Chapter 1 - Mystery Quest

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She was back peeking at me through my window. Her large yellow eyes followed my every move. Her short orange hair contained long black bands reminding me of a tiger. This was the third day in a row the cat had peered through my window. For two days I had tried to invite her in, but she would just look at me and blink. She was not interested in food or being petted. When I approached her, she would keep a distance of ten feet, but did not seem afraid. She would turn and meow once whenever I stopped my approach. She left me with a feeling that she wanted me to follow her. I decided it was time to investigate why she kept returning.

I grabbed my overnight pack and hat. I did not plan to be out overnight, but I wanted to be prepared. When I opened the front door, the cat jumped from the window and ran around the cabin to meet me.

"Good morning," I softly murmured. "I'm assuming you want me to follow you, so lead on."

"Meow." Turning she headed for edge of the forest that abutted my yard. Shortly after we entered the trees the cat found a trail used by the forest critters. The hike was hilly and the trail narrow. I was glad I had worn long pants and hiking boots. When the cat left the trail to find another one, I lost sight of her. Her coat was the perfect camouflage in the brush. I stopped to listen. A moment later the cat reappeared.

"Meow," she rolled softly from her tongue.

"There you are," I whispered, "OK, lead on." Three hours later I was glad I had included GPS equipment, compass and a map in my pack. I would need it to get back home.

"Meow." The cat sat in front of a large vine covered mound that that blocked our path.

"Which way?"

"Meow." The cat turned and walked into the vines.

I stood and waited. She returned a moment later.


"OK," I grumbled walking forward and sweeping aside the vines. "What... there's a door?" I stepped back and looked at the large mound again. What looked like a small tree stump on top of the mound elicited the faintest wisp of smoke.

"Meow!" The cat twitched her tail. I returned to the door and knocked. No answer. I tried the door and found it unlocked. As I opened the door the cat walked inside and I cautiously followed.

Polished wood supports and walls gleamed. Beautiful tapestries covered parts of the walls and sectioned off the living area. A banked fire was proof that someone had recently been here. I was dumbfounded. Who lived here? And why had the cat brought me here?

"Hello, I see Twitch finally convinced you to come," a voice said from behind me.

I turned to twinkling green eyes and a friendly smile shining from a softly lined face. I was still too dumbfounded to speak.

"Set your pack by the door and have a seat at the table. I'm guessing you could use something to eat. I have stew simmering on the fire, and I'll fill up bowls for both of us," she said. "Twitch, would you like some stew?"


"Yes, yes," she laughed, "I did promise you a can of sardines if you brought her today. I will get it for you now. Smoke do you want some stew?"

"Meow, meow" came from overhead. I looked up to see a dark gray cat lying on an overhead cross beam.

"OK, glad to hear you caught a rat. Let me know if you change your mind." She dumped the can of sardines in a bowl and put it on the floor by the table for Twitch. She poured water from a pitcher into two glasses and set them on the table. Then she ladled up two bowls of steaming stew and joined me. "My name is Rose. I have been waiting for a long time to meet you Amber."

"How do you know my name?"

"Your mother and father wrote to me before they died. They said they realized you needed our community to help you realize your potential and keep you safe. It has been a challenge to get you back here after your parents died. My dear, we were all sad to hear of your loss. We were looking forward to their return. Eat your stew, dear, before it gets cold." She scooped up a spoonful of stew and placed it in her mouth.

I had watched her carefully ladle up the stew in the bowls. Convinced there was probably nothing nefarious in the stew, I put a spoonful in my mouth, closed my eyes and groaned.

"You like it?"

"Delicious." I opened my eyes to her widespread grin.


"I'm still a bit confused about my 'needing our community.' What does that mean?"

"We will get to that later. It's a longer story and I'm guessing you will have a lot of questions. Let's eat our meal first."

"How long have you lived here?"

"I've lived in the forest all my life. If you understand and respect the forest it will provide. I barter for a few luxuries from time to time. Would you like a second bowl of stew?"

Startled, I looked down to see an empty bowl. "I shouldn't," I stammered.

"You should," she said rising. "Life in our community can be chaotic. When you can, you should eat a hearty meal and enjoy it," she said filling my bowl and setting it before me.

"Thank you," I said. "Your stew is delicious."

After lunch we sat before the fire letting our meal settle. For the first time, Twitch jumped in my lap and allowed me to pet her.

"Twitch has accepted you," Rose said. "She is your confident and lifeline. When you are troubled, talk to her. When there is a crisis, she will come to you. Hold her close and she will provide a path." Smoke jumped into Rose's lap. Rose picked up Smoke and cradled her in her arms. "Now, pick up Twitch, hold her like this and she will show you a secret." Rose eyes glittered with amusement.

I picked up Twitch and cradled her in my arms. Twitch extended her paws to either side of my neck and rubbed her face against my chin. The room began to spin.

"Now don't squeezer her!"

When the spinning stopped, I found myself sitting in my cabin on the sofa. A moment later a whirl of color appeared. When the spinning stopped, Rose sat beside me. Twitch struggled from my arms as I gaped at Rose unable to speak.

"Well," she said, "I'm guessing you are ready to hear a long story."

I just nodded sinking back into the sofa.

Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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