An Astronomer's burden

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Y/N wiped at the tears splotching her cheeks, her eyes sore and wet. She could barely see where she was going through the tears in her long lashes. Her walk was shaky, like she was a quivering leaf in an autumn breeze, about to be swayed and blown any second.

A sob escaped her lips, she clutched her hands to her chest, fighting for oxygen. She gasped for air, her sobs shaking her body. Still, she walked on.

Y/N was in the castle dungeons, deep beneath the ground. Where Midna told her she'd find Calamity Ganon's remains. And the twisted Triforce. Link had told them of his visions of the future. Y/N could almost imagine his terrible death, the blood pooling the floor, the irony scent intoxicating her lungs.

She shook the thoughts from her head, they'd only upset her more. The astronomer couldn't let Link go through that, he'd already sacrificed too much for Hyrule. And she...she cared for him... deeply.

She'd rather die than let that happen to the young knight. 

The ground suddenly shook, its tremors throwing Y/N off balance. She fell on the stone floor, a fresh cut on her cheek due to the cracked cobblestone. She felt as though the tremors came from within the roots of the earth, as if Hyrule itself was shaking. She held the cold wall with one hands, steadying herself. 

She breathed "everything is gonna be alright," she knew no one was listening, she knew that her words were lies.

Link's pov:

The knight gasped for air as he sat up in his tossed sheets, drenched in sweat, eyes wide.

Only a second ago, he'd faced the calamity off in his dreams. He'd been having these dreams for the past week. And they'd always end the same way. With him dying, Ganon's sharp pincer thrust into his back. Blood dripping off the end in front of him.

The irony taste of the substance still fresh in his mouth.

He drew a hand up to his lips, and pulled it back. Somehow unsurprised that his finger tips drew back with blood. He licked his lips, had it really just been a dream?

Or was he really fighting the calamity, each time they fought the time between the battle grew shorter. Link was starting to doubt these were just dreams. He hadn't told Y/N, it would only put preassure on her.

He rubbed his eyes, and stared at the hylian shield mounted above his desk.  The last thing he'd want would be to put a burden on Y/N. He too knew of the pains of carrying other people's safety on his shoulders, he cared too much about Y/N to let her go through that.

In truth, he was scared.

His visions told him he would fail. That he would sleep for a hundred years. That he wouldn't remember anything. That everyone he knew would be dead by then. Everyone, including Y/N. 

What if those visions... came true?

His eyes were heavy, Link stretched his arms, yawning. Maybe he should go to sleep? The welcoming duvet promised to wash his dreams away and his pillow engulfed him in feathers. Just as he was about to close his eyes, someone banged on his door. 

"Link!" The knight recognised Zelda's voice.

"It's Y/N! She's gone!"

In an instant, Link's sleepiness washed away and was replaced with fear. He kicked off the covers and tied his hair up, rushing to open the door. The only thing on his mind now, was Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

Y/N had come across a chamber.

A horrified shriek ripped from her throat at the sight of a skeleton in the middle of the ebony room. The walls were made of raw stone and there was no light save for the orange illumination of the torch gripped tightly in her sweaty hand.

In the skeleton's hand... was a triforce.

The emerald green triangle on the left, the cobalt blue on the top and the vermillion one on the bottom right. Y/N shivered, that explained all the changes. She took a step forward and then the whispers begand.

They drew her in, closer "Y/N...Y/N...Y/N..." their voices repeated, beckoning her closer. She took careful steps, her eyes flitted around for the source of the mesmerising voice. She placed a hand on the ancient, glowing relic.

At her touch, it glowed brighter. She drew her hand back, shocked at the cold touch. She gasped, seeing a tendril of malice snaking towards her, only the start of an army of them. She stomped at them with her feet but there were always more.

She clasped her hands together "Hylia!" she whispered desperately "Please, save me!" her voice breathless with fear as she got cornered by Ganon's malice.

"Y/N." said a soft, ethereal voice.

"Hold the Twisted Relic in your palms. It will then be wielded by you, a pure hylian. The dark magic shall cease. But there is a price to pay..." Hylia's voice trailed off ominously.

"What-...what is it...?" Y/N whispered.

"You shall have to be put into a long slumber with the triforce when you say the evil's name, until the demon king is fully eradicated by the hero of legend."

"Link." Y/N breathed.

"You shall have to do so before the moon overtakes the sky." Hylia's voice softened "Good luck, young spirit."

Y/N, now strengthened by the Goddess's word, ran past the malice and snatched the relic from the skeleton's hands. Instantly, the malice shrivelled into nothing, shrieking in agony. 

Y/N held the triforce to her heart. A tear slipped down her cheek as she remembered her parents. She could hear her mother's tinkling laugh as she would help her in her gardening. She could picture her little brother's glare when she messed up his hair.

She could almost see Zelda's leaf, green eyes look at her as the princess laughed softly at her antics. And then.

She saw his cerulean ones look at her with suck emotion and silent intensity, listening to her speak for hours on end. The ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

"Goodbye, world..." Y/N wiped her tears away, causing her eyes to redden. She sighed heavily, she'd see them all again soon, right? It would probably only take Link a few months now, right? He'd wake her up soon.



Y/N stopped mid sentence "Link."



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