wanted to survive, they'll have to fight their way through. Furno started to give commands: "Alright team, prepare yourselves. We don't know what these guys are or what they're capable of, so if there's a chance, run past them immediately and get to the craft. Get yourselves to safety, got it?" "Roger!" Was the reply of the other three. They all readied their guns and began shooting at the newcomers. With great swiftness, the figures dodged or healed themselves and attacked the small group. It was a dozen against four, each hero had to fight three of the weird shadow people. Furno was lucky, his element fire does a lot of damage, being able to burn the enemies. Despite them looking like they're made of shadows, the black figures burned and turned to dust. When Furno turned to face the third enemy, it stretched its hand out at Furno and suddenly, he was lifted up and thrown against the wall, before he could even understand what happened. Furno slid down on the ground and blacked out. "FURNO!" Bulk yelled when he saw what happened. The figure he was dealing with took the chance and hit Bulk against the head with the handle of its longsword. Bulk fell onto the ground and tried to get up again, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his head. The enemy struck again and this time, knocked Bulk out completely. When Rocka looked at them, a dagger got rammed into his stomach area from behind. Rocka spat up the black blood robots had and fell on his knees. A hand was put over his mouth, blocking out the air. Rocka desperately tried to get free, his movements becoming weaker and weaker due to the lack of oxygen and blood, until he stopped fighting and fainted. Stringer saw or heard all of his team mates getting defeated, as he had to fight to stay alive himself. He knocked back a few of the enemies with a strong sound blast, creating a gap for him to escape. Stringer ran through it, dodging arrows and swings at him. He was just a few metres away from the exit, when a shadow figure suddenly appeared in front of him and swung a sword at Stringer's head. Stringer jumped back, but the blade left a deep cut on his forehead. The pain was unbearable, and blood blurred Stringer's sight. Stringer gritted his teeth, as he ran past the figure and out of the factory. Black dots appeared in his vision, as he got onto the Hero Craft. Making sure the doors were locked, Stringer stumbled to the panel by the pilot seat and called the Hero Factory. "This is Stringer to Alpha-Team. We've been attacked." He had to force himself to stay awake. "Furno, Bulk and Rocka have all been knocked out. Send a back up team, now..."
Unable to stay conscious, Stringer slumped into the seat and blacked out.

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