Chapter 14 - Chain Inquiry

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Lynn and I moved in with Aunt Rose the next day. Lynn was excited about living in the forest. She wanted to learn about all the forest animals. In the afternoon we took her on a long walk. Lynn pointed out the wildlife she saw and Aunt Rose provided names, explained what each animal ate and how they contributed to the balance of the forest. As we walked, we tried to get Lynn to talk about her past, but she ignored our gentle probes. After Lynn was tucked in for the night, I sat down with Aunt Rose before the fire and told her about Kitty's offer to train as her successor.

"Did Kitty reveal what secrets she is protecting?" Aunt Rose asked.

"No, she did not. I need to talk with her about that. I'd like to have a clearer picture as to the responsibilities involved. I'll try and contact her in the morning. I assume she hunts at night for food, and I don't want to intrude on her hunt."

"Tomorrow I'll start a chain inquiry to try and find Lynn an appropriate home."

"What's a chain inquiry?"

"It's a message process the gifted community uses when someone needs help. It allows us to keep our gifts anonymous. I will contact someone I trust about the need to locate an appropriate home for a child with glowing eyes. A home where the family is familiar with the potential gifts that a child with glowing eyes might possess. I will not let my trusted contact know that the child is living with us. Therefore, the person I contact will not know I started the chain inquiry. The person I contact will contact someone they trust and so forth. Hopefully the chain of messages reaches someone who knows about Lynn's potential gifts and wants to bring her into their family. The chain reverses at that point with sealed information on an anonymous process to use to connect with the family."

"I hate to think what would happen if someone breaks the trust needed to make the process work." My brow furrowed.


"Our anonymous processes are frequently challenged with test information, in other words, information that is not true. Anyone caught breaking the trust is severely punished. Death is part of the punishment spectrum. Keep in mind that a trusted contact may be a non-human contact."

"Ah, that changes the scenario. Animals are better than humans at sensing those who cannot be trusted."

"Exactly, and animal guides will out a person who breaks that trust."

"What happens if we don't get a response?"

"We continue to send out a chain inquiry every six months until we decide it no longer makes sense to continue. But, Amber, I expect to find a family. Her gift is rare and folks with glowing eyes may want to keep their gift a mystery.

"How can we be sure she will be kept safe?"

"We help Lynn find her animal guide."

© Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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