Only five left...

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The last four of the Alpha-Team have been sent to help Stringer. Surge, Breez, Evo and Nex.
When they arrived, they couldn't find a single trace of the previous group's attackers, nor the bodies of Furno, Bulk and Rocka. All they could find, was the other group's Hero Craft and Stormer's hero pod. They entered the other craft, to find Stringer in the pilot seat, blood ozing out of a cut on his forehead and running down his face.
"He's still alive!" Nex told the other three, after he examined Stringer.
"Good. Patch him up and make sure he stays alive. Once we get back, we'll let him rest until he wakes up." Surge commanded. Nex did as told, while Surge turned to Breez, who returned from the old factory. "And?" Breez shook her head. "Nothing. All I could find was traces of blood and cracked walls. There was a fight, sure, but nothing else." Surge sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Although..." Surge looked up. "I did take a sample of the blood, perhaps we can identify whose blood that is. And there were also a few dust piles, which I found strange, so I took a bit of that as well, just in case it might be useful." Surge smiled when he heard what Breeze said. She always finds a way to turn something into a clue. And now, they need every single hint they can find for this mess.
This whole entire situation is confusing. Heroes from other teams have also been disappearing from their missions without a trace, it wasn't just theirs. "What kind of villains are able to kidnap heroes? That has never happened before!" Evo said. Surge looked at him. "We don't know, fact is, they're very dangerous. If we really want to know how to deal with them, we'll need the information Stringer has and perhaps even look at the Recon Team's papers..." Surge looked at Stringer and Nex. Nex just finished bandaging up the cut and looked at him. "He lost a lot of blood. I'd suggest that we just use this craft to get back. Carrying Stringer to our craft is unnecessary work and isn't a good idea concerning his state." The light-blue hero nodded at that. "We'll leave our Hero Craft here for the time being. Nex, help, me get Stringer to the back." After they laid Stringer down on one of the benches in the back, Surge ordered Evo and Nex to stay by him, while he took a seat in pilot and Breez right behind him in copilot.
They got back to the Hero Factory in ten minutes. Upon arrival, Stringer was taken to the Medical Wing to recover, while the rest went back to mission control.
Zib was pacing back and forth, until he noticed them arrive. "Thanks god you guys are alright..." "Zib, we literally called you when we were on our way back." Surge told him. "Yeah, I know." Was the reply. Surge rolled his eyes but couldn't help smiling a bit. Nathaniel Zib is practically the mother of the entire team, of course he'd be worried. There was barely a single moment where Zib isn't nervous or worrying about something.
They explained of what they could find by the old factory. Zib listened to them, expression turning to a frown when he heard that they don't know what happened to the others. When the report ended, Zib let out a sigh. "How is it that more and more heroes have been disappearing like this? We don't know what the cause is, we don't know with what we're dealing with, we don't even know why this is happening..." The mission chief started to ramble, making the other four exchange looks. Surge shook his head and stepped forward. "Zib, whatever is happening, we'll have to do our best to fight against it. Dooming and glooming won't bring our friends back and most certainly won't stop these...villains...from kidnapping more of us. What we can do, is collect every bit of information we can get our hands on, and try to solve this puzzle." Zib stopped his ramble and looked at Surge, before nodding. "Of course, you're right. Any suggestions on where to begin with?" He asked. Evo answered the question. "We thought of looking through the Recon Team files on the different villains. Perhaps we can find someone who may be responsible for this." "How about we wait until Stringer wakes up first? His team got attacked, so he must've also seen the villains. We should use his description to find the people responsible for this." Zib said. They all agreed to that. After a bit, all five of them went to the Medical Unit to check on Stringer. When they stepped in, Stringer was already awake. He was sitting on his cot with a fresh bandage around his head. Stringer gave them a confused look as they approached them. "Where am I?" "Hero Factory Medical Wing." Was the short answer he received from the team leader. "Where are the others?" Stringer asked. Surge tilted his head at that. "Who?" "Furno, Rocka and Bulk, where are they?" "You... don't remember?" Stringer frowned a bit as if he was trying to recall things. He slowly shook his head. "All I can remember is that we went on a mission together. But... I don't remember why, nor what has happened..."
Surge stepped forward. "Okay Stringer, try to remember. Do you recall an old factory? An attack? Anything?"
Stringer shook his head slightly. "Nothing..."
Surge looked at Nex. "Clear case of Amnesia, memory loss." The medic answered before the team leader could ask. "There's no cure for it, but people are able to regain their lost memory. But it can take a while." Surge nodded at that. If it's amnesia then it's impossible to get anything out of Stringer. "Breez, take the blood and dust samples to the lab. See if they can find out anything." "Yes sir!" Breez said and went out. "And you Stringer." Surge turned to the hero on the cot. "You get some rest. You're going to need it, after whatever has happened." Stringer nodded. Surge turned to the others. "The rest of us wait until the results from Breez come in and then we'll look through the files." They all agreed to it. They stayed with Stringer for a few more minutes, before they left.
Surge went through his thoughts.

"It's just the five of us heroes now. Stringer is still in recovery... Who knows if he also got permanent brain damage.. let's hope not."

All of the others who were important to him were all gone. Of course, the whole entire team mattered to Surge, but some specific people had a certain spot in his core. Stormer was their team leader, Bulk and Rocka were like brothers towards Surge. And Furno.

Surge's "heart" skipped a beat.
He had a crush on Furno, ever since they first met.
He quickly pushed that out of his mind.

"No time for sad love, we have to focus on getting them back as soon as possible."

Surge told himself. He started to make a rough plan on what to do. The team would need more self defense practice to protect themselves. And if possible, they shouldn't go alone on any missions anymore.
He sighed.
What a headache...

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