A Twisted Princess

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"What just happened?"

Y/N looked from the door to Link a few times. She hesitated but then decided that the princess was top priority, Y/N gave Link a fake smile and then ran out of the room, careful to not knock over the door.

"Princess!" Y/n calls out, looking around the red carpeted hallway adorned with knight figures, watching over the castle. A scared Maid points to the end of the hallway, where Zelda's room was. Y/N thanks the maid quietly and proceeds to the confused Princess's room, cautiously. Y/N knocks on the mahogany, wooden door "Princess! It's Y/N!" she says, clearing her throat.

"Go away!" Comes a wail. Y/N smiles wryly "As your servant, it is my duty to ensure that you are well and safe. Please let me help you, Princess." there is silence from the other side of the door "You're really pulling that card, are you?" comes Zelda's unamused voice. The door clicks and flings open, a teary eyed Zelda on the other side.

"Oh, Princess!" Y/N gasps, it hurts her to see such a stubborn and determined girl in tears right before her. Zelda hastily wipes at her eyes, turning them slightly red "I'm fine!" she says making an effort to smile, gesturing for Y/N to come in.

The princess's room is filled with all sorts of screws and scraps she tinkered with. Research papers from Purah were neatly stacked at her table and boxes of gears and relics were on her shelves. There was a single bow on the fireplace mantle and a few pots in the corner.

"I appreciate you coming here, Y/N."

Y/N cracks a smile "It's the least I can do, Princess." she hands Zelda her research book "It will all be well. Look- I'm close to a breakthrough- I'm sure of it!" Zelda flips through the pages and nods "I can see that." then her face takes on a sadder expression "Except for my powers..."

Zelda holds Y/N's hand suddenly, scaring the poor girl "I've prayed at every spring in the whole of Hyrule!" Zelda bursts out "I've done every ritual the past Princesses have- and Yet... I have nothing..." Zelda's saphire eyes turn glassy once again and her shoulders tremble, she turns away from Y/N in shame.

"I promise you, Princess. It will all turn out okay."

Suddenly the air is knocked out of Y/n's lungs and Zelda strikes her, sending her crashing into the pots. Y/N clutches her side, stunned, and looks at the Princess in disbelief. Zelda is standing, breathing heavily and pointing at her accusingly. Y/N just stares at her "How can it be okay?!" Zelda snaps "I didn't get my stupid magic- Link is the hero and everyone is getting what they want except for me!" She picks up a chair "Instead YOU are the one close to breakthroughs. You're doing something- and I'm not! I should just end you now..."

"Zelda! Stop! This isn't like you, princess!" Y/N exclaims, trying to back away, but the door is behind Zelda and there is no escape. With what seems like superhuman strength, the Princess holds the chair up above her head, preparing to hurl it at the scared girl on the floor.

There seemed to be a craze Y/N's never seen before in the princess's eyes. There was a strange fuschia and black smoke coiling around her, as if compelling her... Zelda didn't appear to be herself.

"Princess!" Y/N pleads, shielding her face with her hands. But the chair isn't thrown. Y/N puts her hands down and sees Link standing between her and the princess, Hylian shield in hand. Zelda's eyes widen as Link's cold gaze stares her down. She looks at the chair in her hands and at Y/N, she drops the chair and and claps a hand to her mouth in horror.

"Oh, Y/N! I'm so sorry!! I don't know what came over me!" Zelda kneeled down next to her "You're bleeding..." Zelda says holding Y/N's hand in hers. Y/N pulls away, still not feeling that comfortable "It's just a cut." she says, smiling. Y/N gets up, trying not to wince at the pain "I should...Go..." she says, speedily making a beeline for the door and shutting it behind her.

Y/N leans against the cool, hallway wall and sits down, sighing. She knows something bad is happening, she can feel in her bones that it somehow connects to the recent blood moons. It's affecting the princess, and it's affecting Link.

A hand is held out to her.

Y/N looks up, and sees Link looking at her with unreadable eyes. Y/N accepts the hand "What is going on, Link?" she whispers "Why is all of this happening?" Links pulls her up, using his other hand to steady her.

"I don't know... Y/N."


Y/N was studying her books in the observatory by the light of a candle. There must be something in here to explain all these mishaps. The blacony door was open and a cool draft blew inside, scattering her papers.

Y/N sighed "Please Hylia, why is all of this happening?" she said aloud "I just want the kingdom to be safe..." she stood at the balcony's edge, with clasped hands. "Please, give me a sign!" she pleaded, even more desperately.

Instead, the wind blew again. It scattered the papers once more and made a mess of the desk. This time, the wind was different. It seemed to be whispering something to Y/N, but in all of that howling she couldn't hear what it was saying. She looked at her desk, this time the book opened up to a page on the triforce.

Y/N scoffed, of course she knew about the triforce! Power was on top, Courage on the right, wisdom on the left. Courage belonged to the chosen hero, in this case it was Link. The Princess would possess the wisdom to guide them all, and the Calamity would have the power to strike.

But this Triforce was different.

Courage was on top. Wisdom on the right. Power on the left. Y/N squinted at the picture closely. This wasn't like this when she had glanced at it a few days ago. It wasn't like this before the blood moons or before Link left.

Something was wrong.

Could there be a mistake? But Hylia made no mistakes! One thing was for sure, she had to talk to someone about this, someone who played a role in all this.

A few minutes later, Y/N was knocking on Link's door.

After a moment, the door opened and a really annoyed Link was behind it in blue pyjamas, yawning. His eyes had dark circles and he looked half dead. Seeing that it was Y/N, his glare softened and he  cocked his head. "Sorry to wake you Link," Y/N said apologetically, Link smiled to show her that it was fine "But I think there's something wrong with the triforce."

Link opened the unhinged door fully and beckoned her inside, his expression was grim. Link hurriedly stacked the books on the floor on the desk and tried to make his room presentable, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. Y/N stifled her laugh, not wanting to make him even more uncomfortable.

Link then insisted her to sit down on the sofa in the corner, he sat down next to her. Looking over at the books in her hands. "You know the triforce, right?" She asked him, flipping to the page in the book, Link nods "Well look here," she hands him the book.

As Link takes it from her, their hands brush. Link instantly jerks his hand, and looks away to hide his heated cheeks. Y/N doesn't seem to care and points at the page "do you notice anything different?" He squints at the page and shakes his head, not knowing what he's looking for "The triforces are all in different places." Y/N answers.

Then it dawns on him, indeed they were. Y/N continues "Remember how Zelda suddenly pulled your door out?" Link nods, looking at his door wryly "And when she pushed me?" Link's eyes widen 

"...- Power..?"

Y/N nods "I know it's far fetched and crazy!  I haven't worked it all out yet- I could be wrong about it. Maybe it's nothi-"

Link puts his hand on hers.

"I believe you."

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