Chapter 15 - Inquiry

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After breakfast, Aunt Rose took Lynn into the forest to forage for food. When my morning chores were done, I walked outside to see Twitch returning from her morning hunt. I sat down under a large oak tree, closed my eyes and reached out mentally to Kitty.

"Kitty, this is Amber. I need to talk to you about training as your successor. I have some questions."

"What are your questions, Amber."

"I need to know more about the secrets you are protecting before I make my decision."

"Amber, I will not reveal a secret unless I feel you can take responsibility and have the skills to handle it. I will not reveal any secrets until you agree to train with me."

"What if I change my mind about succeeding you after I start training?"

"You are free to change your mind at any time. However, any secrets you learn must be kept to yourself. There will be severe consequences for breaking that trust."

"I understand. Do you want me to live in the caves while I train?"

"Eventually, I'm guessing you will want to live here. You let me know when that happens. Until then we can either work long distance or you can visit the cave."

"Kitty, am I the only one you will be training to be your successor?"

"You are the only human I plan to train as my successor. However, I will be training non-human forest folk to assist you. We can work on this part of the plan together if you accept my offer."

"When do I need to let you know my answer."

"Come to me tonight in your dreams. If you are still undecided, we will have another discussion."

"How do I come to you in my dreams?"

"Before you retire, meditate and ask your mind to send you to me after the moon rises. Then lay down and go to sleep."

That's all I have to do?"

"Yes, now I need to sleep. I'll see you after the moon has risen." Kitty broke the mental connection. I opened my eyes to see Lynn standing before me. Aunt Rose stood beside her with a smile on her face.

"You are back early," I said smiling up at Lynn. Lynn began to jump up and down in excitement.

"Guess what we found!"

"What did you find!"

"A little kitty!" Lynn stepped back to reveal a Siamese cat sitting demurely under a bush. "Aunt Rose said her name is Shock."

"Sock?" I asked.

"No," Lynn giggled. "Her name is Shock." I looked up at Aunt Rose with a raised eyebrow. My aunt nodded her confirmation.

"Twitch, Smoke, Ash and Shock are an odd collection of names for four cats," I noted. Aunt Rose choked back a laugh, turned and walked into her home. A shiver ran down my spine.

© Copyright 2019 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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