A Knight's Courage

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Y/N almost cried seeing the boy.

He looked conflicted. His cerulean eyes were wild with worry, widened in surprise. His stance was firm yet weak, as if he had woken up a moment ago and had rushed here. He wore his champion's tunic and his sword was in his hand. His golden hair was undone and tied into a ponytail hastily, yet it still looked perfect.

And then, his voice. The way he said her name, it sounded broken- scared. The low whisper of her name carried deeper meaning, she just knew it.

"How-... how long were you standing there?"

The pained look that Link gave her said it all. He shifted on his feet uncomfortably, Y/N sighed, trying to ignore the tears pricking at her eyes "You heard it all, I guess." she chuckled weakly, trying to lighten the mood.

Link ran to her and enveloped her in an embrace, his head buried in the crook of her neck. Y/N's eyes widened at the sudden embrace, but she accepted, patting him in the back awkwardly. Link's grip on her only tightened.

"I-... I'm sorry." Link whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. Y/N's blood ran cold when she felt tears soak her purple cloak. His body shook, trying to surpress his sobs, but failing miserably.

"It's okay, Link." 


"Look at me." Y/N pulled back from him enough so that she could see his eyes. Link lowered them, unable to look the astronomer in the eye after his display of weakness. Y/N tilted his head up, placing a hand under his chin.

"You are the hero, Link."

Link shook his head, balling his fist in pain.

"It is my duty to help you. Because you are the hero and I... I care for you." Y/N said softly "I will see you soon Link. In a few months probaba-" "NO!" Link yelled at her, shaking his arms from her grip.

He looked at her, his eyes gleaming with hatred "I SLEPT FOR 100 GODDAMN YEARS!" he spat "EVERYONE I KNEW HAD DIED! HECK- EVEN I DIED!" Link gestured at the triforce on the floor. "I FAILED- I DOOMED HYRULE!" His voice broke off and he fell to his knees.

Y/N sat down next to him, her eyes wide with the unspeakable horrors Link had experienced. She put a hand on his cold, trembling one.

"I won't be able to wake you up." Link whispered, trying to wipe away his tears "Because... because it will never be over." the boy sighed. Link looked up at Y/N and laughed bitterly "This will probably be the last time I'll see you..."

"Don't say tha-" Y/N started, but Link beat her to it "The lighting here makes you look beautiful..." he said suddenly, his eyes unable to look at her after what he had just said.

Y/N's cheeks heated up at the sudden compliment "I-... thank yo-" Link interrupted her again "Then again- you've always been beautiful in my eyes." he looked at her with the same intense look that made her heart flutter.

Link's voice turned sad and melancholic "It's too bad..." his hands balled into fists "I just hope the one to wake you will love you." he held back his tears behind a stupid, boyish grin.

"What are you-" Link but into her sentence again "I'm sorry. I'll let you speak." his voice had a twinge of amusement to it. Y/N swallowed her annoyance "What are you saying?" she asked him "Why are you suddenly speaking??"

Link smiled at her through half lidded eyes "Because..." he hesitated, his cheeks turning pink in embarrassment "I love you."

Y/N gasped, her cheeks turning redder than ever "Say... say that again."

Link shook his head "No way! It took so much courage to say that and now you're asking me to confess again??"

Y/N teased him "Aren't you supposed to have the triforce of courage?" she smiled seeing his discomfort, secretly happy beyond measure.

"Fine!....I... love you-."

Y/N stared at him, dumbfounded "Again."

"I love- HEY!" Link glared at her "what about you?" his gaze turned shy, he looked away from her quickly. Y/N sighed "I... do too, Link." Link snapped his gaze back to her so fast, he probably pulled a muscle.

"You-... you do?"

"And I though I was obvious! You know Link, you can be such an idiot."

"But, I'm your idiot."

"Will you always talk this much?"

"Today's an exception."

"Look, I know you will wake me up Link. I know you will beat the Calamity. The last time you died, it was because ganon possessed the twisted triforce. Now, I'll protect it until you defeat him." before Link could protest, Y/N continued "I don't care how long you keep me waiting, Link. But please be the one to wake me up." 

Link sighed, a smile on his lips "Okay."

"So, when all of this is over... will you come and wake me up?"

They boy bowed "I promise."

Y/N reluctantly stood up, picking up the triforce "Goodbye, Link."

"Wait!" the young knight took the astronomer by the hands. He looked into her eyes, admiring the reflection of the torch in them. Y/N looked back into the cobalt depths of his eyes, admiring the way his hair fell over them perfectly. She envied him, he'd just woken up and he looked breath taking.

Link put his arms around her waist, drawing her closer. He tried to ignore the heat creeping up his own cheeks. 

"I probably look like a train wreck." Y/N laughed nervously. She though about her messy hair, her malice stained boots, her ripped clothes, her skin that was littered with imperfections, her eyes that were red from crying and the dirt smudged on her cheeks.

"Then you must be the most breath taking train wreck ever." Link whispered, his eyes never straying from hers. All Link could see were how your long lashes framed your shining eyes so perfectly. How your hair fell in layers, on your forehead and around your ears and how your clothes made you look stunning.

Without thinking, the knight inched closer, his eyes fluttering closed along with yours. He slowly closed the gap between you with a small, innocent kiss. Fireworks erupted in link's heart as he pulled back, a light pink dusting his cheeks.

Her own cheeks pink, Y/N pulled away "I should go... The moon will rise soon." Y/N held Link's hand one last time, before having to let go.

"I promise to wake you."

"I'll be waiting."


Please tell me it wasn't cringy! This was my second conffession scene and my first kiss scene so it probably sucks. Stay safe!


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