Chapter 2 - History Rewritten

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"We, homo sapiens, are more than just a collection of folks who look differently and have different customs. We differ in our ability to interact with our environment and the universe. Our animal friends have similar variations in abilities. The world is more diverse than many folks realize."

I'm beginning to understand that reality," I drawl.

"I'm glad to see your sense of humor is intact." Rose grinned, her green eyes twinkling. "Your folks left our community in an effort to keep you safe. Folks with evil intentions were targeting young folks, so they decided to relocate and hide their special abilities. By the way, we refer to our special abilities as gifts although not everyone agrees with the connotation."

"What were my parent's gifts?"

"Ah! You touch an important tradition in our culture. It is considered impolite to ask someone what gifts they possess. We have found it is safer not to let folks in our community know what gifts we possess or don't possess. I'm guessing, if you think about it, you will be able to figure out many of your parent's gifts. Figuring out your parent's gifts may help you understand your own."

I frown not liking her answer.

"Obviously some gifts become apparent over time. Folks use their gifts to help those they trust or to protect folks in need. It is always a personal choice to reveal a gift to another and we respect that decision."

"I'm confused, I don't have any gifts."

"Your parents would disagree. Your mother wrote saying your gifts were many and that she felt you would need the support of our community. They were moving back to give you that opportunity to connect. They hoped you would follow them here."

"Well that explains a lot of missing pieces about the move I could not figure out," I reflected. Rose smiled at me and waited before continuing her story. She sipped a cup of tea I had not prepared. No, I would not ask her about that cup of tea. My head was starting to pound a bit with all this new information.

"Any questions dear?"

"Does our community provide training on specific gifts?"

"No, that would reveal the teacher's and the student's gift. There is no organized training. Once children learn to read, they use community libraries to research their gifts. Occasionally someone offers to help them if they feel comfortable revealing their own gift. Gifts develop over time just like your body grows, so usually a gift is not apparent to you until it is needed."

"Where are the community's libraries located?"

"One is down the street from you."

"But that's a public library."

"Yes, there are no secret libraries. All the information we need can be found though the public library system or public bookstores. Folks without a gift just dismiss books that talk about gifts."

"What do you mean when you use the expression our community? Where is this community located?" I frowned at Rose. Rose gave me a sly smile and raised her eyebrows.

"We don't congregate in gifted communities?" I asked staring at Rose. "We just intermingle everywhere?"

"Now, you are starting to understand," Rose said.

"We just blend in. Do gifted folks congregate for specific agendas?"

"On rare occasions, but usually it is not necessary for our everyday existence. Congregating in groups is dangerous and makes us an easier target."

"What is the range of gifts available to humans and animals?"

"Did your parents read you fairy tales? Did they ever give you a comic book? Or buy you a mythical stuffed animal?"

"Those stories are all true!"

"Let's just say that there is an element of truth to most stories, but the details are often exaggerated."

My mind reeled at the possibilities.

"Let's take a break and get our dinner cooking," Rose said rising from the sofa. "I brought some food. Your mother told me you like chicken pot pie."

"One of my favorite meals," I replied.

We spent the next couple of hours preparing and cooking our meal. Rose told me about the local community. Where the best grocery stores were located and which restaurants were her favorites. We discovered we both loved to garden and discussed various plants and flowers.

After dinner, I started a fire in the stone hearth. We watched the fire blaze enjoying each other's company.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for this world you have revealed," I whispered.

"I'll help you Amber," Rose said quietly.

"Don't forget about me!"

My head snapped toward the fire where Twitch sat warming herself.

"I heard you! You talk?" I said.

"No, I don't speak. I don't have the vocal cords for speech. But I can send you a message with my mind." Twitch stared at me then blinked.

"One of your gifts, dear. You can understand Twitch when she sends you a message," Rose said.


"Call it whatever you like, dear."

Remembering my manners, I turned to Twitch. "Thank you, Twitch. I can use all the help you can offer."

"My pleasure." Twitch began to purr.

Smoke jumped up into Rose's lap and gently patted her face.

"It's time for us to go home. I'll be back tomorrow to help you get started on your research," Rose said rising.


"Yes, dear."

"Why did my parents trust you?"

"Because I'm you mother's sister."

I stared as my Aunt Rose disappeared in a swirl of color.

Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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