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Y/N knocked on the door.

there came a dark chuckle, further amplified by the melancholy surroundings of the lost woods "Eeh hee hee!" the voice was surprisingly high "Enter, human!" said the voice, now carrying a commanding tone.

'human?' Y/N thought, before hesitantly pushing the door open. Revali scoffs, secretly freaked out "I told you idiots this was a bad idea...!" he says through gritted teeth. Mipha gives him one of her looks "Y/N thinks this is important, we should support her!" she chides.

Behind the door is a surprisingly short...err...-hylian...? Y/N doesn't even know where to begin. The features of this person are like no other. They have pallid, blue skin with a hint of mint, their black dress is skin tight and revealing. And they have a mysterious broken stone relic on their head... Midna has a mischievious look about them, as if they know something you don't.

At their feet, stands a wolf with mysterious markings on its head. The wolf is grey and ivory, white, it has blue eyes and strangely- matching blue earrings... Y/N feels like she's seen them somewhere before...

Seeing Revali, the wolf starts growling. Baring its teeth ferociously in an aggressive snarl. Midna pats him, with a smirk "Stand down, Link..."

"Link?" Y/N can't help but say the all too familiar name out loud. Midna nods, grinning all the while "Yes, my pet, Link. From another life." they look at the wolf fondly "Yes, well-" Midna's eyes narrow "What brings you here, human?"

Y/N exchanges flustered glances with Mipha "uh... well we're Hylians, actually-" Midna interrupts her with a wave of their tiny hand "Ah! Yes. Humans were from another life- my bad. But, that doesn't answer my question." Midna bats their eyes, innocently.

Revali speaks before Y/N can even open her mouth "What even are you? Some Female Hylian?" he narrows his eyes. Midna narrows their eyes back at him "No, I'm a twili and I prefer the pronouns They/them." they say coldly.

Revali, flustered, stutters out a quick apology, before muttering under his breath to Mipha "A 'twili'? They're a real nut-job..." Mipha sighs in exasperation.

"A twili?" Y/N echoes, Midna rolls their eyes impatiently "Yes, Hylian! Now- what was it that you wanted?" Midna's wolf, Link, rests his head against his mistress. Looking at Y/N with inquisitive, yet loving eyes.

"Uh... our kingdom is in danger." Y/N looks at Mipha, who nods in support "I fear that it is because of the Twisted Triforce. I couldn't find any further information on the topic so I decided to ask you, the master of hyrule's history."

Midna grins "Eeh Hee hee!" they laugh "The twisted Triforce?" Y/N steps closer to Mipha, feeling apprehensive "Err, yes..." she says, giving Revali a side glance.

Midna rubs their chin "Weeeell... I guess I'll tell you! It's been a long time since people have visited little old me! I guess I should humour you for coming all this way..." Midna says, trying to convince themself.

Midna's eyes take on an impish look "Well! Get in! Sit down!" they say, plopping themselves on the floor. Revali sneers "Sit where?!" he scoffs, tossing his head. Midna glares at him "Don't ruffle your feathers, bird-boy! Sit on the floor- where else?!" Midna adds "I just cleaned it!" 

Revali sits down, giving Y/N an indignant look. Y/N ignores him, and gracefully sits herself on the stone floor. It feels cold, even through the fabrics of her purple cloak. Midna grins "It all started with the Zonai..."

"The Zonai?!" Y/N echoes, pulling out her notebook to take notes.

Midna shakes their head "Sorry! No! Forget that! Wrong timeline! My mistake!" they stammer out. The champions and Y/N just look at them, quizzically. Midna clears their throat, nervously and begins once again.

"It all started with a civilization before your own. Back when there were islands in the sky... Ganondorf, the wielder of the triforce of power was being defeated by hylia's chosen ones time and time again. So he turned to this mysterious race with a sinister bargain."

"He promised them land up in the skies in return for something. Something that would tip the scale in his favour. And that something was the twisted triforce."

"With that artifact's power, one could mix up the triforces, without causing any damage with the user. instead, the user, if already a wielder of the triforce, would end up with two triforces. He betrayed those who helped him and sent their race to extinction."

"Before he died, he hid the twisted relic in the heart of hyrule. Far below Hyrule castle."

Midna grinned, despite the dire atmosphere "Any questions?" Y/N nodded "Yes, well... can it turn back the time..?"

Midna snorted "What?! Only Hylia can do that! Even babies know that!" Midna's expression quickly became serious "Why do you ask?"

And Y/N explained her theory about link to the imp.

At the end, Revali coughed "Why would Hylia save him?! I mean we've already got me-" "Revali!" Mipha snapped at him, wanting to throttle the egoistic rito.

Midna rubbed their head "Interesting..." they drawled, looking Y/N in the eye "Were there any wounds on him? Life threatening wounds?" they asked.

Y/N nodded vigorously, beginning to explain and describe each wound he had "And then- the next day- poof! All gone!" she imitated the gesture "And, he didn't even remember me! Or anything! He said 'Ganon... shrine of Resurrection... Blo-' and then he passed out!"

Midna got up, ran and opened the door, Mipha panicked "Where are you going?!" she exclaimed. Midna turned around "We have to go now! Otherwise it might just be too late! We have to get to the twisted triforce before the sky turns red! Otherwise..." Midna's voice grows ominous

"There may be no turning back."

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